30 Most Influential College Professors On Twitter

When talking about social media interaction and community, Twitter steals most of the limelight. Following and connecting with celebrities from all industries have become possible. From pop music celebrities to top influential college professors, you can find them all online.


Here are 30 of the most influential college professors on Twitter:

1. Lucy P. Marcus


At the IE School of Business, Madrid, Lucy P. Marcus is the professor of Governance and Leadership. In 2013, she was included in the TIME’s list of Best Twitter Feeds. The magazine praised her for the tweets she posts about the worldwide business structure and the enhancing designations of women in the corporate sector.

2. Jennifer Aaker


Social psychologist and author, Jennifer Aaker is also a marketing professor at the Graduate Business School of Stanford University. She constantly tweets her expertise about the connection between money, time and happiness. She also talks about the process of building a global brand. Her book on social media “The Dragonfly Effect” has received awards and top positions in magazine rankings.

3. Marcus du Sautoy


Holding the position as a professor of the Science of Public Understanding at Oxford University, Marcus du Sautoy is a mathematician, trumpet enthusiast, and a soccer player. His Twitter feeds are great to explore the wonders of the mathematics.

4. Daniel Drezner


Teaching International Politics at the Fletcher School of Tufts University, Daniel Drezner talks about global security and politics in his popular tweets. His book called the Theories of International Politics and Zombies got immense visibility. Plus, he was also on the TIME’s list of Best Twitter Feeds in 2012.

5. Brian Cox


If physics is one of your interests, you surely know who Brian Cox is. This physicist has been a host of multiple TV shows on BBC. He has made physics fascinating and cool for people. At the Manchester University, he holds the position of Fellow of Royal Society University Research as well as PPARC Advanced.

6. Cornel West


In 1980, Cornel West made a big impact in the history by becoming the 1st African American who attained a Ph.D. in Philosophy from the University of Princeton. His Twitter feeds involve topics of philosophy along with social equality. You can also find some feeds about blues and jazz music. He has been a part of the Union Theological Seminary, New York City as a Philosophy Professor.

7. Paul Krugman


The winner of the Nobel Prize, Paul Krugman is an economics professor at Princeton University. At the same time, he contributes to the New York Times with his columns. In his Twitter profile, he shares his online work from different resources and keeps his feeds business friendly.

8. NourielRoubini


Founder of the Roubini Global Economics, NourielRoubini is also a professor of international business and economics at New York University. The foresight of Roubini is admired in the economic sector, which has made him an important contributor in the discussion of global economy.

9. James Hirsen



James Hirsen is a professor of law, and also is a news analyst, columnist, and author of a best-selling book. Hirsen is known for his tweets on entertainment, current affairs, and other latest news. So, people who follow him, get a chance to stay updated with the world around.

10. MichioKaku


A physicist, a television personality, an author, MichioKaku is the rock star of physics. His Twitter account is a combination of everything he does. From self-discipline to lectures and shows, Kaku talks about it all in is Tweets.

11. Lawrence Lessig


Lawrence Lessig is a high-profile professor of law and political activist. He is involved in multiple NGOs. In his tweets, Lawrence pushes the idea of the “free culture” regarding the use of software and copyright.

12. Glen Gilmore



Professor and an expert in digital marketing, Glen Gilmore boosts the knowledge of his Twitter followers with feeds about social media news, ideas, strategies, and insights. He has also founded his own social media marketing firm and has been a part of the faculty at the Rutgers University.

13. Richard Florida



Professor of Creativity and Business, Richard Florida is known as one of the most influential urban theorists. He shares his thoughts on socioeconomic concepts and creative class as well.

15. Jay Rosen



A Ph.D. holder and the professor of journalism, Jay Rosen teaches at New York University. He is the perfect person to understand the changes in the world of communication, media and the impact of digital age.

15. Andres Silva Arancibia



A marketing professor and a motivational speaker, Andres is one of the topmost marketing specialists you can follow on Twitter. He has multiple positions and presence all over the social media marketing world. From a marketer to a professional, everyone can learn a lot from his tweets.

16. Anne-Marie Slaughter


Professor of International Affairs and Politics at Princeton University, Anne-Marie Slaughter expresses the value of social media in community forging. She has lectured at various platforms and universities such as Chicago University and Harvard University.

17. Marion Nestle


Nutrition professor, Marion Nestle joined New York University in 2011. Her tweets have been considered one of the best by TIME magazine. She offers fascinating reports and ideas on food and health.

18. Michael E. Porter



With business economics Ph.D., Michael E. Porter is a professor at the Business School of Harvard. He also assists top CEOs with his expertise. And all this knowledge comes out as feeds on his Twitter account.

20. Steve Blank



Steve Blank is known as a startup guru and Stanford University professor, who teaches entrepreneurship. Every budding entrepreneur or tweeters who tweet about business and entrepreneurship should follow and learn from the wise words of Steve.

21. Mark Schaefer


Social media expert and professor, Mark Schaefer has also written a best-selling Twitter book. Forbes has recognized him as one of the most influential personalities who change the game of social media. He also lectures and teaches marketing at Rutgers, New York, Princeton, and Oxford University.

22. Clayton M. Christensen



Professor of business, Clayton is an economist who is popularly known for his thoughts on disruptive innovation. Harvard School of Business considers him as one of the biggest influencers of global growth and innovation. He is a business thinker who teaches, writes and tweets about his thoughts.

23. Mary Beard


This professor has contributed to classics with her books, teaching, and social networking presence. She has also been on BBC several times. She speaks her heart on Twitter and stands by her point of views.

24. Gary Schirr



At the Radford University of Virginia, Gary Schirr lectures on marketing. He also has a passion for social media and blogging. On Twitter, he is considered one of the best social media marketing experts.

25. Alec Couros


At the Regina University of Canada, Alec is a professor of educational technology. He has a strong presence on Twitter along with many other social media platforms. He tweets about technology and social media on his profile.

26. Rosabeth Moss Kanter


Rosabeth Moss is a researcher and a professor of administration of the business. She teaches at Harvard School of Business and shares her knowledge of innovation, strategy, and leadership with the world. She is known as a thinker and an influential personality on Twitter.

27. Alan Rosenblatt


One of the pioneers of the web age, Alan Rosenblatt specializes in digital politics. He has taught at Johns Hopkins as a visiting professor. His tweets are a collection of social commentary on the modern-age politics. He blends his thoughts with sarcasm and humor, which makes his thoughts more entertaining.

28. Madeleine K. Albright


Diplomacy professor, Madeleine K. Albright is a former Secretary, who has served the State of Madeleine Albright. She joined Twitter in 2013 and started winning followers from all over the world. She informs about her own work for the Foreign Relations as well as her lifestyle.

29. Patrick Strother


Professor of public relations and advertising, Patrick Strother has been a part of Minnesota University for a long time. He has also founded his own PR Company and has gained honorable mentions all over the digital world.

30. Rebecca MacKinnon



Lecturing on Law, working for internet freedom, and holding multiple academic positions, Rebecca MacKinnon is a big voice on Twitter. She expresses her own thoughts on online freedom and also shares valuable information regarding internet privacy.

So, there it is! You have the best 30 most influential college professors sharing their expertise via Twitter. No need to say that each and every professor specializes in his or her own field. And every person who follows them can gain quality information and learn consistently.

How about you refine your Twitter profile by following some of the great professors included in this list. You can follow them all and stay updated about the online world, social media, physics, marketing, and more!

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