Work from Home Tips For Teachers

The outbreak of Covid 19 has left us with an unexpected time.

Classes have moved online and teachers are working from home to cope with online classes. Though it was hard for teachers, in the beginning, to move online, they have put their efforts to give it a smooth go.

With the right effort, we have to stay productive to stay at the top of our professional game during these unprecedented times.

To an extent, we are all in the same boat, struggling to have a smooth flow in this pandemic period.

Here, to help teachers have a well-organized work from home time. Let me share some effective tips for working from home teachers.

1. Designate a Workspace

work from home tips for teachers

Initially, set up an area of your home as your workspace. Make sure the place can give you positive energy. Place some indoor plants nearby and occupy in a well-lit room.

Sitting down in this workspace should signal your brains that it’s time to focus.

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Move away from your designated work area when you are not airing online classes or other activities.

2. Get Ready for the Day

Even if you are working from home, try to get up early after your 8-9 hours of sound sleep. Do your routines, take a shower and get dressed for the day.

Designate some comfortable work wear, do your hair and simple makeup, and then give it a go.

Once you are ready, move to your workspace. Be prepared with the classes and notes you need to deliver on the day.

3. Set a Schedulework from home tips for teachers

Come up with a clear schedule rather than a vague one. Either use a digital schedule or make use of sticky notes to stick them in a place visible to you always.

4. You are what you eat

work from home tips for teachers

Get ready with your meals and snacks plan at the beginning of the week or day. It can prevent you from working at the point of hunger and then scrambling for food.

Include healthy foods in your diet such as eggs, dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds etc to boost your concentration and memory.

Avoid too much intake of sugary drinks, processed and refined foods.

5. Take a Short Walkwork from home tips for teachers

We are all aware of the importance of walking, so spend at least 20 minutes a day for walking. You can add this to your routine by walking once or twice a day.

Give a walk especially when you are frazzled or indecisive. At the time of a frazzled mind, you can get rid of it by a walk.

6. Warm Check-in

Start your daily class sessions by greeting one another. Student these days must be missing their teachers and friends. So, in order to create a feeling of being noticed, share warm welcome with each other. Teachers when streaming live classes show up your face and also give attention to all students every day. I am sure, it won’t take much time and also students will feel good.

7. Record your lectures- rather than streaming

work from home tips for teachers

In a class of about 50-60 students, a minimum of 10 students may have issues in accessing internet. And there are chances for them to miss live streamed classes, so in order to avoid such situations, record videos instead and send them to your students, so that they can watch video lessons in their own time.

8. Show your Face

work from home tips for teachers

It is found that students tend to listen more to the videos having their teacher’s faces than simply narrated ones. It can give them a feeling of attending real lectures from their own teachers.

9. Keep Videos Short

Keep your videos short –up to 15 minutes maximum. Long videos can cause downloading issues and learner distractions. If you didn’t cover up a particular topic in 1 video, it is always better to split it into 2-3 videos.

10. Use Existing Resources

work from home tips for teachers

It is unrealistic to expect each teacher to prepare the whole semester’s high-quality resources on their own. It is indeed time-consuming and also difficult. So, you can make use of existing resources and provide your students with relevant links.

11. Make sure they’re open access

Double-check the resources before sharing with students that they are open to access. If any of the suggested resources are not accessible, you will start getting your inbox with messages from students regarding this. So, in order to avoid this headache, make sure the resources are open to access. It can save both of your time.

12. Give specific information

If you are suggesting a 20 min long video resource, suggest them the exact portions to watch. For ex: from 13.27 to 17.34. It can make students more curious and also, they will pay attention to the relevant portion.

Also, if you are allotting 2-3 resources at a time, label them in a specific order. For ex: the video to be watched first, easy resource etc.

13. Provide Interactive Activities

To make learning interesting, you can give quizzes or group activities once in a while. There are options in some of the learning management systems like Edsys, Moodle, Blackboard, Edmodo etc to create and assign interactive quizzes for students.

You can even give some activities to your students, just to make them refreshed!

14. Set Reasonable Expectations

Assign students some quiz questions and ask them to find the answers by referring the given resources if needed. Or else ask them to summarize a topic with reference to the resources

15. Repeat

Students get stick on to specific teaching-learning styles. So, as a teacher, when you find your comfortable teaching style, hold it on and make your students also follow the same pattern.  Repeat the same teaching pattern until you are back to your classrooms.

The bottom line

Online teaching during this time may not be what you have planned, still make the maximum out of it. You may find yourself as spending an extended summer vacation or holidays.

Though it may take time to adjust with the new normal, give yourself the best, to tune rightly to overcome all the difficulties and to go with the flow.

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Trust yourself and give yourself a pat for what you have accomplished in your life and work life, though there have been some speed bumps on the way you come across.

Inhale deeply! Remember, we’re all in this together!

