Know About ADEC

Abu Dhabi Education Council or ADEC was introduced in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi as per law no. 24 of 2005, issued by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al- Nahiyan. The sole aim of the body was to develop education and educational institutions in Abu Dhabi. For this purpose the organization has implemented innovative educational policies, plans and programs throughout all private schools in Abu Dhabi.

It also gives support to educational institutions and its staffs to achieve the objective of national development in accordance to international standards. This ensures delivery of services which covers all sections of a society.

ADEC is a group of highly talented, qualified and multi-skilled people who aims to fulfill the need of educational reforms.

ADEC Vision

Public satisfaction is what decides the rise or fall of any institution and it is no different with ADEC. They have realized its importance and have ensured the very best of its services to the public. Moreover, they consider it their responsibility to ensure these services and their ability to meet the demands of the public is what makes them stand out.   

They have also made it sure that their services are distinguished. ADEC firmly believes that customers don’t depend on them, but they depend on the customers and hence they are entitled to provide the best services possible.

Efforts Taken

  • By 2008, all private schools in Abu Dhabi were registered under ADEC for the purpose of inspection. This helped them to evaluate the quality of education across these schools.
  • The availability of a proper database has allowed ADEC to ensure the schools can maintain their strength and tackle their weaknesses.
  • Schools have found that an external intervention for evaluations have helped them to improve exponentially.
  • ADEC also gives opportunity for schools to evaluate themselves and make the necessary changes to improve education.
  • ADEC launched a Library Upgrade Project that was aimed at developing and transforming school libraries into 21st century learning resource centers.
  • The movement started during 2006-2007 and has been one of most successful initiatives by ADEC.
  • As part of this, schools are visited and the existing facilities are accessed to better understand the extent of upgrade required.
  • The efforts of the organization has led to the introduction of high quality education systems that operate from a safe and attractive facilities that are appropriate for learning and at the same time environment friendly.
  • They also look to develop a curriculum that is relevant and tailored to meet the needs of students in Abu Dhabi.
  • ADEC is also responsible for ensure that the information that they have collected from their inspections be available to the public.
  • Introduced the idea of Parents Satisfaction Reports with the aim of giving schools an opinion from the point of parents and teachers.
  • Surveys are based on features like the school reputation, extracurricular activities, catering service, medical services, and administrative staff.
  • In 2008 ADEC embarked on a journey to build 100 new schools throughout Abu Dhabi by the year 2020.
  • ADEC has an EHS Section to facilitate, monitor and maintain a sustainable, healthy and safe education environments for staff, students, educators and administrators.

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