You will agree with the belief that education is not only about acquiring knowledge, it is also about applying the knowledge for the betterment of the society.

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Tagged as “future” of every society, it is the responsibility of each school student to bring about major changes in the lives of the society as a whole through their dedicated efforts.

In line with the uncertainties that the future beholds, the onus will be on students to do their best to mitigate the damaging effects of a natural disaster.

Gaining strength from their acquired bookish and practical knowledge, students play a major role in not only devising well-informed plans to face an eventuality but also in handholding victims of a disaster through their timely intervention.

This is where their presence comes to the fore as part of an effective “Disaster Management”.

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What is Disaster Management? 

Disaster Management, also called as Crisis Management is a methodical process to safeguard the lives and property of people from unforeseen natural and man-made crises.

All in an attempt to reduce the loss caused by a calamity, the student community teamed with groups of teachers has made its strong presence felt in assisting communities to better deal with exigencies.

Many instances of students saving the lives of their fellow mates and strangers have become an inspiration for everyone to do the best they can to reduce the suffering caused by a disastrous episode.

Ways in Which Students Can Support During a Crisis

If you are a student inclined towards lending a helping hand to others, the following sections will help you contribute to this noble ideal of social service.

A Disaster in School 

Imagine a scenario when a group of students witnesses another student lose consciousness after he being accidentally electrocuted through a faulty switch. When faced with such a situation, it calls for a great deal of presence of mind from the onlookers to find a way to save the victim.

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Here are the preventive steps students can take to help to save an accident victim.

1. A well-chalked out plan that will become into force during an internal or external disaster

2. Active involvement with public service agencies like ambulance, police and fire departments

3. Training imparted to school staff to better manage the crisis without panicking

4. Circulation of pamphlets about disaster management in every classroom

5. Identifying the extent of damage caused by the crisis as a data point for the head of the institution to initiate corrective measures

6. Constantly being watchful about the safety of schoolmates

Acting on Information – The Best Way to Manage an External Crisis 

Education is all about assimilating information. And this information comes from books and experiences. Far away from experiencing this benefit are the illiterates who live in remote villages. Such people are the ones who are susceptible to nature’s fury which can come in the form of an inundating flood or a shaky earthquake.

Following are the ways in which you can become a source of important information to them who are in the dire need of your support to overcome the troubled situation.

1. You can spread the word about disasters along with certain measures that can be taken to handle them better

2. You can productively utilize your holiday time by organizing mock camps, throwing light on the “do’s” and “don’ts” of a natural calamity or accident

3. Setting up and becoming a part of “rescue teams” can come as another worthwhile move to save people during an emergency

4. You as a volunteer should ensure that the victims do not panic during the emergency. This will to a great extent put things into perspective alongside reducing the after-effects of the crisis

5. First-aid training imparted to students is a good damage-control mechanism that a well-informed group of students can implement

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Donations to Victims 

As a timely response to a Disaster Management, you as a student volunteer can take up the responsibility of saving lives. Being a volunteer to such a group will help you offer your support to the troubled souls who rely on external help.

While your first move is to identify and locate the survivors, your next move is to call for help by informing the civic service providers.

Last but not least is to provide resources in the form of medicines, food, water, shelter and clothes to the injured. In order to achieve this goal, you can actively engage in donation camps.

Trying to do your bit to lessen the inconvenience of a disaster, you can not only collect funds but can also bring about awareness among communities to part with their old clothes, blankets, and books to the victims.

On humanitarian grounds, you can also request others to supply consumables like milk and biscuits to the disaster victims.


In addition to the above-mentioned ways in which you as a student can become a messiah of love and peace during an exigency, the quality time that you spend with the victims will surely work wonders.


Such humane gestures from you will help victims come out of their troubled state faster than expected, soothing their physical and emotional disturbances.

Healing people better than medicines, it is through this act of community service that you will become a role model in the lives of the survivors of a major disaster or minor accident. Helping them wriggle back to the state of normalcy, there will come a day when you will become a hero in the lives of victims you helped through your selfless service and presence of mind.

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