Feedback is an information, advise, praise or evaluation given to a student, by the teacher, about his or her performance for his learning outcomes. It helps the student to enhance his performance and achievement.

Giving proper feedback to a student is one of the greatest challenges that you, as a teacher may face. In fact, effective feedback can double the effect of classroom input on a student’s achievement. Therefore, it is an important part of good teaching.

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Some of the effective feedback for learning are listed below:

1) Establish a Respectful Learning Environment

Every individual in the classroom should be respected and treated with dignity and civility irrespective of their class, race, mental or physical abilities. You should ensure that a student never feels offended while giving the feedback; as, such comments may negatively impact the students.

2) Feedback should be given soon after the Learning

If you wait for a long period to give a feedback, then, the moment would be lost and the student may not get a relation for the feedback and the action. So, try to deliver the feedback on time.

3) Ask these 4 Questions

Student psychology says that, every learner will always be keen to know about where he stands with regard to the work he did. So, you can ask these 4 questions before giving the feedback:

  • What are the capabilities of the student?
  • What are his/her weaknesses?
  • How good or bad is the student’s work when compared with others?
  • What are the effective ways for him/her to improve?

4) Use a Notebook to keep a track of the Student’s Progress:

Jotting down comments on a daily or a weekly basis will help you to analyze about the student’s learning process. This may include a record of the good questions one has asked, his behavioral issues, areas of improvement, test scores etc.

5) Maintain the 3C’s of giving an Effective Feedback

Using the concept of 3C’s will help the student to take the comments positively. The 3C’s are:

  • Compliment
  • Correct
  • Compliment

That is, every time you give a feedback, it should be followed and preceded by a compliment; which will enable the student to take everything positively.

6) Feedback should be Descriptive rather than Evaluative

Giving a detailed explanation of what the student has done rightly and wrongly is one of the most effective ways of rendering a feedback for learning. It would be more productive if you focus more on the rights and then analyze it by citing examples.

7) Be Sensitive to the Individual needs of the Student

A classroom is a group of diverse students. Every student may have different attitudes of mind. So, individual attention should be given to each student while giving feedback. Try to maintain a balance between providing proper encouragement and wanting not to hurt the individual feeling of the student.

8)  Feedback must be given by referring to a Skill or an Ability:

Pointing out the right skills of a student will provide him more confidence in using his abilities. Apart from pointing the skills, you can also compliment for a performance, which may give him a kind of self-realization of his works.

9) Host a one-to-one Conference:

An optimistic one-to-one feedback session will draw student’s attention as well as, will give him an opportunity to clear his queries without hesitation. As this strategy requires time management, you will have to ensure that the other students are busy with their work while you meet the student.

10) Allow the Students to take Notes

While in a meeting with a student, inculcate the ‘habit of making notes’  as it will help him recollect his right and wrong responses respectively.

11) Distribute the Answer Sheets or Comment Cards at the Beginning of the Session

You can give out the corrected sheets or the comment cards at the beginning of the class. It will let the students to clear their doubts during the class hour itself, which will make a platform for the relevant discussion of the queries.

12) Provide a Model or an Example

While giving feedback about the do’s and don’ts , you better try to explain it by citing an example of how an A+ paper looks like when compared to a C+ paper which will help the student to understand more about the insufficiency in his answer paper.

13) Invite Students to Give Feedback

This strategy will be useful to you as well as your students, as the students will get an opportunity to express their views about the class and you will learn few things about yourself.

14) Give Genuine Praise

In order to encourage the students, never give them pseudo-praises, rather give them genuine praises, that too only when they really deserve it. If you give a “Good” or “Keep it up” on all his works, then after a period of time, it will become meaningless to him. So, you can try to offer genuine praises.

15) Use Phrases like “I noticed”

Making use of phrases like ‘I noticed…’ have multiple benefits on the students, as it will make the student aware of the fact that he is being noticed by you, which will not make him lethargic for his tasks. Thus, acknowledging a student’s effort will positively influence his academic performance.

16) Ask Another Adult to Give Feedback

Inviting a ‘guest’ or ‘another adult’ to grade the students will increase the quality of the work of a student. This will encourage the students as they will get an external hand of appreciation.

17) Use Post-It Notes:

Many students feel humiliated when commented publicly, this can be resorted by using ‘post-it notes’, where you can write a comment on his note book, rather than telling it aloud. This is really effective for students who are short-tempered.

18) Use Different Forms of Feedback:

Verbal, non-verbal or written forms are different ways of giving a feedback. Apart from telling the feedback aloud or writing in notebooks, you can use gestures and facial expressions like ‘frowns’ or ‘thumb ups’ as means of appreciation.

19) Focus on One of the Required Skills:

This can be explained with an example, for instance; if you tell the students, that for the next day’s exam, you are going to focus only on the ‘grammar’ part, then it would be easier for the students to learn it. This strategy will not give a steady growth, but a gradual improvement can be traced in students, without any burden for them.

