Simple Hacks to Learn Anything Easily and Remember it

Study life is the most important phase of a person that shapes up their personality. From meeting new friends to learning new things every day, school life is always enjoyable.

However, exam time is a nightmare for most of the students as they are failing to cover lot of portion all at once and even finding it difficult to remember what they have studied. According to experts, applying certain tricks can help you make your study time more productive.


Here are a few simple hacks or learning strategies you can apply in your study time to learn anything easily and remember it without many hassles.

  1. Teach someone else:

Once you study a lesson, you can teach that lesson to someone else. Doing this would help you to register the lessons better on your memory. Even if there is no one there to teach, you can just assume that you are just teaching someone. Some students try teaching the ‘pillow’ or some students even try teaching by looking at the mirror.

  1. Read out lessons loud:

You can try reading the lessons aloud for a better chance of feeding the lessons in memory. When you read the lessons aloud, you are not just reading it but you get a chance to listen to it which gives a double learning effect. But it doesn’t mean that you have to compromise your energy by reading really loud but read it in a soft way so that you can hear it.

  1. Short frequent sessions:

Students are not able to pay attention to a subject for long. So it is good to avoid long study sessions, say for an hour or two. It is better to have short but frequent sessions of study to make the most out of the attention span. Similarly, research findings advise you to have frequent learning sessions even if it is short rather than long infrequent sessions. This especially works out if you are trying to master a new subject.

  1. Take study naps:

Once you feel tired or sleepy in between the study sessions, it is not advisable to push yourself hard and distress you. Instead it is good to take a short nap of some 20 minutes before you start the learning again. These short naps can help you to refresh yourself and approach the lesson with a fresh mind. This makes your study time more productive and helps to grasp the lessons better.

  1. Meditate:

The ability to concentrate matters a lot when it comes to grasping your lessons better and remembering it for long. If you are not able to concentrate for long during your study sessions, it is good to go for some activities such as meditation or yoga that improves your mood, concentration, and presence of mind. This helps to avoid getting distracted and get fully immersed in the important things you do such as learning.

  1. Reward yourself for merits:

Getting some praise or gifts for something you have achieved motivates you to do more. Don’t wait for your parents or teachers to reward you always. Give small rewards to yourself for the merits you have in your study life such as scoring good in tests, making a good presentation or finishing the lessons as per planned.

  1. Create mind maps:

This is the best way of getting an overview of what you are actually learning in the subject. Make the main map as well as sub-maps that are linked to it. During exam times, you just need to have a look at the mind map to memorize the whole lesson and that makes it easy for you to recollect the lessons. Using acronyms or similar mnemonic devices is another way of memorizing your lessons better.

  1. Listen to music:

Music is a magic that can transform your mood from down to up in a minute. Have some soothing music running in background when you are studying a tougher lesson. Researchers have praised a lot about the music therapy that can work wonders in making the study time more productive. But make sure that you select the right music that helps you to focus on your lessons.

  1. Set small realistic goals:

Setting unrealistic goals and failing to achieve it can really stress you out and you will go low in confidence. Instead you can try going for small realistic goals that you can achieve with a considerable effort. You can increase the target level once you get comfortable with the lesson which boosts your confidence level. Avoid multitasking and invest a considerable amount of time for just learning.

  1. Make it a story:

When you are finding it difficult to study a lesson and remembering it the next, try going for a story approach. Make your own version of story out of the lesson and make the keywords in the lesson your story characters. So you just need to remember your favourite story to answer the lesson’s questions in exams.

  1. Use mental spacing:

Once you have covered a lesson, give some time say 2 to 3 days or a week before you revise it. Your mind responds better when you give mental spacing rather than pushing it by repeating the same lessons in frequent successions. Experts say that mind pays less attention if the same lesson is repeated in short successions but gives more importance if it is done after some considerable spacing.

  1. Study in a comfortable space:

Make sure that the place where you choose to study is really comfortable for you. See that there is enough lighting, minimal noise and distractions and proper air circulation. Studying in a comfortable space can make a real difference in the way you grasp a lesson and memorize it.

  1. Change ways of learning often:

It is not surprising that you would easily get bored if you go for the similar learning approach all the time. So go for a different learning style that can make a positive difference in the learning. You can try different approaches such as video learning, online quizzes, flash cards, group study or storytelling.

  1. Study in a group:

Of course, self learning is the best form of learning ever proposed. However, you can try for group study approaches for a change at times, especially before exams. You can make learning more fun by having some interactive games based on lessons. You can make the most out of the time by teaching others and learning from others.

  1. Use visual learning techniques:

Make use of visual aids as part of your learning process which helps you to learn things easily. Go for a video tutorial or subject expert presentations to connect easily with the subjects. You can include visual tools such as flow charts and structured diagrams in your learning guide. Concept maps and graphic organizers are another way of utilizing visual stimulations in learning.

  1. Take notes by hand:

Nowadays, students would prefer digital tools for note taking which helps them a lot to save time. However, taking notes by hand is the best way to get closer with the lessons. You will indirectly get a chance to link the lessons to your memory when taking notes with hand. Mind is involved in the activity whereas digital note taking leads to mindless transcription.

  1. Have a light walk before exam:

Getting proper exercise is directly linked to improving your memory power. That is why experts recommend going for a light walk before you go for an exam. This helps you to memorize the lessons you have studied pretty easily and score well in exams. So make exercise a daily part of your routine which helps you positively in your studies.

  1. Have a good night’s sleep:

Getting proper rest for your body and mind is really important to relax. This helps you to focus more on your study time and grasp the lessons better and memorize it. It is not advisable to over stress yourself by long hours of study by compromising your sleep. The best medicine for a good student is 7 to 8 hours of good night’s sleep every day.

Memorizing with flash cards is a productive and funnier way for remembering even the toughest subjects. You can also use post-it notes to get closer to the lessons by recording your thoughts. These are just a few among the many tested and proven learning strategies that help students to make learning more easy and enjoyable. Every student is different and the way they approach learning is also different. So every technique may not help every student.

So try out these techniques for some days and choose the most feasible tricks that get things done for you. In addition to these tricks, stay optimistic in your caliber and be confident when approaching new subjects. Don’t complicate things by stressing you. Just laugh out loud and celebrate your failures. Find good friends and try a new hobby and give no chance for loneliness in your life.

Also Read: 10 Simple Steps to Motivate Your Students to Read