The fascination of knowing science is an experience every kid should explore. Science combines everything from animals, plants to space and time.

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From Grade I to X, kids can gradually improve their knowledge of science using the following quiz questions.

Science quiz questions for students of Grade I

1. What is a male cow called?

a. Dog

b. Ox

c. Monkey

d. Sheep

Answer: Ox

2. Which of the following animal species lay eggs?

a. Cat

b. Dog

c. Sheep

d. Duck

Answer: Duck

3. Which animal bears a fur?

a. Crocodile

b. Hen

c. Cat

d. Tortoise

Answer: Cat

4. What do animals require besides air and food to survive?

a. Water

b. House

c. Fruits

d. Chocolate

Answer: Water

5. A branch of a tree can have green _____.

a. Root

b. Hair

c. Trunk

d. Leaves

Answer: Leaves

6. What is the name of Earth’s natural satellite?

a. Mars

b. Sun

c. Moon

d. Venus

Answer: Moon

7. What do you call the two nose holes?

a. Nostrils

b. Eyelids

c. Hair

d. Nails

Answer: Nostrils

8. Which body part assists in movement?

a. Lungs

b. Eyes

c. Muscles

d. Pancreas

Answer: Muscles

9. Which star is visible during the day and sends light?

a. Venus

b. Moon

c. Sun

d. Mars

Answer: Sun

10. Which of the following organs covers and protects the whole body?

a. Heart

b. Liver

c. Brain

d. Skin

Answer: Skin

11. Feet are the part of legs and ______ are the part of arms.

a. Pelvis

b. Ankles

c. Skull

d. Hands

Answer: Hands

12. The very first operational telephone was invented by?

a. Nikola Tesla

b. Albert Einstein

c. Alexander Graham Bell

d. Thomas Alva Edison

Answer: Alexander Graham Bell

13.  Which shape looks round?

a. Circle

b. Rectangle

c. Triangle

d. Square

Answer: Circle

14. With dark clouds, a combination of ____ and lightning is possible.

a. Snow

b. Thunder

c. Wind

d. Sunlight

Answer: Thunder

15. A cow gives birth to a young?

a. Kitten

b. Puppy

c. Baby

d. Calf

Answer: Calf

16. A bird’s body part that assists in flying?

a. Feet

b. Beak

c. Claws

d. Wings

Answer: Wings

17. What do you have in your hands besides four fingers?

a. Ankle

b. Knee

c. Thumb

d. Elbow

Answer: Thumb

Science quiz questions for the students of grade II and III

18. Which plant part takes part in photosynthesis?

a. Leaf

b. Branch

c. Trunk

d. Root

Answer: Leaf

19. What type of animals suckle a young one?

a. Birds

b. Reptiles

c. Mammals

d. Amphibians

Answer: Mammals

20. Which is the largest animal on land?

a. Tiger

b. Lion

c. Rhinoceros

d. Elephant

Answer: Elephant

21. At what temperature water starts boiling?

a. 50 degrees C

b. 25 degrees C

c. 100 degrees C

d. 75 degrees C

Answer: 100 degrees C

22 What is the sign that says a dog is happy?

a. Moving head

b. Twitching ears

c. Wagging tail

d. Closing eyes

Answer: Wagging tail

23. Which organ pumps blood in our body?

a. Kidneys

b. Lungs

c. Brain

d. Heart

Answer: Heart

24. Is frog an amphibian or a reptile?

Answer: Amphibian

25. What are the standard states of matter?

Answer: Solid state, Liquid state and Gas state.