20) Fix Due Dates for Students:

In this strategy, you can club the students, and assign a day for a meet. Rotational charts can be used so that the student will also know about his turn to meet you, thereby using the time fruitfully to discuss doubts.

21) Encourage Self-Feedback:

You can give opportunities to the students to evaluate themselves, i.e., give them a space to correct their own worksheets and rate themselves. This will help them to analyze their self. This strategy can only be done with older students.

22) Give a Tangible and Transparent feedback:

To make the student more attentive while giving a feedback you can make use of simple and understandable words. Avoid beating about the bush, which may drag the student’s attention.

23) Never Postpone the Feedback Session

To make the feedback more effective, you should be consistent about it. Allot a particular time in the class for feedbacks, rather than using the age-old cliché dialogues of a teacher that “Since we are running out of time, we’ll discuss it later”.

24) Try to be a Friendly Teacher

No matter how strict you are in class, be friendly during the feedback session, so that the student may not have a sense of aversion to you.

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The greatest difficulty that the teacher may face while giving a feedback is the arrogance of her students.

Reading through these 24 Ways to Provide Effective Feedback for learning might give out an idea that it’s tedious to practice. But without feedback, the entire learning process becomes so ineffective and pointless. Be it positive or negative, presenting feedback is an art and the effect that it will have on the students is absolutely miraculous.

Several students often suffer from limited reading capabilities. Students who find it challenging to grasp basic reading skills may find education very difficult later on in life.

It is absolutely necessary that every student be able to read proficiently by a certain age.

Primary and middle school teachers are crucial in this fight against reading handicaps, as it is at this age that students begin to read complex sentences. Students must be counseled and analyzed to get to the base of their reading difficulties.

A few things teachers can do to enhance reading skills in children are:

Encourage Them to Read Books with their Families

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

Reading abilities are greatly enhanced when practiced with family. It doesn’t have to be something difficult: Just an ordinary book can do.

If the kid’s parents read passages out loud during a reading session, the students will gain an idea about the right pronunciation styles.

Most people learn to speak and read with their families. If you are able to recreate that effect, even during middle and high school stages, where they huddle around with their families and read, it can be a tremendous boost to increase their reading skills.

Helping Kids with their Vocabulary

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

It can so happen that children are scared of reading because they can’t understand the words used in them. This is more prevalent among high school students when the language used in their textbooks starts including rich, high-grade vocabulary words.

Students can take this as a direct hit to their self-confidence and stop working on enhancing their vocabulary skills.

This eventually leads to a snowball effect, where the student is basically unable to comprehend and read properly as he moves to higher classes.

To solve this issue, you must ensure that a basic vocabulary test is administered to all students in your class.

Prepare a list of low performers and offer them sessions to improve their vocabulary. Regular usage of the dictionary must be encouraged.

Once students start to improve, begin administering vocabulary tests of a higher level to assess their performance levels.

Text Comprehension Checks

Often, it can be observed that low performing students are unsuccessful at understanding the content in a passage.

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It is seen, for example, that students merely lip-read through essential points instead of paying proper attention.

This can have severe effects as they won’t be able to understand or convey what they have learned.

Trying to reproduce it during an exam turns out to be a disaster since they wind up having only partial knowledge about the topic.

Only able to use basic level language, their papers wouldn’t be rated as highly as their more talented peers.

It is suggested that while teaching, you should encourage students to rise at regular intervals and ask questions. Problematic parts could be explained over and over again.

It will also be helpful if, during class, students are made to summarize what they just learned. This could be made at regular intervals.

The benefit is that any student who did not understand it at first attempt gets multiple chances to learn it.

Divide Students to Work in Groups

It has been observed that students with reading issues also tend to be loners. They do not interact much with others. This lack of socialization skills can cause them to fall back on their grades.

They would not be able to study with friends, who are more accessible than teachers.

Any reading issues they may have gone unnoticed since not many interact with him or analyze his grades. Even teachers fail to observe this.

You can prevent this by taking steps to divide students into small teams. Allot them tasks to do, like group projects, dramas, plays, book clubs, etc.

This leads to a rise in the number of occasions he gets to interact with his peers. He would also have to read more diligently to keep up.

When he does get bogged down, there will be a support system to help him out.

Since students are more comfortable with their peers rather than teachers, to ask doubts, this would lead to an acceleration of his progress.

Assign Projects

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

Students can be assigned books or topics to be studied and analyzed. In the end, ask them to submit a report. A positive consequence is that students would go through the book diligently to make a book report.

Help out the student with any doubts he has. Give him the freedom to select any book of his choice, as long as it is challenging enough.

He can be asked to present his book report in public and read from it. Since it is his own language, he should have no difficulties in doing so. Regular projects can improve his reading abilities.

Regular Reading Sessions at Class

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

A helpful way to get students more comfortable with reading is by enabling them to read before the whole class.

