6 Tips to Enhance Lesson Delivery with Voice Projection and Vocabulary featured image

Can you relate to this common phenomenon?
You were either attracted or not interested in the lectures delivered by your teachers.
You must have found your teacher’s voice to be harsh or too soft for you to pick and the words.

All the teachers come with unmatched subject knowledge.  The catch is in the style of voice projection in class.Teacher app ad banner

A teacher’s voice is the bridge between the students and their learning capability. Understanding is linked to how clearly they hear what is being spoken.

How your teacher projects his/her voice while lecturing decides the success of teaching.

Surely you are looking to attract the attention of your students through your voice and vocabulary.

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Here is some advice:

1. Focus On The Elements of “Voice projection”

A teacher’s voice in the classroom is linked to a couple of elements. It includes the pitch (a unique sound from the vocal chords, used to emphasize a particular word or phrase), the vocal tone (the manner in which you talk along with the quality of the sound produced by your vocal chords), the tempo (the speed with which you speak; slowly or fast) and the volume.

The Pitch

It is advisable to have a natural pitch while delivering a lecture. In order to identify your natural pitch, you can relax your throat and begin to hum. A humming sound too loud or too soft can mar your lesson delivery. So, you should aim at practicing a natural pitch which is pleasing and audible to your students.

The Tone

A teacher should make the most of the vocal tone while delivering lecturers. They must watch their tone of voice so as to maintain the attention span of students. When you wish to express empathy, a soft tone teamed with a smile can do the trick. On the other hand, instructions and firm statements should be delivered using a formal tone.

The Tempo

You should watch out for the speed with which you speak. A tempo that is too slow or too fast, hinders your lecture delivery. Pause before you begin explaining an important point. This simple trick will help your students pay greater attention to the key point that will be discussed next.

Try to slow down your pace by taking some deep breaths while you are lecturing. Another tip to direct your lectures well is to ask questions. This is to check if students are in good stead with what you teach.

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Volume isanother important element that decides the success of your lecturing abilities. If you want to impress your students with an honest and serious demeanor, practice a quiet voice.

2. Unlock the Power of A “Pause”

Teachers should be aware of the power of a pause. To pause, it is important that you attach importance to timing. But to learn when to pause and for long to pause is a skill that comes with regular practice.

3. Aim For Clarity In Your Speech

Pay attention if your students find it hard to listen to your words. This situation arises because you failed to express yourself clearly. To ensure this you need to practice certain exercises that fine-tune your diction. Diction exercises help you speak clearly so that you are audible to your students. These exercises will handhold you to deliver lectures with ease. An exciting way to hone your diction is to ramble tongue-twisters which stress on different alphabets.

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4. A Giggle Here and A Giggle There

Humor is another classroom prerequisite. You can attract and engage your students only if you make an effort to bring a smile on their faces. Humor unlocks the teacher-student divide. It creates an environment of mutual trust and openness. Another tip concerning laughter in classrooms is to blend humor with the topic that is being discussed.

5. The Importance of The Breath

It is important for you as a faculty to observe and focus on your breathe when you teach. It will impact how well your lecture is received by your students. Your breath is linked to the quality and health of your voice. A host of breathing exercises can be practiced by teachers to enhanced voice quality. This will make you a competent and confident teacher.

6. Teachers’ Vocabulary

Another Significant Element of a Great Classroom Session!
Subject knowledge that faculty brings to class determines the success of a lecture.

However, teachers should avoid the use of difficult, technical terms and abbreviations. Students may not understand them.
Try engaging them by adding interesting extracts, facts and nuances.
This will spark an interest level in students.

Include such bits and pieces of rare information into your lesson delivery. Your students will enjoy a deep sense of engagement with you and the topic in general.

Key Takeaways

As a teacher cover the entire nine yards to fine-tune your voice projection and vocabulary.

Ensure every student can hear you. Most importantly, avoid shouting while lecturing in class.

Voice modulation goes a long way in making you an effective and confident teacher. It evokes a great deal of respect and affinity from students.

Pay attention to your vocabulary. It takes all sorts of students to make a class.

Teachers who project voice in a rightful manner will be crowned as effective faculty by their wards.

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