
It will not be an overstatement to quote that Artificial Intelligence, colloquially referred to as AI has become the new technology buzzword.

While AI was considered to be a futuristic development, it is time you recognize it as a phenomenon that is already making waves in many domains linked to human existence.

AI is now regarded as the omnipresent technology that has transformed our day to day lives in more ways than you can imagine.

From offering the photographers intelligent sensors to capture the best moments in their lenses, AI has also penetrated into the field of education.

In an attempt to satisfy your curiosity about the role of AI in the sphere of education, here are the interesting ways in which AI will eventually transform the face of teaching and learning.

  1. Harness A Host of Adaptive Learning Platforms

Education is steadily registering a number of successes and it owes a great deal to the patronage of AI.

A host of adaptive learning platforms are now thrown open to students who can increase their pace of learning through the use of Virtual Reality (VR) devices.

Doing away with the conventional chalk and blackboard classrooms, it is also time that textbooks are replaced with VR learning apps.

Allowing students to master any language or subject, a host of VR-enabled games are now in the market.

Given the numerous benefits of VR, modern educators are tending to devices and applications that will hold a stronger promise to provide holistic education to kids.

  1. Automation of Student Grades

Have a casual talk with a teacher and he/she will tell you how much time it takes to grade students after an assessment.

Grading demands a significant amount of time which can otherwise be spent on interacting with students or in the preparation of a lesson plan.

It is here that AI will make its presence felt, allowing teachers to come up with automated grades.

Given a scenario that you as a teacher should evaluate multiple choice answer scripts or those that contain fill-in-the-blanks, AI can help you grade students.

  1. Reap The Advantages of Individualized Learning

It takes all sorts of students to make up a class.

Every student comes with an IQ and learning ability that is so different from the rest.

In an attempt to meet the individual needs of every student, AI will step in as the most promising educational alternative.

It is through AI that you as an educator can curate tailor-made digital curriculum to your students so that they can assimilate all that is being taught; at their own pace.

AI will transport students to a world that is so close to their heart. It will encourage them to explore and feel their surroundings.

When students connect to their surroundings, learning happens, providing an unmatched experience.

It is through AI that educators can practically tread the path of personalized learning classrooms.

  1. A Keen Eye on the Needs of Students

The modern world wakes up to witness and enjoy the daily magic of AI.

A number of educational games and software are now available in the market that match the specific needs of every student.

It is through these AI-enabled learning systems that you can lay hands on what every student needs.

AI provides answers to the following queries like:

  • What are the topics that should be taught at length?
  • What are the sections that were not mastered by students?
  • What are all the tropics that should be dealt at a slow or fast pace?

With AI providing answers to these questions, you will be in a better position to come up with a tailor-made curriculum that will help all the students of a class.

  1. Gaining Strength from Information

Over the last couple of years, AI has transformed the way in which school administrators are mining and using educational information.

It is through a repository of smart data that schools across the globe are coming up with solid reasons for choosing and implementing a particular course matching the needs of individual students.

Educators can lay hands on real-time responses that come in the form of student feedback. Through smart data mining systems which are powered by AI, opportunities can emerge in the form of AI-guided training courses.

Signing up for such courses can ease the transition between high school and undergraduate education.

  1. The Learning Experience Provided by AI Tutors

Notwithstanding the fact that is no perfect replacement for human tutors, it is now the age of AI tutors.

Through these AI tutors, students can master many subjects including writing skills and basic mathematics.

AI tutors can handhold students, teaching them the basic fundamentals of any subject which do not require any superior thinking abilities.

With the passage of time teamed with technological advancements in the sphere of education, it will not take long for AI tutors to become an integral part of advanced tutoring systems.

  1. Areas of Improvement Are Brought To Light

Most of the times, educators fail to identify the gaps in their teaching patterns.

They would not be in a position to pinpoint the flaws in the study material or in the lectures.

AI steps in to address such concerns.

For instance, if a majority of students who have signed up for an online educational platform submit the wrong answer to a question, AI sends a notification to the teacher to check the validity of the course material.

Remedial action can also be initiated by AI when the technology allows other students to work around a tip that leads them to the right answer.

Al attempts to ensure that every student who has registered for online courses assimilates the same type of conceptual information from the study material.

AI also cuts short the turnaround time, permitting students to rectify their mistakes by offering immediate feedback without having to wait until their faculty identifies and points their errors.

  1. An Imminent Facelift to the Role of Tutors

With AI by your side, it will not take long for the role of teachers to undergo a complete revamping.

As discussed earlier, AI steps in to simplify the tasks of teachers by helping them with student grades and aiming to improve the learning abilities of students.

Going a step further, AI can find its place in programmed systems that will allow students to pose questions while handholding them to locate the answers to their queries.

Such instances can replace teachers, altering their job description from being a tutor to a facilitator.

With the support of AI tutorials, teachers can focus on students who find it hard to understand concepts.

They can also come in as a liaison between technology and students, providing them with timely human interaction.

  1. A Smooth Way to Initiate Trial-And-Error Learning

It is but natural for students to learn through the trial-and-error method.

However, not all students can embrace failure and look at it as constructive feedback for improvement.

AI offers a solution to this natural ‘fear of failing’ that most of the students experience. When you are learning through an intelligent computer system, you will be able to deal with such trials in a better way.

You will not be intimidated towards the errors you commit with the system.

That means, AI paves the way for experimental learning in an unbiased and judgment-free environment.

AI tutors can extend their helping hand and offer remedial solutions to such trial-and-error methods of learning as they themselves learn concepts through repeated trials, correcting the previous mistakes.

  1. Collapse the Boundaries of Education

You don’t need to be in a particular place to acquire the knowledge about a particular subject. All thanks to AI, you can now enjoy the luxury of learning from any place across the globe at a time that is convenient to you. Students can be at the receiving end of multiple benefits including grasping the basic skills that would help them choose a particular career, without completely depending on human tutors.

Closing Thoughts

With so much going in favor of Artificial Intelligence, it is time you look at this advanced technology as an integral and indispensable part of education.

While assisting teachers to grade students, evaluating their answer scripts, AI can spare teachers their time to engage students through one-on-one interactions.

Given the fact that no machine can become a perfect replacement for intelligent humans, AI will step in to become the new age technology that will change the face of education.