Although stage fear might overcome them at first, they will slowly learn to shed their concerns and start speaking more freely in class.

The advantage is that now, you will be able to correct their errors as they speak.

If a student mispronounces a word, you can immediately fix it. If a student gets stuck at a particular sentence, gently nudge him to read, offering helpful hints when you can.

This will shower with a tremendously positive effect, not only on the student but on the entire class as well.

Once they begin to trust that the teacher is genuinely looking out for their good, they might show enthusiasm to participate in the reading sessions.

Token prizes could also be given to students who showed the most improvement, thus propelling them for more reading. Students, who were not successful, can be given helpful hints.

They can be prepared and coached for the next reading session, emphasizing on places where he failed previously.

Once a student starts being appreciated for his reading, it is likely to turn into a habit.

Encourage Students For Borrowing Books From The Library

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

The best way to improve reading abilities is to only read. Encourage students to read out loud, not just their academic textbooks, but also books from the library. A limit should be set for the minimum number of books to be read in a particular month; reward students who accomplish it.

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Ask them questions about the books to ensure that they really comprehended every bit of it.

Students often do not read books due to a lack of relatable content. To solve this, teachers should assign students with books that are closer to their reading levels. They can slowly be given books with a higher vocabulary level as they progress.

Use Rich Vocabulary With Proper Pronunciation While Teaching.

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

Students look up to their teachers in a variety of aspects. If teachers begin to use rich, high-end words during their teaching session and also explaining its meaning, this will help students expand their vocabulary.

Reading becomes much more fun. Imitate voices that are funny while teaching. If students feel the lecture to be entertaining and not dull, they will pay more attention to class.

Later on, when they get back home and read, they would be immensely helped by this innovative style of teaching.

It is said that students find it easier to read when they’ve already heard the same line read to them by someone else. A diligent teacher who follows this policy would help many reading skill deficient students.

Provide Personalized Attention To Dyslexic Students

How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

Reading can also be a significant block for students suffering from dyslexia. In such cases, it is advised that dyslexic students be handled by an expert teacher, who is well versed in such issues.

Dyslexia cannot be controlled by routine methods. Instead, it requires personalized attention from a teacher who is aware of various new teaching methods.

They can make use of a variety of techniques, like picture-word correlation, etc. to teach concepts to dyslexic students.

Slowly, with the right amount of coaching and preparation, even dyslexic students can top a batch of normal students in reading.


How Teachers Can Help a Child Struggling With Reading

Audiobooks can be combined with regular books. Using them side by side, a student can read a physical book, while also referring to the audiobook at any places he gets stuck at.

Proper pronunciations and diction can be learned in this way. Plus, an audiobook can be rewound and paused at any time for the student to play catch up. The student has the freedom to learn at his convenience.


Teachers are the ones who are truly capable of helping their students. Without their active cooperation, it would become challenging indeed to train students for greater heights and responsibilities.

Teachers should make use of these few points, which are invaluable for enhancing the reading skills of their students.

Handling the annoying behavior of students is an informal job description of every teacher. But handling such behavior is not enough, you have to have the ability to turn it around. As a teacher, it’s a responsibility to ensure the positive growth of students.

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For that, you need some great strategies and actual actions. This article will help you do it all.

Make Strategies

Some of the annoying behaviors can involve rudeness, disruptive nature, disrespect, and other forms of bad behavior. Such natures are a part of every person and they occur every now and then. Mature people know how to deal with it, some students don’t. You have to have that clarity in heart and mind first of all. Only then, you can set aside all your anger or frustration and think straight to turn around the issue.


With a calm and sorted mind, you can make some concrete strategies to tackle the problem:

1. Understand the core reason for Annoying Behaviors

First and the foremost, you need to find why those students of yours are behaving annoyingly. You can’t take any valuable action without knowing what a student is going through. Talk to the parents and find out if there has been any tragedy or a change in the life of the student. A divorce, disability, death, a new baby and other reasons can cause a change in the behavior of a student.

With a thorough understanding of the emotional and mental state of a student, you can decide actionable steps to help him or her.

2. Decide a goal

In your head, you can think of a step-by-step goal to resolve the problem. Give yourself a time period and a set of efforts, you can make to improve your relationship with the student. Also, think if there is a need for psychological, educational or any other professional counseling to tackle the issues.

Take action

After creating a strategy, you can start taking actions to manage an annoying student and help him or her at the same time.

1. Learn to respond in a composed manner

An annoying behavior has less to do with students and more to do with your mindset. It is completely natural to feel frustrated or angry when a student behaves in a bad way. But that anger or frustration shouldn’t guide your actions. You have to learn to acknowledge your frustration and calm yourself down before responding to such an action.

Why is this important?!

When you calm yourself down first, you can think of a positive approach to resolve the problem. At the same time, you can set an example for all students as well.

