10 Education Technologies you cannot ignore if you are a teacher

“If we teach today’s students as we taught yesterday’s, we rob them of tomorrow” – John Dewey

Technology has revolutionised the whole concept of education. Children remain connected to technology even when outside classrooms.

Ever thought of introducing technology to classrooms? Education can be elevated to new heights. Be the kind of teacher, your students always want.

Not only kids, but teachers can also depend on technology to enhance interactive classroom experience. Think of school apps, EYFS software, and you would get the idea.

Every teacher should be proficient in the use of technology. It’s a fact that 80 percent of computer users know only 20 percent of what a computer can do.

Be the change. Introduce technology to your students; make them stay connected to studies.

Instill in them the thirst for knowledge through technology.

1) Planboard

Planning is really essential for each academic year. The right plan can reduce stress and things can be much smoother. Planboard is a tool that helps make smart plans. Planboard helps to easily plan and view academic year. Items can be added for each class very easily and quickly. Synopsis on weekly schedules can be obtained by a hit at the week button. An overview of the day is just a click away.
Ensure your students have the knowledge they need. The best lesson plan can be created for a particular subject. The system also allows provision to collaborate between teachers worldwide. Public lesson plans can be searched with keywords or the exact standard codes

2) Edmodo

Edmodo is known as a “social learning platform”. Teachers, students, and parents can use the website. Edmodo is known as the Facebook for schools and is marketed as the same. With the website, teachers can provide signup code for students which can later be deactivated once all students have signed up. Students can share the code with their parents allowing them to monitor their own child’s activity. Intruders cannot access in to the classroom.

• Students can be invited into private groups by the teachers
• Private groups can be used for online classroom discussions
• The format keeps the teacher firmly in control
• Private messages cannot be shared with other students in class
• Teacher can moderate group messages

3) Timetable Management software

At the beginning of a new academic year, timetable management is a big headache for schools. There might be issues such as two teachers being alotted to the same class, or a teacher might have two classes allocated at the same time. Such issues might require hours of careful work to sort out when done manually.
But why go for manual management of timetable when there are high quality software ready to help you? By incorporating this simple time table management software, Schools get to save a lot of time and confusion.

4) Pinterest

Pinterest is a personalized media platform which offers visual discovery, collection, sharing, and storage tool. It is both web and mobile application company. Users of Pinterest can create and share the collections of visual bookmarks, they can also upload, save, sort, and manage images also known as pins as well as other media content like videos through collection known as pinboards.
Content of others can be browsed on the main page. Individual pins can be saved by users using the “Pin It” button with Pinboards typically organized by a central topic or theme. Pinterest provides a personalised experience for the user. Many teachers use Pinterest as a place to collect great lesson plans and projects.

5) TeachersPayTeachers

Teachers Pay Teachers is an online market for teachers. The website helps teachers to sell their original lesson plans and other course materials to other teachers. They can share for free also. Many teachers are earning significant income on the site. Most relevant resource for education is often available from teachers. Bringing together educators can form a powerful community. Students are benefited by the quality and availability.

6) Prezi

Prezi is presentation software. Ideas can be presented on a virtual canvas. The Zooming User Interface allows users to zoom in and out of their presentation, media allows users to display and navigate through information.
• Surprise your audience by zooming through your story
• Freedom to build presentations from anywhere with the co-workers
• Explain how ideas are related each other visually
• Enhance presentations with images and videos

7) Creaza

Creaza is an educational toolbox with more than 600 000 users all over the world. It helps in expressing knowledge and skills, creatively in the classroom. Technology to create movies, cartoons, mind maps, presentations, soundscapes and much more are provided by the website.
• More than 500 curriculum based exercises
• 30 built-in themes along with content
• 9 languages
• Online toolbox
• No installation needed

8) Jing

Share images and short videos of the computer screen through Jing. Jing gives the power to add basic visual elements and to share them fast. The website is useful for work, home, and play.
• Capture easily what you see
• Record what you do
• Quick and easy sharing
• Eliminate confusion

9) Educreations

Educreations is simple, powerful and fun to use. Explain any concept with any content with annotation, animation, and narration. Short instructional videos can be created by the teachers and can share them instantly with the students.

Capturing the ideas

Record voice and iPad screen to create dynamic video tutorials that students and colleagues, as needed could be accessed any time.

Use the content

Educreations empowers the freedom of importing pictures and documents from Photo Library, Dropbox and Google Drive. Within the app, search for perfect image.

Instant Sharing

Along with sharing videos with other Educreations users, videos can be sent over email, post to YouTube, Edmodo and Twitter.

Automatic saving

Finished videos are saved automatically to Educreations account. The videos are instantly ready to be viewed online and can be shared with others. The power of controlling what you see is ensured by the website.

10) Google Earth

Equipped with a visually distinct extensive database of satellite imagery and 3D models, Google Earth can provide amazingly effective classroom.

Google Earth offers endless possibilities for history teachers. Rather than textual knowledge, the visit to historical places can enhance the interest of learning for the students. The latest version provides geographic context to historical events.

A better understanding of subject makes things clear and transparent.

Google Earth proves itself useful for geography classes. It actively teaches geography and mapping in geography and social studies classes. From geography projects to learning about geological processes, Google Earth can be an amazing and fast way to show students anywhere in the world.



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