KHDA Recommended Approaches to Improve Parents' Role in Their Children's Education


Knowledge and Human Development Authority ensures quality education in Dubai private schools. KHDA always comes up with new ideas that can be beneficial for your Child’s education.

This government organization recommends the involvement of parents in the education of their children. Responsibilities of parents are not limited to selecting the best school for children. Parental involvement in children’s education is equally important.

What is parental involvement?

“As your kids grow they may forget what you said, but won’t forget how you made them feel”

– Kevin Heath

Children have got two educators; their parents and teachers. Until children attend school, parents are their prime educators. Once they start school, parents tend to leave children on their own. [KHDA Reiterates the Importance of Parent-Teacher Communication]

Parents often believe that it’s the responsibility of teachers to teach their children. That’s not right. Parents should help them learn too. There is pre-eminent importance in the purpose.

Early childhood and parent involvement

“Stop trying to perfect your child, but keep trying to perfect your relationship with him”

Dr. Henker

The effects of parent involvement in early childhood can be long lasting and effective. It helps children to cultivate better habits and discipline. That’s why KHDA want parents to involve themselves in the education of their children. Studies reveal that parental involvement helps in better achievement and cognitive development of children.

Benefits of parent involvement in education

KHDA has confirmed myriad benefits with parental involvement. Even small contributions can yield colourful results.

  1. Children achieve better

The ethical and racial background doesn’t matter if parents support their children.

  1. Better scores and grades

They take studies much more serious with the involvement of parents.

  1. Homework completed

Home works won’t be tiring.  Children will find it exciting to complete their homework with parents.

  1. Positive attitude

They tend to take the whole concept of education positive with better guidance.

  1. Improved behaviour

It’s proven that children under the guidance of parents behave better. The possibilities of them getting suspended for disciplinary reasons are less.

Related: Importance of Parental Involvement In The Education of Their Children

Partners in learning; Things to consider

“If a child can’t learn the way we teach, then we must teach the way they learn.”Unknown

Teaching your child is not as easy as you think. You have to endure their mood fluctuations.

Here are some useful tips to keep in mind,

  1. Be with them: During early years, children are unaware about the whole concept of learning. Make them feel comfortable.
  2. Pay attention to your children: Don’t impose rules and regulations on your child. Pay attention to their needs and likings.
  3. No child is same: Needs of children varies. Teach them with the most adaptable method.
  4. Learning: Make learning a part of your child’s everyday activity. Do it lovingly and gracefully.
  5. No over work: Let there be a schedule for your child’s learning routine. Don’t mix it or make it tough.
  6. Less TV: Children should not get addicted to television. They can lose their interest in learning.
  7. Something new: Switch teaching method.  It can be boring for children to follow the same method everyday.

Raise awareness

KHDA is always aware that only the best learning environment can cultivate positive attitude. It’s a responsibility of parents to be their learning partner.

# “Your children will become what you are; so be what you want them to be”

– David Bly

 The more you support them the more they will love you. Invest time in your children. Home is the first education institution for any child.

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