So, whenever you face an annoying student, give yourself a few seconds or minutes to calm down and think. Then, talk in a positive tone.

2. Dislike the Misbehavior, not the Student

It is difficult for many people to distinguish between behavior and the core personality of other people. Hence, we tend to judge a person due to his or her one misbehavior. If that happens between you and a student, that student can start feeling distant from you.

Make sure that you tell the student that you only dislike his or her misbehavior only. So, you can say, “You know you’re a great student, but this behavior of yours is unacceptable.” This approach helps the students understand that they just need to change one bad behavior and not their whole personality.

3. Allow the student to explain his or her actions

If you simply call out an annoying behavior, it won’t help in the process of turning it around. Instead, you should give a chance to the student to respond. Ask the student to explain his or her actions. Let them explain what they did step-by-step. Then, ask how their actions were wrong.

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This approach allows students to evaluate their behavior and understand how they misbehaved. Many times, emotions of a student don’t allow a clear perspective of mind. But when they revisit their actions, it helps in understanding the problem. Hence, you can effectively change the annoying behavior of students.

4. Choose a Problem-Solving Approach over Punishment

A conflict with annoying students can’t be about winning. As a teacher, it is easy to punish and feel that you have done the right thing. But punishment is not always the right way to turn around misbehavior. On the contrary, it can further increase the problem. A student can’t punish you, but he or she can keep annoying you with the same behavior. That’s what happens if you take the road of punishment.

Instead of punishing, present yourself as a problem-solver. Ask your student, why he or she is behaving that way. Also, present yourself as a solution. Say that you are there for them and you want to help them correct their misbehaving habits.

5. Listen, Respect, and Then, Respond

If you want students to listen to you, it’s necessary that you listen to them as well. Always be open to a conversation, so that, students can convey their concerns and feelings with you. Listen without making immediate judgments. Students can sometimes take time to express everything they want to say to you. So, give them enough time when talking.

At the same time, you have to respect their feelings too. Just because you have a mature mindset, doesn’t mean they have it too. Students worry about all those things which you have already dealt with. But you can’t tell them that their problems mean nothing. Their problems are real to them. So, respect what your students say.

If you follow the process of listening and respecting your students, the responding part gets easier. You can offer ideas to tackle problems. And, at the same time, tell students about the annoying behavior and how it’s bad for them as well.

6. Set disciplinary Rules in your Classroom

When you are trying to understand your students, it’s good to let them understand you as well. We all have some trigger points in our mind. Certain actions or activities can make us frustrated or angry. It naturally happens to you as well.

To resolve the problem, you can make a list of annoying behaviors you see in your students. Keep that list to yourself only.

Now, make a list of rules to counter all those annoying behaviors. Set those classroom rules, so that, students become aware of what you expect from them.

7. Understand if there is a cultural difference

Education has become a global sector today. So, students from all cultures are everywhere learning and getting degrees. This can create cultural clashes in some scenarios. And those clashes can happen between a student and a teacher as well.

For example, if a student looks down when you are talking to him, can have two meanings in different cultures. You might take it as annoying and disrespectful, but for the student, it can be a way of showing respect. You see, in many cultures, students don’t directly look at their teachers.

Such cultural differences can also create problems. So, understand about the culture of your students, especially if you have a diverse classroom.

8. Help Students Cultivate Social and Personal Skills

You can replace the annoying behavior of students with social and personal skills. No matter what subject you specialize in, a teacher can always help students learn better social and personal skills. You can share your experiences, tell stories and allow students to talk in the classroom. All these steps help in improving communication, sharing nature, kindness, and other skills in students. And all those qualities don’t allow a student to misbehave.

9. Acknowledge and Reward Acceptable Behavior

While punishment is not effective, rewarding acceptable behavior helps a lot. No matter how old your students are, they look up to you and want to impress you. So, you can let them know when they behave correctly.

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For example, if a student helps to stop a fight between two other students, acknowledge the effort. Also, give a treat or some other form of reward to the student who stopped the fight.

Now, you are punishing the students who fought, only rewarding the one who stopped the fight. This way, students know that you are all about solving a problem.

10. If a Strict Talk is necessary, Have it Privately

Some annoying students are hard to handle. So, disciplining them requires some strict talk too. You can follow that approach in certain cases. But make sure you offer a private and safe environment. A strict talk with your students is about making them realize the depth of the problem. It should not become humiliating. So, you should not shout at a student in front of the whole class, or right in the middle of the hallway. This puts a negative impact on the student.

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Now, you can begin your approach with the help of given strategies and actions. Hopefully, you will succeed in creating a perfect classroom.

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Teaching has never been so tough the way it is today. Teachers are playing really smart to get the best out of their students as their achievement is directly proportional to the efforts they put in the classroom. This calls for good classroom management strategies as it’s really tough for the students to gain knowledge in chaotic atmosphere. To curb the unwanted things, the relation between teacher and the student should be really strong and respectful.

