Many researches exist about parental involvement in education. All the results of such researches point out that parental involvement not only positively affect student achievement, but it also contributes to the better performance and higher quality education of the schools. It is not easy to make a positive involvement in our child’s education. Now with the advancement of technology, parents find it easy to get involved in their child’s education. Edsys introduces Smart Cards, School bus Tracking System and Parent Portal etc which enables parental involvement in the education of their children.

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When and where should parental involvement take place?

The best time to begin your involvement is when your child starts his/her education! The earlier it begins, the more powerful will be the effect. The best form of parental involvement is parents joining the children in their studies at home or while doing homework.

Schools also support and encourage parental involvement. They make parents feel welcome at school, involving parents in decision making and implementing programmes to provide information about parenting skills and community resources.

Types of involvement

Communicating regularly with teachers is the best way for the parents to be involved in education. Consider the teacher as a partner in managing the education of our child. With proper guidance and support from the teacher, the parents may become more involved in home learning activities and find themselves with opportunities to teach, to be models for their children and to guide them.

Sometimes, schools demand children to practice reading at home with parents, and then children gain more information. Some parents read out stories and books for their children and spend time with them, which contributes a lot to their achievement.

Some activities that can be practiced for better involvement of parents

  • Having a family routine, providing calm and quiet atmosphere to learn- being strict about bedtime and having dinner together
  • Regularly checking the Parent Portal to know children’s performance at school or to get teachers’ remarks about them
  • Check their regular attendance in class and in school bus. Always have a look at their expenses and whereabouts. With the help of the Smartcards this can done without much effort
  • Enable the School bus Tracking System for knowing their routes to school and to know the school bus timing
  • Monitor activities after school.
  • Setting a control for watching TV, observing them always and giving supervised care.
  • Be a good model to your kids and let them learn the importance of discipline and hard work in life
  • Enable them to set a good ambition which is high and realistic.
  • Encourage their achievements and progress in school and visit their school once in a while
  • Promote reading, writing and participating discussions among family members

The benefits of parental involvement

For children:

  • There will be drastic improvement in all the fields of the child’s life irrespective of the racial or ethnic background, socio-economic status, or parents’ education level and occupation
  • Their academic status will improve; they achieve better grade, test scores and attendance.
  • They will always complete their homework
  • It will increase their self esteem and they become more self-disciplined
  • When parents and teachers work together, it will bridge the gap between the two cultures –  cultures at home and at school
  • They tend to show more interest towards school

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For the parents:

  • Constant interactions with their kids enable them to know their calibre and tastes better. It will make them confident in parenting and in making decisions about their children
  • They get more knowledge about their child’s development
  • Parents’ perceptions about the institution and teachers will improve and there will be a stronger tie and commitment with school
  • When they become more aware of the curriculum and policies, they can also contribute to the decision making process

For the educators:

  • Parental involvement will increase the morale of the teachers.
  • Parents will show more respect towards the teachers and the institutions
  • The schools will receive a better support
  • The teachers will be able to understand families, cultures and their diversities

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