ted talks about education

We all are aware of the problems that surround education sector all over the world.

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Sure, some places have a little better condition than others, but the core problems exist everywhere.

If you look at the education system, you will find various economic, sociocultural and philosophical problems.

Now, the biggest problem is that people, who are supposed to provide solutions, seem overwhelmed by their limited knowledge and imagination.

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However, there are many who share bright ideas and share their insights to help the education sector and students.

Thanks to TED Talks, these folks are getting global exposure and ideas are reaching everywhere.

Dedicated to inspirational TED Talks, this article covers some of the best ted talks about education given by some educational experts.

You can hear and improve your education and career.

1. Sir Ken Robinson: Do schools kill creativity?

In 2006, Sir Ken Robinson gave is marvelous TED talk on this interesting topic “Do schools kill creativity?”

The video has above 10 million views on the YouTube channel of TED Talks.

Robinson uses his witty style of speech to describe how education in schools is limiting the creative capacity of a modern student.

Robinson includes the traditional education methods and questions the system that gradually reduces the creative ability of human mind.

According to Robinson, creativity is as important as literacy.

And creativity also allows you to make mistakes, so that, you can create something new and original. On the contrary, schools look at mistakes as a bad, negative thing.

So, a student learns to not make any mistake and follow a set path or technique in life.

If a student allows his or her creativity to take over, traditional schooling system suppresses that behavior.

Hence, the answer to the question, “do schools kill creativity?”- is “yes”.

Robinson urges every student to rethink and upgrade the way you see education and schools.

Don’t try to follow the set rules, instead, give your dynamic personality a chance to create a distinct and diverse talent.

2. John Green : The nerd’s guide to learning everything online

Jump back from 2006 to 2012 to the TED Talk of John Green. Watched for more than 3 million times, this TED Talk is available on the official site only.

Beginning with a story of a paper town, John smoothly moves to the concept of the pressured value of education in our lives.

Students are usually put into the education system to learn things they don’t usually want to learn.

Many times, learning is more about finding what interests you and cultivating skills in those subjects.

A young student goes through the educational process from high school to college.

But most of the students stop learning the moment they get their degree. Stopping the learning process is more about restricting your engagement levels and creating a bubble of life around you.

John suggests everyone should grow beyond the schools and engage with the world via online forums such as YouTube.

With examples, John shows how education can become a dynamic experience for every student with the online world.

3. Angela Lee Duckworth- The power of passion and perseverance

From teaching math to 7th graders to studying the psychology of people who attain success.

In her experience, Angela saw clearly that IQ is not a perfect method of understanding the success rate of students.

So, she created her own theory of “Grit”, which revolves around the ability to stay passionate and determined.

Angela explains that Grit has nothing to do with how talented a child is. It is about the perseverance or the growth mindset of a kid.

A child with grit doesn’t stop when he or she fails. Because for them, failure is not something that should stop from growing. Such kids turn out to be successful in their education and in their career as well.

4. Emilie Wapnick- Why some of us don’t have one true calling

In her talk, Emilie Wapnick raises one of the most important questions that every student goes through, “What do you want to become when you grow up?”

She explains how we are raised to believe that every person has to choose one professional and personal path of growth.

Having one single path as a choice puts pressure on every student. Which is why every student feels a strong sense of anxiety when asked about career or future life.

Emilie explains how she is wired a different way and always tries to do new things.

She calls people with multiple disciplines “the multipotentialites”. People with multiple disciplines follow different passions and cultivate different skills.

A “multipotentialite” learns to use all his or her skills together to create one unique career path. Such people know how to adapt fast, learn dynamically and stay calm when learning a new thing.

Emilie gives multiple examples of how people are using their different skills to do different things in life successfully.

She advises all to embrace the beauty of inner calling and follow all passions and curiosities.

5. Arthur Benjamin- A performance of “mathemagic”

Calling himself “The Mathemagician”, Arthur Benjamin showcases the fun element of mathematics with the help of unique applications.

Mathematics is usually difficult and tedious for students. But in reality, math can become quicker and easier with some simple tricks.

Arthur demonstrates and explains different examples of mathematics to help students learn mathematics faster.

6. Mitch Resnick- Let’s teach kids to code

The importance of computer science in schools is a popular discussion these days.

Mitch Resnick talks about the reasons that make coding an important skill for kids.

Starting with a beautiful example of using software coding for the creation of the mother’s day card, Mitch explains how coding fluency can lead to the better expression of thoughts and ideas.

Young minds are great with technology, but they don’t usually understand the concept of coding.

Mitch explains that technology interaction is different than technology creation. Which is why kids should learn code writing, so they can actually help build the future of technology.

7. Drew Dudley- Everyday leadership

Leadership is often considered as a world-changing, some great power that only some people possess.

Drew Dudley explains how that image is so wrong. Through a funny story of his life, Drew explains how a tiny moment can impact your life or the life of people around you.

Everything you say, everything you do and everything you create for yourself, also changes the lives of people who are around you.

So, Drew explains how leadership is not about a big idea, it is about how small things are handled.

Redefining leadership is how people can change their own lives and the life of others.

The funny and witty style of talking makes this inspirational speech more moving to the listeners.

8. Julian Treasure- How to speak so that people want to listen

Speaking is one of the most powerful ability that humankind has. But do other people listen when you talk?! Julian explains the habits that stop people from listening to what you say.

Those pitfalls are- gossiping, judging, negativity, complaining, excuses, penultimate, and dogmatism.

Apart from the negative habits, there are positive habits as well, which you can acquire to make your words more powerful.

Those habits include honesty, authenticity, integrity, and love.

If you can combine all four habits in a balanced way in your speaking, people will start giving more value to what you say.

For any student, expressing ideas and inner feelings stay difficult even when they reach their high schools. Insecurity, guilt, and self-embarrassment keep haunting students in their social life.

This TED Talk teaches how to improve speaking abilities to become better at connecting with other people.

9. Derek Sivers- Weird, or just different

Things that look weird can have a meaning that you aren’t able to understand. People usually consider things and other people weird, if they seem out of the box.

Derek, in his TED Talk, reminds students to not fall into the stereotypes or judge the world around with the limited knowledge of oneself.

It’s better to accept diversity and learn emotional intelligence to expand your own knowledge.

10. Tim Urban- Inside the mind of a master procrastinator

With a funny take, Tim explains the mind of a procrastinator in his TED Talk. He shares his own procrastinating behavior regarding his school and college assignments.

A procrastinator has two sides in his or her mind.

He describes how the rational-decision maker in our minds gets interrupted by a “monkey”, which loves instant gratification.

This is something every person, including students, goes through.

Tim explains that every person has a “monkey” who doesn’t let you stay productive.

When there is no deadline, everybody tends to stop thinking about the future or working towards it.

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Time urges everyone to find that “inner monkey” and start stopping the procrastinating behavior.

So, with that one, you have 10 amazing TED ted talks about educationto inspire you to improve your life as a student and reach beyond your own expectations.

Hopefully, you have enjoyed all these ted talks about education.

Also Read: 7 Great Indian Teachers Who Gave Education a New Meaning

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