Here are some other points you need to consider when you are looking out for a lasting positive change in the classroom

Recap: Top 6 Classroom Management Strategies for Keeping the Attention of Your Students

1. Teacher should be dominant over the students and not otherwise

There should be a set of rules for every task and if not followed, it should be warned with negative consequences. They should also keep a watch on each student activities and their progress over the course of time.

2. Be co-operative at the same time

Imposing your rules and ideas all the time would do no good in the long term. Focus on maintaining a good balance while in classroom. There might be some serious reasons for a particular behaviour. The best is to understand your students and maintain a good rapport with them so as to make them feel comfortable with you throughout the lecture.

3. Come up with a set of rules for during at the start of the academic year

Although this may take away your time in the begining, but is very fruitful and organised way of maintaining class in the long term. You should surely involve students in the activity as they are the ones to follow the suit. This has also given a defined goal for the students which they can look forward to from day one.

4. Students have their own dignity too

You are the one, teaching doesnt’ mean you can behave the way you want. It is always suggested to handle any behaviour of the student calmly and without much chaos. This way, dignity of the student won’t be harmed and he will get his lesson in a subtle way. Take such efforts so that students are not fearful of you, but consider you as their friend and confidant. In this way, the class will always be disciplined.

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5. Try to maintain neutral relations with students

There might be instances where you are aware that a particular student is right and the other one has made the mistake, but you don’t need to show it to them as students may doubt you have a partial behaviour. Make sure to know the whole story and tacke it in a friendly and neutral manner.

6. Praise your students for the right deed to give them much needed motivation

Dont forget praising the student who reaches your expectations. This can have stunning positive effect on the student. Other than this, other students will see the goal more clearly now and then can act upon in a quick way. It will surely create a healthy atmosphere in the classroom and make students feel confident about themselves.

Thus, being a teacher, you should have the ability to see the beauty and strength of each student. Mould them in the best way possible so that they can use their energy in the right direction. These small tips will surely help a lot in the long run to maintain the class easily and see progress in each of the student. The more students feel loved and respected, the more efforts they are going to put in to succeed.


Teaching has never been an easy job. Taking care of a bunch of teenagers, who are just ready to do anything but studies, take lots of patience and well planned classroom management strategies. If you feel helpless at times while finishing this challenge, then there are many people similar to you facing similar delimma.

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With so many distraction these days, it is vey easy for the students to get carried away and loose focus. Thus, you need to ponder over these ideas to maintain the attention of the student for a longer time, while teaching.

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1. Rules help a lot indeed

All you need is a good set of rules and a plan to execute them well with your students. This basically means keeping them occupied throughout the session so that they seldom get any free time to distract themselves. Other than this, it will also give them a good direction in the long run.

2. Make the sessions as interesting as possible

Paying attention to a plain lecture is not at all easy. Instead, try out other forms of imparting knowledge. For instance, group discussions and surprise tests related to the session and other such ideas will for sure keep the students hooked to the whole learning process. You can even try adding visual representations of the chapters to maintain attention for a longer duration.

3. Small break will do the needful

Well the plan is to maintain attention but boredom comes really soon if the topics are serious and lengthy. During such times, let students take mini breaks of few minutes. It will help them to unwind and get ready for the further session. One smart of doing this is telling them half of the story and keeping the important stuff for the second half so that students come on time, out of sheer curiosity.

4. Try inculcating humor in between lectures

Serious sessions are never a good option. Instead, try adding humor in the class. This will not only keep the students attentive but also strengthen the bond between students and the teacher. Students will, hence, listen to their teacher attentively. It also eliminates the factor of fear and helps the teacher to manage the class in a smartly and friendly manner.

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5. Lets start the session with a quick exercise routine

Sitting at a place for many sessions makes them lazy and unattentive. During such times, the best practice is to start the session with some simple execises like bending, twisting and stretches. It surely freshens up the mood and prepares the brain to remain attentive for a longer duration, thus helping in managing the class easily.

6. Speak something off-topic

Although it is the main aim, you dont always need to stick to the topic. Sometimes you can discus about news, movies, artists and other topics which will be a refreshing break and inculcate student involvement. Moreover, it will then help student to actively participate in the activities related to the main lecture as well.

Class Room Activity Apps

There are numerous ways to maintain the attention of students. So, next time you enter the classroom and find yourself in the middle of a bunch of students filled with boredom, you have these quick hacks in hand.

Smart school software is one step ahead in imparting quality education and helping students learn in a smart way. But with the advent of technology, there are multiple distractions which can hamper student’s performance in the long run. Children are hooked up to their cellphones and while learning, it becomes tough for them to focus completely on the topic. Again, there are various other forms of disturbances like games, social media, etc which adds up to the distraction. Taking help of Smart school software, teachers can now confront this dilemma with lesser efforts.