26. The concept of pushing something comes within the application of?

a. Acceleration

b. Force

c. Compression

d. Mass

Answer: Force

27. What will be the resulting state if you boil water?

a. Steam

b. Mist

c. Snow

d. Clouds

Answer: Steam

28. After chewing and swallowing, food goes to which body part?

a. Large intestine

b. Small intestine

c. Liver

d. Stomach

Answer: Stomach

29. The animal group with scales are_____.

a. Amphibians

b. Mammals

c. Reptiles

d. All of the above

Answer: Reptiles

30. Which of the following animal lives most comfortably in the desert?

a. Cheetah

b. Tiger

c. Deer

d. Camel

Answer: Camel

31. Which of the following material provides the maximum level of transparency?

a. Wood

b. Paper

c. Glass

d. Metal

Answer: Glass

32. A young one of a frog is called_____.

a. Puppy

b. Infant

c. Tadpole

d. Calf

Answer: Tadpole

33. What do you call a skeletal system part that safeguards the brain?

a. Thigh

b. Spine

c. Skull

d. Pelvis

Answer: Skull

34. Which plant part contains the pigment called Chlorophyll?

a. Leaf

b. Branch

c. Root


Answer: Leaf

Science quiz questions for students of grade IV to VII

35. Which nutrient is essential to build muscles?

a. Carbohydrate

b. Iron

c. Protein

d. Fat

Answer: Protein

36. What is the name of tissues that attach muscles to our bones?

a. Blood vessels

b. Skin

c. Tendon

d. Fat

Answer: Tendon

37. Which of the following scientists introduced the three laws of motion?

a. Thomas Alva Edison

b. Isaac Newton

c. Stephen Hawking

d. Albert Einstein

Answer: Isaac Newton

38. Which gas assists in the process of photosynthesis?

a. Carbon dioxide

b. Hydrogen

c. Oxygen

d. Carbon monoxide

Answer: Carbon dioxide

39. Which bodily system manages our senses?

a. Digestive system

b. Circulatory system

c. Skeletal system

d. Nervous system

Answer: Nervous system

40. The layers of multiple gases surrounding Earth is collectively called_____?

a. Stratosphere

b. Hydrosphere

c. Ozone layer

d. Atmosphere

Answer: Atmosphere

41. Same kinds of body cells come together to create a______

a. Tissue

b. Organ

c. Joints

d. Blood vessels

Answer: Tissue

42. What is the name of the largest animal on this planet?

a. Elephant

b. Shark

c. Giraffe

d. Blue whale

Answer: Blue whale

43. The strongest dog sense is_____.

a. Hearing

b. Touch

c. Taste

d. Smell

Answer: Smell

44. Which of the following energy types is created due to motion?

a. Electrical energy

b. Potential energy

c. Gravitational energy

d. Kinetic energy

Answer: Kinetic energy

45. The theory of evolution was proposed by______.

a. Stephen Hawking

b. Charles Darwin

c. Alexander Fleming

d. Francesco Redi

Answer: Charles Darwin

46. Which standard unit is used to measure energy?

a. Ampere

b. Newton

c. Joule

d. Watt

Answer: Joule

47. During a circular motion, an object experiences a force away from its centre towards the outside. That force is called____.

a. Circular force

b. Centripetal force

c. Elastic force

d. Centrifugal force

Answer: Centrifugal force

48. What would you call an animal, which eats plants as well as animals?

a. Insectivores

b. Herbivores

c. Omnivores

d. Carnivores

Answer: Omnivores

49. One coiled DNA piece is known as ____.

a. Ribosome

b. Nucleus

c. Chromosome

d. Cytoplasm

Answer: Chromosome

50. Which energy type depletes gradually?

a. Non-renewable energy

b. Kinetic energy

c. Renewable energy

d. Gravitational energy

Answer: Non-renewable energy

51. Which planet is at the closest distance from the sun?

a. Mars

b. Venus

c. Earth

d. Mercury

Answer: Mercury

52. Yeast belongs to which of the following types?

a. Animal

b. Plant

c. Fungus

d. Bacterium

Answer: Fungus

Science quiz questions for students of grade VIII, IX, and X

53. A cell organelle known as cell’s powerhouse is called?

a. Endoplasmic reticulum

b. Cytoplasm

c. Mitochondria

d. Ribosome

Answer: Mitochondria

54. Which of the three laws of motion says that every action has to have an equal and opposite reaction.

a. Second law

b. Third law

c. First law

d. No law

Answer: Third law

55. Which of the following options are closest to a lion?

a. Racoon

b. Dog

c. Leopard

d. Wolf

Answer: Leopard

56. A light ray bends through a prism of glass. This phenomenon is called _____.

a. Refraction

b. Reflection

c. Absorption

d. Diffraction

Answer: Refraction

57. Diabetes is a resulting disease due to problems in _____.

a. Heart

b. Liver

c. Kidneys

d. Pancreas

Answer: Pancreas

58. Newton is the measuring unit of energy or force?

Answer: Force

59. Sweet potato is a modified _____.

a. Root

b. Leaf

c. Branch

d. Stem

Answer: Root

60. Which one does NOT belong to carbon forms?

a. Graphite

b. Diamond

c. Ferrite

d. Amorphous carbon

Answer: Ferrite

61. The movements of _______ cause earthquakes.

Answer: Tectonic plates

62. Which medicine type fights only bacteria and not viruses?

Answer: Antibiotic

63. The lightest periodic table element is _____.

a. Carbon

b. Helium

c. Hydrogen

d. Nitrogen

Answer: Hydrogen

64. A liquid with low pH is called ______

Answer: Acidic

65. Which of the following element groups are most commonly available in our bodies?

a. Phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium

b. Sulfur, sodium, magnesium

c. Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen

d. Copper, zinc, selenium

Answer: Oxygen, carbon, hydrogen

66. What is the brightest planet in the night sky?

a. sirius

b. Earth

c. Venus

d. Moon

Answer: Venus

67. An instrument to measure temperature is?

a. Hydrometer

b. Gyrometer

c. Thermometer

d. Tempometer

Answer: Thermometer

68. Name the largest Moon of Neptune

a. Kerberos

b. Styx

c. Charon

d. Triton

Answer: Triton

Know More:  General Knowledge For Kids(105 Q & A)

With these trivia questions, you can encourage kids to develop more interest in learning science. The subject will become convenient and enjoyable for kids. So, make sure you include these questions and organize a quiz for your students or kids.

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Check the scores of every child and motivate them to improve their scores. This way, they will become proactive in terms of learning and knowing the world of science.

Answer: Triton

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