Bullying is one of the most challenging factors in classrooms these days.

Schools and colleges face the problem of bullying, which involves physical altercations, gossiping and rumors.

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No matter what method a bully uses, it can have a negative, lasting impact on the students and the overall learning environment. Which is why handling bullies the right way is extremely important in classrooms.


Here, in this article, you will come to know some of the practical approaches to deal with bullies in your classroom.

1. Make Students aware of different kinds of Bullies

Bullies in classrooms usually attack students who lack the emotional understanding of bullying. Bullies try to overpower their targets with different approaches. It can be the physical appearance, popularity, or other ways.

It is important that your students understand all kinds of bullying behaviors. Help students grow emotional intelligence, so they can counter a bully effectively. Also, work on the bullies to help them cultivate empathy and inform them about the consequences of their bullying behavior.

In a classroom, there are usually 7 kinds of bullies.

  • Physical bully- using physical power to strong-arm others
  • Verbal bully- using harsh words on other people
  • Prejudicial bully- prejudices in terms of religions, races, sexual orientation or others
  • Bully victims- who have been a victim of bullying in the past
  • Serial bully- who constantly bully others
  • Relational bully- uses friendship and other relationships to overpower others
  • Group bullies- they bully in groups

You have to understand all kinds of bullies and also make students aware of these kinds.

2. Read Signs of a Bully in your Classroom

Not all bullies become visible, as they do not always use physical bullying.

That’s why you have to be extremely focused on the behavior of boys and girls in your classroom. A relational form of bullying usually stays between the bully and the victim.

Hence, you need to keep an eye on how students are interacting with each other. No need to interfere all the time, just observe and definitely interfere to inquire, if you suspect any form of bullying.

3. Stay Available Everywhere and Every Time at School

Apart from your classroom, there are many other hot spots where bullies attack their victims. In fact, the conversations of classroom lead to other spots in college such as the hallway, bathroom, lunchroom, or other areas. It is important that responsible officials stay available near all the hot spots of bullying. At the same time, you should try and ensure that you stay available to the students throughout a school day.

Know More: 13 Tips For Teacher To Tackle Bullying in the Classroom

This way, any student, who wants help, can easily come to you and ask for your assistance.

4. Teach the Skill of Fighting Bullies Collectively

Mostly, students stand and watch one kid getting bullied and don’t do anything. But in some cases, it is better to collectively come together and take an ethical action against the bully.

In your classroom, you can promote a sense of unity among students. Ask them to recognize and call out a bully. Also, promote a behavior of reporting a bullying behavior to the authorities, teachers and even parents. The kids should not only inform about their own encounters but also stand up and talk about the bullying encounter, which other students face.

5. Find Class Leaders and Connect with Them

The emotional vulnerability of victims doesn’t allow them to come forward and talk about a bully. And a teacher only has limited exposure to the social environment of students. That’s why you need your own informers in the classroom. This way, you can find if a bully is active and bullying one or more students.

The best informers in your classroom are the leaders. Every class has one or more leaders who actually care about the educational environment and work for the betterment of the students. Your goal should be to find those students and connect with them. Let them help you keep an eye on bullies and find victims who generally stay hidden.

6. Bridge the gap of communication with every student

Usually, a teacher builds a group relationship with the whole class. Sure, some students come closer and the communication reaches more personal level. So, these students can easily seek a teacher for advice or assistance with anything. But what about the rest of the class?!

Not every student is outspoken or bold enough to connect with the teachers. In fact, many times, some students don’t feel the need to communicate with teachers on a one-on-one level. In that case, you, as a teacher, have to make efforts. You have to move forward and bridge that gap of communication. Try communicating with each and every student in your classroom.

This does two major things. First of all, every student becomes close enough to share his or her problems with you. At the same time, you come to know the emotional strengths and weaknesses of each individual. And that can help you identify bullies and victims in your classroom.

7. Include Parents to Work Together for Kids

Teamwork of teachers and parents is essential to winning the fight against bullying. You need to find more effective ways to engage parents in the process of bullying prevention.

Utilize PTA and PTO meetings, send newsletters to parents, connect with them on social media and conduct conferences if possible. All these steps can help in recognizing bullies and creating intervention strategies as well.

It is extremely important that you win the trust of parents. Only then, they will indulge in your methods of helping students. So, if a parent complains about a bully, it’s your duty to conduct a thorough investigation.

8. Become an anti-bullying voice of your students

In many situations, students make a collective effort to stop the bullies. But they don’t attain proper response from the school authorities.

Know More: 8 Anti Bullying Book Every child Must Read!

This is when your support matters a lot. You have to work as an advocate for students who try to fight against bullying. Become a voice and help students reach out to school authorities.

You can help in creating policies to actually change the ground realities of a classroom and school bullying.

