Tips to Use Technology Smartly in Classroom|School Apps

The concept of make-over is getting much attention these days. “Flipped classroom” is a buzz word related to classrooms and learning methods. It’s a classroom closely knitted to technology.

Integrating technology in classroom needs special care. You can’t just introduce schools apps to the children and say, “Now we have got technology”. How technology is used is the relevant question.

Smart apps for preschoolers and schools apps are creating revolution in education with its charm. All you need is a smart phone or tab to download the most breathtaking school apps.

Levels of technology integration

The usage of technology and tools are classified into different variations.

  1. Sparse: Technology rarely used by students
  2. Basic: Technology is available for students occasionally
  3. Comfortable: Students are comfortable with technology and is used often in classroom
  4. Seamless: Through various technologies, students employ technology in classroom

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Tips to consider before introducing technology in classrooms:

  1. Better Plan

“Failing to plan is planning to fail”

– Alan Lakein

Alan Lakein said it right. You cannot ignore the importance of a proper plan in anything you do. Without a clear strategy, introducing anything to students won’t work. A good teacher never fails to plan better.

Be involved in the planning session. Before integrating technology into classrooms, be sure about the goals.

Find answers to three relevant questions:

  1. How can teaching be improved with technology?
  2. What technology will be used?
  3. How much time will be invested in technology?

These questions have relevance once you have decided to mix education and technology. You cannot blindly go without plan when it’s about the future of your students. A steady plan from the initial stage is important.

  1. Participate

“It is better to participate and fail than fail to participate.”

Debasish Mridha

Teachers should involve with the students when they are exploring devices. Don’t be a passive observer, be an active participator. Be organized. Never leave children with devices and allow them to manage alone. Creating a web page for the class is a good idea. You can exhibit the activities of your children in the page. Divide children into groups and allot a device per group. Students with limited knowledge on technology can mingle with students with better knowledge.

  1. Schedule

“The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities”.

Stephen Covey

Assign special schedule for the usage of devices. Students should not get addicted to technology; this can have adverse effects. Pre-plan the tasks and arrange them. Never give extra time for completing any task. Extra time is equal to extra distractions. The use of technology must be strictly limited.

  1. Nothing Personal

“You affect the world by what you browse.”

Tim Berners-Lee

Use of devices must be public. Don’t permit personal usage of the device to students. The sole purpose of introducing technology in the classrooms is to award an overall learning experience. To use it personally is no less than misusing it. Fixing a password that can only be accessed by teacher helps to secure the device. No child must be allowed to use any device without the supervision of a teacher.

  1. Online Learning

“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”

– Stephen Hawking

Traditional teaching methods have lost their charm.  To engage children in studies, it’s vital to introduce new and fresh ideas. Technology can help teachers achieve this goal. Fascinating facts excite children towards studies. Teachers can consider taking a short online course for better management of the software. Recording lectures is possible with technology. Students absent in the class can gain out of them.

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6 Reasons to Embrace Technology in Classrooms:

“The whole intention of Digital Learning Day is to really celebrate teachers and good instructional learning practices,”

Says Sarah Hall

  1. Technology used correctly enables students for their future careers.
  2. Children mix up more with their classmates
  3. Prepares children for the real world
  4. Students become more excited to learn
  5. Teachers and students become more active and responsible
  6. Children take control over their learning

Change Is The Need:

“The measure of intelligence is the ability to change.”

Albert Einstein

Never hesitate to adopt new techniques in classrooms. From smart apps for preschoolers to internet, everything serves a purpose. All you need to take care is to maintain technology properly.

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