Read on to learn various ways how smart school software can help teachers to get rid of classroom distractions:

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1. Smart school software increases student engagement in lectures

When the activity is challenging and interesting, students won’t mess around so often. Instead, they will actively participate in the learning process. Other than this, with such a huge audience, students will rarely get time to think of anything but studies.

Hence, smart school software is designed in such a way that they help students to remain busy throughout the session. By doing so, they seldom get distracted as they are highly focused during the entire duration of the lecture.

2. Reduces interest in digital distractions

When you are learning online, you are left with limited time. In fact, the competition increases manifold. This automatically removes all sorts of distractions caused by digital devices like tablets and cell phones.

Less usage of digital devices ethically increases student’s concentration in the subject. Now the lectures are no more boring, students don’t need gadgets and devices to entertain themselves and pass time.

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3. Smart school software tackles the myth of multitasking

Imagine teaching a group of students and noticing a student playing game on his tablet as well as trying to pay attention to the lecture. He might be doing both the tasks, but none of them is done perfectly. Reason being, multitasking reduces the quality of work done.

Thus, smart school software is designed so as to help students concentrate on the subject without diverting attention towards unnecessary stuff.

4. Smart school software gives a lot to learn in less time

Traditional teaching methods were confined to normal lectures given by teachers and students noting down relevant stuff for future reference. But with smart school software being used in schools, students don’t have to waste much time on noting down things.

Smart school software gives access to many tools and features which helps them to learn more in lesser time, which automatically increases student interest in the subject, resulting in less distraction and higher level of concentration. It also fosters healthy learning habits, thereby increasing student smartness.

Thus, other than the points mentioned above, smart class software can help teachers in many other ways to reduce distraction. Thus, smart school software is being used increasingly in the schools to keep distractions in limit and increase student concentration in the class. In this world full of distractions, smart school software is indeed a bliss to the teachers.

While in the classroom, learning may not be the most interesting aspect for students. The lessons, teachers, and other stuff may not excite students or compel them to study well. One missing ingredient here is the motivation which can indeed move mountains if used in the right direction. At each stage of learning, teachers and parents play a vital role in encouraging their students so that they can kick start their studies with full motivation.

Here are certain classroom strategies which help the student to realize their true potential.

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Top Classroom Management Strategies for Keeping the Attention of Your Students 

Smart Classroom Management Strategies to Build Relationships

1. Be clear about goals

If you really want to give some true motivation to students, then think of giving them planned objectives. Let them know about everything they are supposed to complete so that they can get a fair idea. This will also reduce confusion and help them work with full potential.

2. Each has their own set of interests

So try to identify them. Just by teaching lessons you cannot be sure that each one of them have learned. Some students would love to discuss the same in groups while a few others might like to read more on the particular topics just out of sheer interest.

3. Rewards are one step closer towards assuring success

If you are really looking for certain motivation sessions for your students, then don’t forget to pamper them with rewards from time to time, for each stage of success they complete with flying colors. This is a huge motivation booster for them. Rewards can be really simple like chocolates or a yummy ice-cream, main aim is to push students to work harder towards the aim.

4. Do your job with full responsibility and excitement

If you put in 100 percent effort in imparting knowledge to students, they will be motivated to put in similar levels of efforts. Moreover, showing excitement and enthusiasm while teaching will be indeed boosting and motivating for the students to believe that achievement is really not that tough.

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5. Feedback is equally significant

When you are keeping a watch on students and providing them necessary motivation, don’t forget to give them timely feedback for all the efforts they put in. This will let them know their flaws and areas of improvement. This will also foster excellent growth and motivation. Even teachers would be sure about each student’s progress and can help student change their direction if they are on a wrong track.

6. Combine motivation with fun and frolic

Doing any kind of work as a chore can be boring and monotonous. Same goes for studying. But if students can find fun during teaching sessions, then they will surely love attending them and end up learning more. Eventually, due to more fun and interaction, school will be a friendly place and students will be motivated to learn more.

7. Let students find their personal reasons to add motivation

You, as a teacher, should not always be the one motivating. Many a time, students should find certain personal reasons to work hard and attend class. This will make it easier for them to study hard. This can be the most powerful form of motivation, as it won’t seize away so soon and can help students to achieve greater heights.

Thus, motivation doesn’t come by itself. If you are not pushing the limits of your students, they won’t bother much about their challenges. Other than this, various factors like anxiety, boredom, etc are good enough to wash away all the interest. Thus, try out the above ideas so that you can give enough motivation to your students at each step of their success.

When you enter a classroom, you find students chatting in groups while some others making noises just for fun. This is, indeed, a common sight for teacher who walks in with a study plan in his or her mind. With so much distraction around the students, its quite easy for them to get carried away and loose focus.

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Here are a few ideas to make the best use of time to maintain the attention of your students.

