15 best pedagogical strategies for innovative learning

Pedagogy enables teachers to influence student learning with an intention to capture the attention of students. Pedagogical methods of teaching theoretical concepts helps students to enhance their recall capacity by recollecting all the ideas that were taught to them even after a long gap.

This is a part of innovative learning when students are able to hold on to all the ideas that were long discussed in their classrooms.

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Here we shed light on 15 such pedagogical strategies that pave the way for innovative learning by incorporating interesting and effective teaching methods.

  1. Pedagogical creativity

For the benefit of the learning fraternity, one of the innovative pedagogical strategies is to make use of creative tools that will excite the artistic senses of students. You as a teacher can positively influence the curious minds of students through the inclusion of visual exercises and games. These tools strike a chord with the young minds, encouraging them to stretch their creativity.

Subjects like science, math and history are best taught through creative means when students are prompted to come up with varied ideas. It is this freedom to explore their creative side that helps students to quickly recall the ideas that were discussed in the class as part of lecturing.

  1. Brainstorming Techniques

Brainstorming is a potent exercise to infuse excitement into learning.

When kids are encouraged to come up with different ideas without the fear of being judged whether their idea is right or wrong, they will find brainstorming sessions engaging and interesting. They will begin to actively participate in such sessions by following certain ground rules that should be in place before the start of the session. You can choose between simple, grouped or paired brainstorming sessions.

  1. The Use of Audio Video Teaching Tools

Modern technology has indeed changed the face of every sphere that is connected to mankind. Classroom lectures teamed with AV tools, students will benefit in more ways than one. Apart from sharpening their audio and visual skills, they will also start to understand the concepts better and deeper. Info graphics, mind maps and brain mapping tools are some of the pedagogical alternatives that will go a long way in expanding the imagination of students.

  1. The Concept of Learning Outside the Classroom

Traditional learning was also restricted to take place within the four walls of a classroom. Modern and innovative learning is possible only when lessons are taught outdoors. A changed environ can work wonders for students when they step into the outside world which is full of excitement and freshness. Such a teaching practice will foster creativity, and help students learn and recall concepts faster.

  1. Teamwork – The New Age Teaching Mantra

Why don’t we take a step forward and join hands with our contemporaries?

New horizons of teaching will begin to emerge when you try to incorporate the suggestions offered by your colleagues. You may seek the recommendations of your associates in trying to improve the teaching methods. Every teacher may come up with a different yet workable strategy..

  1. Hobbies – Interesting Diversions to Break the Monotony

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. This is so true in the case of teachers who are ordained to take classes so that they are in sync with their lesson plans.

But there will come a time when monotony sets in, draining your creativity. Such is the time to engage in a hobby of your choice.

You can pick up any hobby and put in your heart and soul into it for a couple of hours as a boredom-breaking practice. This idea will work wonders for you to pep up your imagination.

  1. Storyboarding – A Stimulating Teaching and Learning Practice

You will agree with the fact that a subject that is delivered in the form of stories has a longer retention span. Hence, modern teachers can take to storyboarding with any subject that calls for a methodical memorization of facts. If you are a history teacher, you can make the session even more interesting by recreating a famous and important event.

Alongside unleashing the imaginative skills of students, storyboards can also work as communication tools between students when they narrate a story the pictorial way.

  1. An Enlivening Classroom

Which classroom according to you will stimulate the minds of students, allowing them to learn and think better?

A dingy one or a vibrantly decorated classroom?

Without a doubt, you will go with the bright classroom. When students are made to sit within the four walls of a classroom, work hard in maintaining an enlivening learning atmosphere. Bright colored classrooms positively impact students alongside encouraging you to give your best to every teaching session.

  1. Make Room for Role Plays

Set aside time for role plays so that your students begin to hone their interpersonal skills. Through role plays, students will be encouraged to give their best to the task at hand with an intention to play their role to the fullest. Subjects like current affairs, literature and history are best taught through role plays. Students partaking in role plays will begin to exhibit their creativity by stepping out of their comfort zone. When it comes to recapitulating what was taught in class, students will be able to relate to what they have seen and experienced as part of the role play.

  1. The Fun Element To Learning

Fun element to learning should always be kept intact. Learning should be fun and for you to encourage your students to learn and recall better, you can bank upon interesting games and puzzles. These are innovative tools that will impart quality education to the learning fraternity sparing them of the strain that academics come with. Infotainment games and puzzles are the tested tools that will uncover the creative side of students.

  1. Refer to a Collection of Books on Creativity

Be abreast with creative teaching techniques and ideas. When you fall short of such ideas, it is time you take the support of books on creativity. Reading works published by top-class writers will not only help you tread the path of professional development but will also help you percolate the acquired knowledge to your students as well.

  1. Embrace Novel Teaching Mechanisms

Develop an open-mind towards new teaching methods. Only when you welcome new ideas connected to teaching, you will prompt your students to try their hands at new things. To start off with, any new idea might come with a certain degree of weirdness. But you need to learn to overcome the teething problems. After that, the sky is the limit.

  1. School Groups and Clubs –Platforms to Share Knowledge and Common Interests

Start off a school group or club. Work on topics that are of interest to you. You can collaborate with like-minded teachers and collate insights and knowledge from them which can prove to be of utmost benefit to you and your students as well.

  1. Tap Into The Potential of A Story

Subjects which are taught with a story-based approach have a longer recall span as compared to those that are taught by referring to black and white texts. In addition to engaging your students, a story has the power to enhance the quality of your teaching. It make topics interesting and appealing. While you begin to toggle with new ideas, you will be setting the stage for students to experiment with ideas that come out of the love for knowledge.

  1. Make Teaching Your Passion

If you love what you do, you don’t have to work a single day. This belief is so true with any profession especially with teachers who are ordained to bring in a lot of creatively and imagination to academic lessons. When you look at your teaching profession as your passion, you will make room for a relaxed teaching environment that will charm your students in more ways than you can imagine.

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Closing Thoughts

All in an attempt to enhance the quality of teaching, it makes sense for the tutors of today to implement modern pedagogical practices. When these methodologies and ideas become the way of life of both teachers and students, the day is not far away when the institution of tutoring will become the strongest form of imparting conceptual knowledge through tested means.