There is no doubt about the importance of regular physical activity in a person’s life that not only helps them to stay healthy but also improves their emotional fitness. Including such activities right from the childhood is a good idea as it helps them to make it a part of their routine with ease. That is why having sports in school curriculum is considered a good thought.

A student should be physically and emotionally healthy and stay focused to perform well in their academics. Including sports activities in the curriculum can help them to achieve this to a great extent.

Making sports an indispensable element in school days comes with a lot of other benefits than you think.  Here we are discussing a few among the most important benefits of making sports a part of the school curriculum.

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1. Can stay healthy: Regular physical activity in the form of sports can help students to stay healthy and avoid unwanted illness. One of the most important benefits is reduced risk of obesity which is otherwise a common problem among today’s kids. Students can benefit from increased cardiovascular fitness and increased bone density reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Also sports activities reduce chronic muscular tension, strengthen lungs, reduce blood sugar levels and regulate blood pressure. Students involved in sports grow up as more energetic individuals.

2. Maintain good fitness level: Being involved in sports activities help students to avoid formation of excess fat deposits and thus stay fit and slim. The training activities for the sports help them to develop a good posture which is an important factor of staying fit. Also they can improve their hand-eye and foot-eye co-ordination and attain a better balance. The interest in outdoor sports also avoids or minimizes their sedentary activities such as playing video games and watching television.

3. Boost in self esteem: Several research studies have noted that playing sports can enhance a child’s self-esteem and self-confidence. Even small gestures such as a handshake from the coach, a pat on the back from their team mate, a high-five from an opponent or praise of words from parents and friends can boost their self esteem as a student. They will learn to welcome constructive criticism and work on their weakness till they see improvement or success.

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4. Enhanced leadership skills: Sports activities not only demand the role of a team player but, a leader at times. Knowing how to lead a team in the school days will boost up their leadership quality which enables them to be good decision makers. Being a good leader not only demands them to lead from front but also need to boost their team with a winning spirit. This also teaches them to manage team emotions and improve team discipline.Teacher app ad banner

5. Undergoes positive mentoring: Sports persons will have to undergo a lot of mentoring from their coaches and support staff before they achieve success. This positive mentoring can be an asset for them in all phases of life in one form or the other. They will learn how to manage emotions well and perform better which helps them to develop a positive mindset early in their childhood. Respecting authorities’ decisions and accept failures just like success is important in certain spheres of life.

6. Improved emotional fitness: The physical stimulation through sports improves their feeling of well being and creates happiness in them. Release of happiness hormones reduces mental depression and helps them to stay emotionally fit and cheerful. If they can change the love for the game and follow it as a passion, they can even form a career out of it. When they stay focused and work towards achieving their dream, it is always a pleasure.

7. Be more social: Being a part of sports team helps them to interact well with people of all ages. Making friends and respecting diversities with a more open mindset becomes easier. Mingling sessions with coaches and senior students gives them broad exposure to the life happenings and the ability to face everything with a smile. It gives them the courage and confidence to come forward in all circumstances and never stay back for an opportunity.

8. Enhanced discipline: Being a sports person teaches them important qualities of discipline which can act as a self boost in many aspects of life. Involving in any sports activity teaches them mental, physical as well as tactical discipline. They learn it in the form of following rules, practicing restraint or obeying the coach and respecting decisions. This enables students to accomplish their full potential and realize their goals, which are critical factors in attaining success.

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9. Perform better in academics: Studies have shown a positive connection between sports activities and improved memory and cognitive functions of the brain. This means that students can perform better in academics if sports are made a part of their routine. Also a disciplined student can plan their lessons smart and score well in tests. Being physically active helps them to stay focused in their studies. Also the skills such as coordination, multitasking and situational awareness enhances their academic skills.

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10. Improved teamwork and cooperation: Sports competitions and matches needs a very good coordination, teamwork and cooperation. These skills will help students when they grow up as tomorrow’s individuals. In addition to participating in individuals sports, team sports improves their role as a team player which helps them a lot when it comes to group projects both in academics and future career. They will learn how to cooperate with others to win as a team which enables them to respect others’ views.

11. Efficient time management: This is another important skill gained by a student who is part of sports activities. Discipline on the clock is very important when it comes to any sport and this skill is an asset for students for life time. Their passion for sports will help them to efficiently divide the available time for games, practice as well as academics. Knowing how to manage the available time can be a great factor in their success journey.

 12. Develop a success mindset: Being a sports person enables students to grow up with a success mindset which is really advantageous. In addition to strong focus and concentration development, they learn when to take risks and not. They will develop internal skills for handling pressure and will be dedicated to finding creative ways to improve. Critical thinking skills and coping skills gained during the phase prepares them to smartly deal with adversities.

13. Better patience and perseverance: These are two important elements they gain during their involvement with sports-Patience and perseverance. Athletes will easily learn how to keep practicing until they see the results. The perseverance helps them to go through bad times and become more resilient.

14. Improved sleep: Just like the improved health and fitness and every other factors, having a peaceful sleep for at least 8 hours a days is important. Research studies have noted a positive link between a better sleep and involvement in sports activities. Getting proper rest to the body just like relaxing your mind can help students to focus better, avoid illness and stay healthy.

15. Develop good life long habits: School days are the time when students tend to develop bad habits and start being in wrong relationships. However, keeping themselves busy with sports and academics gives them lesser free time to reckon and walk the disruptive path. The love and passion for sports would help students to develop good food habits and make exercise a part of their routine to stay fit. The discipline they earn during their sports phase helps them to refrain from any bad deeds which help them to grow up as good social beings.

School authorities can plan healthy competitions among students to evaluate where they stand and give away prizes for their achievements to keep them motivated. Let them taste success and failures right from their childhood which enables them to be good individuals with sportsman spirit.

When you say about including sports in school curriculum, it need not always be a supervised and well guided one always. It is better to form a group of students who have passion in certain sports skills and guide them to become good athletes.

However, not every student may like the pressure of being guided in their leisure activities. Let them play sports with minimal guidance just to ensure that they are safe but give them the freedom to form their own team, rules and just play for fun.

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