9. Take Immediate Actions to Handle Every Incident You come across

Your actions should speak louder than your promises. Students won’t come to you for help if you simply send every bullying incident to higher authorities. You can’t normalize a situation by saying, “they are just energetic kids.” Never minimize the impact of bullying. You have to send a strong message to every bully that you are not going to allow such behaviors. So, help every victim and let every bully face the consequences of his or her actions.

This approach would actually help in stopping incidents at initial stages. So, you can save your students from escalated versions of bullying behaviors.

10. Don’t ask Questions to a Victim in Front of Other Students

A victim of bullying can feel extremely scared to talk about his or her experience. Many times, there is peer pressure of not talking about the incidents with elders. So, you have to be cautious when asking questions to victims.

First of all, create a safe environment where you can have a private conversation with the victim. Allow the kid to feel at ease and then begin the questions.

After the conversation, make sure you show your commitment regarding resolving the problem. Let the victim know how serious you are about helping him or her.

11. Give a Chance to the Bully to Talk Privately

A Private conversation with a bully can help a lot. See, it’s not about fighting the bully, it’s about fighting bullying behavior. For that, you need to talk to the bully and encourage him or her to recognize the behavior.

Don’t let the bully put the blame on his or her victim. You can say, “Just tell me what you did and how wrong it was.”

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If you are successful in helping the bully realize his or her mistake, then, you can change the behavior. You can explain different ideas to stop bad behavior.

12. Get professional help to improve emotional sides of bullies and victims

Victims need to regain control of their emotional sides. They need a boost of self-esteem and an understanding of self-worth.

At the same time, a bully requires an understanding of his or her emotional side as well. There can be suppressed issues, which require consistent communication and conditioning.

For such purposes, you should get help from a counselor. Allow both bullies and victims to have separate sessions with counselors to address issues and overcome them.

13. Keep Checking with a Bully or a Victim

After an incident and your assistance, things will get back to normal. But you can’t stop there. You have to check with the bully as well as the victim consistently.

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Help victims in any way to deal with the memory of past experience. Also, offer tips to handle future encounters. At the same time, treat the bully with similar concerns. No need to hold grudges.

So, that’s how you can take some concrete steps to deal with bullies in the Classroom

It is important to make kids active in classroom to improve their interest for learning and increase their participation in studies. Both parents and teachers have a crucial role in improving their spirit for learning. Parents should motivate them at home and educate them about the importance of the learning phase which frames their future. Once they step in to the classroom, teachers will have an upper hand on how to mould them in the right way and help them get the better out of the learning phase. Making them active in the classroom is the key to help them have a productive classroom experience and excel in studies.

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Here are some interesting ways teachers can adopt to make the kids active in classroom:

