Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the buzzword that was doing the rounds in education since the 1980s. Paving way for a modernized approach to impart knowledge to passionate learners, AI with all its inherent capabilities can pave way for better student engagement opportunities. While education is primarily meant to develop the mind of a student to assimilate information from the pool of knowledge, AI on the other hand comes as an instrument to picture the working of a human mind. Drifting away from the conventional text-book and closed-classroom learning patterns, AI through its digitized approach brings in a dynamism to the concept of gaining knowledge through schooling.

The Significance of AI Learning 

Notwithstanding the fact that technology through software, hardware and internet have made their presence felt in the sphere of education, the biggest change is still waiting to emerge. Completing reforming the look and feel of a future classroom, AI can become a permanent game changer, making the ancient skills of learning obsolete.

Schools are known to follow the pattern of imparting the same knowledge to everyone in all circumstances, unmindful of the fact that students assimilate information according to their mental capacity. Picking up nuances from every corner of their visual and mental space, it comes as a challenge to teachers to come up with tailor-made options for different sets of students. This is where the entry of AI can help both students and teachers live their dream of quality education. It is through Machine Learning algorithms and data-driven programs that will help teachers identify their deficiencies in churning out befitting study material to students.

And if you are one of them who is inquisitive to delve deep into all those benefits that AI will promise for the future of the student fraternity, here is the list of various examples that havereformed the face of learning. While some of AI’s derivatives are being implemented, there are others which are still in their nascent stage, waiting to evolve and change the fabric of learning.

AI Classroom and the Road Ahead 

1. Third Space Learning 

In line with the demands for new age education, Third Space Learning is a striking example of an online math tutoring interface that has integrated AI techniques into its tutoring practice. Its pioneering AI project is making the most of the insights collated from different student-teacher groups. Offering a well-organized curriculum in accordance with the modern learning patterns, this platform is already making waves in the field of AI driven education.

2. Content Technologies Inc. 

Content is indeed the king when it comes to digital marketing activities. Smart content also plays an important role in the creation of digital educational tools like textbook and student guides along with a host of digital interfaces that present crisp and compelling content. Given this backdrop, Content Technologies Inc., is the new age AI initiative created to offer specialized information in the field of automation. Delivering instructional designs, it is through AI that study guides are chalked out with summaries of chapters, practice tests with multiple choice questions and those that should be answered as “True” or “False”.

Netex Learning is another example of AI education tool that aims to deliver smart content to users. Offering a digitized platform backed with practice tests, it is not only for students but also working professionals who can make the most of the audio and video-driven instructions that are a part of this initiative. And if you are an employee eager to hone your skills while being at your workplace, this platform allows you to gain expertise in some additional skills through virtual courses. The icing on the cake comes in the form of automated feedback that will help you monitor your learning curve, at regular intervals.

3. Mastery Learning 

Yet another striking example of a one-on-one tutoring system tied to the principles of AI is Mastery Learning. Offering a helping hand to instructors to come up with new teaching mechanisms, this is one platform that has been in vogue for more than 40 years. Aiming to provide modern instructions, this platform is handholding educators to bring in the best form of AI educational innovations all the way to their classrooms.

4. Brainly 

Tagged as a social network, Brainly incorporates a question-answer format, throwing invaluable information of varied subjects. Your nerve wracking queries about Physics or Mathematics questions, or your inquisitiveness to peep into the past through a question about History will just need you to pose your doubt. Simply type in your query in the dialogue box and the network users will come up with their responses, clarifying your doubt. Answering questions about all subjects, this AI driven platform provides a ranking for the best brains that clarify your subject-specific queries.


With so many developments already making waves in the sphere of education, the future is bright for artificial intelligence interfaces to become “learning companions for life”. Technology which will always come handy in collating information from students about the gaps in their learning will pave way for AI to assist them periodically in their quest for a bright future.

What will future classrooms look like?

Before your brain starts visualizing sci-fi movies where robots give lessons to students, hold on! Such a scenario might become reality someday, but not in near future.

The first step to future classrooms has already been set in the form of smart classes. Classrooms of the future are going to witness more of technology as part of imparting education and the lessons will be in the form of software and apps (like the smart apps for preschoolers). This combination of in-person teaching with technology is termed as “blended learning.”

Blended learning focuses mainly on 4 principles:

Vision of the school

Text book based learning is not enough to survive the competition these days. Students and teachers are expected to display strong leadership skills. Also, students are expected to be more creative. Education these days aims at giving students a chance to have control over their learning. Blended learning, in such a way, opens new doors to innovative learning for students.

Different approach

The learning caliber of every student is different, so is the approach towards every subject. Once what the school and the students want to achieve is clear, blended learning provides lots of opportunities to experiment with things such as teaching methods, lessons and so on. Blended learning also helps in taking suitable approach according to the subject. There are various software available that breaks down the toughest lessons to the simplest form possible so that the students understand what is being taught.

Do not let software define learning goals

Software is a tool that aids students in having a better understanding of the subject. They help students to have a wider insight on lessons but that does not mean that it defines what the students have to learn.

Include teachers in decision-making processes

No matter however advanced technology is introduced to classrooms, teachers will always remaining the souls of classrooms.  Teachers can identify the learning challenges children face and help them improve. Blended learning ensures the participation of teachers in helping students learn. In a classroom that follows blended learning, teachers provide constant support to students and helping students get acquainted to new tools, improving their level of understanding.

Now, why should future classrooms adopt blended learning?