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4 Innovative Teaching Methods to “WOW” Your Students

1. Rules help students stay attentive throughout the session

It all starts with a set of fresh rules followed religiously by you as well as the class. Such acceptable procedures will surely give the students a certain direction. They will be occupied with something always and moreover, this will fulfill the major goal of maintaining silence and decorum.

2. Visual instructions are more appealing than a plain lecture

Try to bring in more  pictorial representations while teaching the class. This will help students stick to the topic for a longer period of time, leading to a peaceful class. A common belief says that students show a great deal of interest when lessons are taught with pictures.

3. Student involvement increases attentiveness

A lecture will surely become uninteresting after a certain period of time, resulting in communicative behavior. To overcome this situation, you can come up with certain activities for each session which demand participation of each student. This will keep them hooked up to the session, surely in a very interesting manner. Role playing activities can be really helpful in this direction.

4. Humor is a huge attention getter

Running out of ideas to maintain the interest of your students on a daily basis? Try using humor as a part of teaching process. Humor never fails to grab attention for a longer period of time. Make use of it in reference to the chapter going on. This will also help students remember the important points of the chapter effortlessly.

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5. Unexpected games can really grab attention for a long time

Teaching can be really boring at times for the students as well as the teacher. This calls for a change in the teaching pattern. Keep eye contact with each student. This will foster a healthy environment in the classroom. Moreover, good interaction will then lead to a class full of attentive students. This will surely remove the fear of a teacher, making it easier for the teacher to manage the class throughout a session.

6. Mini breaks will take care of all the discipline

Study suggests that it becomes tough to maintain attention after 20 minutes of the session. Breaks are essential for the mind as well as body to prepare for the next session. Another amazing idea to keep them engaged is to narrate half of the story from the syllabus and students will surely return back from break on time to know the ending, helping you to practice healthy as well as disciplined learning.

Class Room Activity Apps

Teaching is indeed tough. But then there are numero uno ways to control the mayhem and grab students’ attention in no time. You need to come up with smart tactics listed above. Other than these, there are many other ideas you can use to make sure your class is attentive and shows interest throughout the session.

You might have heard that great teachers doesn’t simply teach class lessons. They impart life lessons as well. To do that, building relationships with students are very important. Here are some smart classroom management strategies to help you build lasting teacher-student relationships.

Avoid Friction With Students

i. Avoid strategies that cause friction with students for it will make classroom management difficult.
ii. Avoid negative comments as long as possible as such comments will have a demotivating effect on the class room environment.
iii. You can avoid harmful methods such as corporal punishment, favouritism, etc  to create a conducive classroom atmosphere.

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Build Rapport Naturally

i. Just avoid friction and what you will obtain is a tension free, natural, extraordinarily effective teaching experience.
ii. Your pleasant, confident mode of personality will go a long way in ensuring the students’ confidence in you.
iii. As a teacher, your behaviour would naturally and organically influence students and increase their confidence in turn.

Create A Classroom That Is Mutual And Participatory

The most important aspect in ensuring the effectiveness of teaching is to make your students actively participate in class activities.

Participating in class activities ensures that students learn more from you and you learn more from your students. It helps your students develop all important trust in you. With time, they will gain confidence in their abilities while knowing their strengths and weaknesses.

Rely Exclusively On Your Classroom Management Plan

It is important to make your classroom management strategy to be the sole point of accountability and thus remove the stress of arguing, pleading, and battling with students. Make sure that students participate in all academic related activities as a valued member of your class.

Build Their Trust In You

The point to be highlighted to build healthy relationship is that students trust you on account of your words and deeds along with our consistently pleasant manners and natural behaviour patterns as well.

The simple fact of a good smart class room strategies and its success rests upon the fact is that better the rapport you have with your students, the easier the classroom management becomes!

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The key question is how we are going to make a healthy rapport?

1. The process of making and keeping healthy, genuine, behavior-influencing rapport,  is through kindling in them deep desire to share with them your vision of a ideal classroom.

2. The element of rapport becomes so easy and effortless while the teacher manages his  classroom without much friction and conflict with students.

3. The smart class room management also involves or demands the teacher to abstain from yelling, scolding, sarcasm, etc and thus to make healthy relationships for that matter.

4. The point to b remembered is that the healthy rapport is the positive feelings students carry about you.

5. You should also keep in mind that such a relationship occur organically from the initial day itself and it just goes on stronger as the days passes by.

6. Moreover, it also becomes important on your part to make the students near-obsessive reliance on your classroom management plan.

7. It is also important make your conversations and interactions to become open and easy.

8. You should keep in mind that making and keeping relationships is a long term affair and not a single time affair.

9. Foremost aspect of smart classroom management is in knowing building healthy rapport with students is also the effective way to classroom management.

10. Last but not the least the character integrity will also ensure a healthy smart room strategy and its implication.

These are some tips or strategies to help you improve student-teacher relationships. If you have other ideas, please feel free to share them in the comment section.

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