Classroom Management Strategies

When you enter a classroom, you find students chatting in groups while some others making noises just for fun. This is, indeed, a common sight for teacher who walks in with a study plan in his or her mind. With so much distraction around the students, its quite easy for them to get carried away and loose focus.

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Here are a few ideas to make the best use of time to maintain the attention of your students.

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4 Innovative Teaching Methods to “WOW” Your Students

1. Rules help students stay attentive throughout the session

It all starts with a set of fresh rules followed religiously by you as well as the class. Such acceptable procedures will surely give the students a certain direction. They will be occupied with something always and moreover, this will fulfill the major goal of maintaining silence and decorum.

2. Visual instructions are more appealing than a plain lecture

Try to bring in more  pictorial representations while teaching the class. This will help students stick to the topic for a longer period of time, leading to a peaceful class. A common belief says that students show a great deal of interest when lessons are taught with pictures.

3. Student involvement increases attentiveness

A lecture will surely become uninteresting after a certain period of time, resulting in communicative behavior. To overcome this situation, you can come up with certain activities for each session which demand participation of each student. This will keep them hooked up to the session, surely in a very interesting manner. Role playing activities can be really helpful in this direction.

4. Humor is a huge attention getter

Running out of ideas to maintain the interest of your students on a daily basis? Try using humor as a part of teaching process. Humor never fails to grab attention for a longer period of time. Make use of it in reference to the chapter going on. This will also help students remember the important points of the chapter effortlessly.

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5. Unexpected games can really grab attention for a long time

Teaching can be really boring at times for the students as well as the teacher. This calls for a change in the teaching pattern. Keep eye contact with each student. This will foster a healthy environment in the classroom. Moreover, good interaction will then lead to a class full of attentive students. This will surely remove the fear of a teacher, making it easier for the teacher to manage the class throughout a session.

6. Mini breaks will take care of all the discipline

Study suggests that it becomes tough to maintain attention after 20 minutes of the session. Breaks are essential for the mind as well as body to prepare for the next session. Another amazing idea to keep them engaged is to narrate half of the story from the syllabus and students will surely return back from break on time to know the ending, helping you to practice healthy as well as disciplined learning.

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Teaching is indeed tough. But then there are numero uno ways to control the mayhem and grab students’ attention in no time. You need to come up with smart tactics listed above. Other than these, there are many other ideas you can use to make sure your class is attentive and shows interest throughout the session.

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