Teacher Voice

Being a teacher, voice is your utmost asset. Keep it healthy and loud by following tips.

Teaching a class of at least 60 students comes with an occupational hazard of losing the voice.

You must have thought of losing the minds – well, that teachers lose in the very beginning of their tenure as a teacher! Just Kidding!

But! Losing voice is for real. Many voice teachers suggest not to overlook this dreaded occupational hazard because data shows that 25% of teachers fall in the danger of losing their voice every year.

So, don’t fall into the category and follow below-mentioned tips to save your “teacher Voice!

17 Pro Tips

1. Stay Hydrated

You should always stay hydrated especially in the summers.

Staying hydrated is one of the foremost steps to do to save your voice.

For that, you should always carry a water bottle with you and should try to sip-in every 15 minutes.

It will help you a lot in resting your vocal cords and in return will make your body hydrated.

2. Don’t be Loud

Loudness can harm your vocal cords easily and can make them full of strain. So, you should always try to be calm in your talks or lectures.

You should not be so loud in delivering your lectures.

As it pressurizes your vocal cords and after some time it will start to choke while talking. So, it is recommended to be calm and not to deliver loud lectures.

3. Good Amount of Breathing

It is highly recommended to breathe a lot in between your lecture delivering.

As most of the voice-tiredness is only due to our low breath habit in between our talks.

If we breathe well, it will maintain our command over the voice-box. And you will not feel voice tiredness.

So, you should try to build this habit of inhaling and exhaling a good amount of air while you are delivering your lectures.

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4. Beware of Junk Foods

Consuming junk foods can be the biggest mistake for a teacher who is careful with his voice.

You should cut down the amount of junk foods from your daily routine. As junk foods can harm your throat in every possible manner.

You should say Bye-Bye to the fried and junk stuff. It is very unhygienic and unhealthy in nature. And it has the very abilities to hit your vocal cords and make you lose your voice.

5. Be slow

Always try to calm yourself and try to control your lecturing speed.

The faster you will deliver your lecture, the more exhausted you will feel. And the slower you will go, the calmer you will feel.

So, you should always try to slow down your speed of talking in the classroom.

6. Don’t change your Pitch

This should be the first and foremost tip for saving your voice. You have to find your natural pitch and try to maintain your talks and other vocal exercises in the same pitch.

You should not always try to change your pitch simultaneously. But should stick to your natural pitch. This will really be fruitful to you and your voice-box.

7. Do Vocal Exercises daily

Many voice exercises like Lip Buzz, Solfege, and Mah-May-Me-Mo-Moo are there to keep your voice box healthy and fit.

These exercises are really helpful in calming down your vocal cords and maintain your pitch.

Just add these exercises in your daily routine and see the difference.

8. Take proper Rest

Your voice-box is just like any other machine which is performing its functions.

As we know, for any machine to work nicely, it has to go under a resting period to lessen up it’s stress and strain levels.

So, you should give rest to your vocal cords on an interval basis. It will maintain your vocal cords and will save your voice from getting exhausted.

9. Stop Modulation

Voice modulation is one of the major reasons for losing voice. Voice modulation exhausts our vocal cords in double speed.

It increases the work-load of our voice-box, which in return harm our vocal cords in the deadliest manner.

So, we should always try to restrict ourselves by modulating our voice harshly. It will surely help in saving our voice.

10. Go for miming

Various teachers are opting this method of teaching to save their Teacher Voice.

It is really benefiting them a lot. You just have to learn to mime, and you are ready to go for the miming sessions with the students.

You just have to assign different signs for different commands. Once the students get over these commands, you can spread your lectures by miming them in intervals.

11. Don’t talk limitless

There should be a limit in your talks (say its lecture or any other random talk).

You should never try to go beyond your limits. Always be in the limits, and you will feel the magical difference in the exhaust ness of your vocal cords.

Most of the teachers out there apply this method in their teaching. This method proves to be one of the brilliant ways to calm down your voice. So, you should try to build this habit of limiting your talks.

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12. Student Lectures

You can assign lecture demonstrations to each and every student on a weekly basis. It has two benefits.

On the one hand, it builds the student’s confidence, and on the second hand, it lessens your burden.

This in return calms down your vocal cords. Many teachers are getting a positive result by using this method across the globe.

13. Gear up with a Microphone

If you are a teacher and you really do care for your voice, you should invest in a microphone.

It is really a pro tip for saving your voice.

This will clear all your hurdles in the context of saving your voice. You can go for the cheaper microphone set in the beginning and step up with the time and need.

It will really prove to be one of the assets in your teaching career while saving you from the occupational hazard.

14. Visit a Specialist

This can be a cherry on the top if you visit some voice specialist on a regular basis.

The Specialist can guide you well through the steps which are involved in saving your voice for long runs.

The specialist will grab the nuances which you are doing with your voice and make you aware of your vocal exhaustion which can be prevented on time if you regularly visit your vocal specialist.

Symptoms which strikes you to visit your specialist:

>>Coughing on intervals

>>Swallowing difficulty.

>>Loss of voice

>>Pain while speaking.

15. Salt Gargles

Gargling with salt water can be the best tip to save your Teacher Voice.

As the salt has some antiseptic properties which can heal your strains. And if you are teaching on a regular basis, you must add this tip to your daily habits.

You should do it twice a day. One in the early morning and secondly in bedtime. All your vocal stress will be vanished for sure.

16. Ginger & Honey

Ginger and Honey syrup (in warm water) can be the best advice one can give you.

You should consume syrup of Honey and Ginger on daily or thrice in a week.

It will maintain your voice levels and will stay your vocal cords moisten.

It is really very fruitful for those who are regularly delivering their lectures and feeling voice strains.

17. Vocal Warm-Ups

You should always try to make a habit of stealing 5-10 minutes for your daily Vocal Warm-up.

Vocal Warm-Up should be performed daily before starting delivering your lecture in the classrooms.

It will give a strong hold to your vocal cords and will try to maintain its levels.

In return, it can help to tolerate the high vocal pressures, and your voice will not get exhausted easily.

Dear Teachers!

Teaching is a profession where you voice matters. You might be called out for speaking for a school sports tournament or attend an assembly or more than lakhs of students. Therefore, keep your voice healthy and shout out loud whenever you require.