Blended learning provides the following benefits that help in moulding students in facing the world without a second thought:

  1. Improved communication skills

Most of the students find it quite difficult to interact with teachers. The problem can be solved at least to some extent with blended learning. Blended learning, which includes online and traditional learning, demands different aspects of communication skills at various levels. This can help the students prepare for the future as well. It provides them confidence to face any interviews in future.

  1. Improved fluency with digital gadgets

Bookish knowledge alone cannot fetch a job these days. In the future, the criteria for choosing the right candidate will get lot tougher. Hence, it’s important for the students to have knowledge about various gadgets. Schools are the best places where acquaintance with technology is the best possible and blended learning will surely facilitate that.

  1. Connect globally

Blended learning will expand the world of knowledge for students beyond the four walls of a classroom. With the help of technology, students can connect at local, regional and international levels. This can be very useful for students in future.

  1. Develop a sense of professionalism

The main criterion that every job demands at present is professionalism and blended learning can definitely instill that in students. With blended learning, students improve their skills in terms of decision making, discipline and the sort which may come handy while they are hunting for a job.

Remember how you used to get excited when you, as a kid, went to the computer lab of your school or when your teacher brought a projector to the classroom? A few years back, technology in classrooms was a matter of curiosity. But now, it is a necessity. Technology has already entered classrooms now and in near future, all classrooms will turn technology-centered.

Why do we need technology in classrooms?

Aren’t the current surroundings good enough?

Traditional teaching methods involving students and teachers in a classroom are in no way terrible. But, the education thus imparted is solely limited to books and the four walls of the class room. That makes the knowledge imparted insufficient for students to face the world. They need to have vast knowledge on a variety of topics. There is heavy competition going on and almost all of it is dependent on technology and hence, it is important that the students know how to use the latest gadgets while preparing for their future.

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.” –Mark Van Doren

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” – David Warlick


Apart from that, it can have the following advantages over traditional classrooms:

  1. Keeps students focused for longer periods of time: Sources such as Internet available to students in schools keep them engaged and make learning an interesting affair. Students also find it easy to complete their projects and assignments since any information is available to them at their fingertips in a short span of time.
  2. Makes learning an exciting process: Those who belong to the times before technology was introduced to classrooms may know how easily you got bored between lectures. The topic would have been of least interest or may be, the teacher wasn’t explaining things in an interesting manner. Introduction of technology in schools has definitely created excitement in classrooms. Lessons imparted in the form of web/mobile applications and games can keep them engaged and updated.
  3. Lets students take their own time to learn: Not every student is a fast learner. As a student, you might have found it difficult to decipher what has been taught at school. However, considering the strength of the pupils and the deadline within which a particular lesson had to be completed, teachers might not have been able to help you out. Technology in learning helps students to learn at their own pace. This helps the students to understand things better and gives a better meaning to education.
  4. Prepares students for a better future: Attaining a degree is not the only criterion for a job these days. Employers are in search of those people who can actually multi-task and have workplace skills even if they are new to a job. If it is the situation now, imagine how harsh the criteria would be for a job in the future. Therefore, it is important for students to develop skills essential to survive the competition that they may come across once they graduate.

Technology helps the students to break all barriers and connect globally, thus extending their knowledge beyond books. They will learn to deal with complex problems, improve their communication, leadership skills and productivity.

“Every student can learn. Just not on the same day or in the same way” – George Evans

How will future classrooms look like?

There are lots of advancements being made in technology. Here are 5 of the popular technologies that may be a part of learning in the near future:

Augmented Reality (AR)

You may have seen these in sci-fi movies where a character walks down a lane wearing maybe a pair of glasses and he gets full information about the location in front of his eyes. Well, it’s getting real and is going to take the world by storm very soon. Right now, AR technology can be accessed only in the form of smart phone apps. But, Google Glass is already in the market and similar gadgets will follow it to the market in time. Soon, students can go for virtual field trips to faraway places while sitting in their classrooms and get information about anything, thus expanding their knowledge about things.

3D printing

Visual learning is always effective than theory and therefore, 3D printing will find its place in classrooms very soon. Teachers and students can easily print out 3D models of any complex structure. The physical versions of many complex structures that are difficult to understand when taught theoretically can be presented as 3D models.

Cloud computing

Various excuses that you delivered for not bringing homework or assignments won’t work for future kids. Cloud computing is gaining popularity and all traditional classrooms will turn virtual in the near future. Kids can bid adieu to text books and all study materials as all they need is an Internet connection. Students can attend classes in virtual environment and they will be able to submit their work even if they are not present in the class for the day. It also gives the children opportunities to be engaged in learning activities and discussions or forums.


The term is usually linked to security. Apart from that, there is an interesting eye tracking feature. It can help you know how much each student has understood about the content taught in classrooms. This can help teachers to make changes in their way of teaching or in the content and help the students to understand things in a better way.

Game-based learning

Some children usually pay little attention to what is taught in the classroom and their participation in class may be quite less. However, they may love games and similar activities. So, why not integrate games with learning? Lots of educational apps have already come into existence to spread knowledge in the form of games. The next step may be for the students to design the games themselves for learning subjects in depth. This training may also lay foundation to those who would like to pursue a career in game design in the later stages of life.

With these technologies in classrooms, the students will no longer see learning as a duty but as something that is very important and interesting in life, of which they have to be a part.

Will students be comfortable with technology in classrooms?

Here are some facts that may answer the question.

It has been found out that in an environment with future classroom facilities,

  • The students were 24% more engaged in class
  • There was 23% more student-teacher interaction
  • Students felt16% more comfortable asking questions
  • They were able to conduct group work 28% more
  • Also, the students felt 22% more valued

These facts do give an insight of how future classrooms will be more effective than traditional classrooms.