  1. Mind warm-up: Starting the class with a mind warm up session can really make a difference in the way students remain active in the classroom. During this phase, teachers can bring in activities that promote more competition and collaboration and kill the dead time. Instead of single activities, it would be good to have a team like activity that fills them with enough energy to remain active for the rest of the class.
  2. Learn with fun: Bring enough fun elements in the classroom as kids would love to learn with fun. Spend some time to devise a teaching strategy that gives them a feel of play time while tactfully including the lessons. Make sure that each and every kid in the classroom is giving full participation by including some group movements. This helps to keep them focussed throughout the lesson and enhance their attention span.
  3. Create opportunities: Don’t leave it always to the kids to initiate activities in classroom. It is important for teachers to create enough opportunities for them to express themselves and actively participate in the learning period. Set interesting milestones or initiate a group project or ask them to perform in groups based on a lesson. Set the stage comfortable so that even the shy students come forward and express themselves and present their worth.
  4. Include age-appropriate activities: It is important to include age specific activities in classroom to ensure complete participation. Also it is good to consider the interests of the specific class group before deciding on the activities. Conducting a classroom poll can help you to know more about their areas of interest than deciding on autonomy. Including the right activity for the group can make a noticeable difference in the way they respond and interact.
  5. Gamification: This is the best way to keep the kids active in the classroom and gain their interest for learning. Try some engaging classroom games that help to learn the subjects in an interesting way. Include a variety of games in different classes to satisfy the interests of all student groups. It is good to try memory games such as memory cards or vocabulary games like educational bingo or completely fun group project games such as Jeopardy.
  6. Student-made games: It is also a nice option to try student made games in a while. This also gives them opportunity to express their knowledge, skills or talents. Make it a turn wise approach so that every kid will get a chance to showcase their efficiency in creating games. You can make the activity more interesting by making a poll to find the most popular student game of a month.
  7. Class discussions: This kind of team work activity can be organized frequently to let the students interact intellectually in addition to have all fun. Give wise topics that stimulate their critical thinking and logical reasoning. Teachers should ensure that the environment is friendly and students are expressing freely. Friendly debates on interesting topics can also be organized in between to gear up the activity.
  8. Talk shows: In between a boring lecture session, take a break to set up a talk show. One student can act as a popular personality and another student can interview him. Or the audience can ask relevant questions based on the particular personality. Give them some time to prepare and they can have a really interesting activity that fills them with loads of energy.
  9. Bring visual tools: Kids pay more attention and interest towards visual presentation of data. So it would be a good idea to bring visual tools to classrooms to make the sessions more active. It can be a power point presentation, video tutorials or a talking presentation by subject experts that deepens their level of understanding. With the introduction of interactive white boards, the learning with visual elements is gaining more popularity.
  10. Skills grouping: This activity can be performed as part of constructive differentiation technique. All students in the class may not be of the same calibre. For instance, when teaching mathematics, some may be weak in division, others may be weak in factors and some others may find it difficult to study trigonometry. Group students based on the skills in which they need additional care and arrange sessions or let students teach each other about the areas in which they excel.
  11. Keep them busy: Rather than making them bored with regular lectures, find ways to keep them completely busy throughout the learning time. Instead of giving lectures for the one full hour, make some time for interactions with a quiz, poll or even interesting ways to revise the lessons learnt so far. You can even try playing lecture bingo in order to keep them occupied while you lecture a lesson.
  12. Try active toys: Teachers should give importance in bringing active toys as part of teaching strategies. Give them a chance to interact with items such as balls and jump ropes in the middle of teaching sessions and group activities. Or take them out to the sports ground during a free hour or if they are exhausted with a tough lesson. Let them have some sports time to relax their mind and recharge some energy.
  13. Mix up teaching styles: Students would get bored if you follow the same teaching technique every day. So it is good to mix up the teaching styles for teaching various subjects. This kind of variety would invoke interest in kids to approach the new lessons with curiosity and takes away the boredom. You can bring in variations such as guess works or prediction activity even while you give a simple lecture to make the session more engaging and make them think actively.
  14. Plan outdoor activities: When the kids are always stuck up inside four walls of a classroom, they would find it suffocating. It is a good idea to take them outdoors to let them have a different learning experience. It can be learning under the shades of a school ground tree or take them for field trips once in a while. This is another tactics to keep them active throughout the learning sessions.
  15. Cooperative learning strategies: When you make cooperative learning as part of daily or weekly activity, kids would be more active in their approach. Team games and projects would give them the fun of working and sharing together and learn with fun. See that you don’t keep the students in the same group all the time. It is better to shuffle students often to give them chance to experience group learning with different students with different ideas and thinking.
  16. Exit tickets: Activities such as exit tickets can be made a part of the learning session. Good conversations and thinking can be stimulated with such activities. This end of the class activity makes them self revise the lessons at a glance and gives them the energy to stay active for the next lesson. In this activity, let them complete sentences starting with a set of phrases that you give such as ‘today I got a new idea about’ or ‘now I have a good understanding about’.
  17. Set a good example: Rather than simply telling them to do a particular thing in its most spirited style, it is easier to do and show it to them. Both parents and teachers can play active roles in setting good examples for children. For instance teachers can promote the story telling capability of children by performing some impressive story telling sessions. When parents teaches them the importance of being active always, set good examples by doing regular exercise or playing some sports.

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Rather than the one side lectures, active learning contributes a lot to help them retain information and improve their critical thinking skills. Trying out these few options can really make a remarkable difference in the way students perceive the learning. Actively involving in the learning phase can help them to have a deeper understanding of the lessons. Including classroom activities that improve their interest would make them crave for more. It is important to set a comfortable stage for them and welcome their ideas.

As we welcome another New Year, changes are inevitable in every field and it is no different in the education sector. When you talk about modern education, what a student wants the most is a good classroom experience. With advancements in technology, there is a lot for classrooms to expect in 2018, as well. Incorporating the modern technologies in the right mix can really lift the spirit of classroom learning. With the convenience, security and flexibility offered with new technologies, students would have more interest towards learning and they would crave for more.

So, here let us look at the most modern technologies that we can expect in a 2018 classroom and how they are going to improve the learning experience.Teacher app ad banner

  1. 1. Class Websites: A modern classroom will have a personalized website which helps students, teachers and parents to be in touch always. This web application provides a single place for everyone in the class to communicate any related things round the clock. The website will have access to announcements, events, & calendars and students can have a look at the upcoming assignments and syllabus. The website can even include additional sections such as blogs where students can share their views on any subjects or polls and contests as part of some celebration or decision making.


  1. 2. Interactive Whiteboards: The period of one-way lectures with a black board and chalk are now getting outdated. The interactive whiteboards that can be connected to computer are really changing the way different subjects are covered in class. These large computer monitors are also visually appealing for students and teachers can easily handle multimedia presentations. Teachers and students even have the option to draw or write on them with ease using its touch screen capabilities. Similarly, note taking is taking a new form with lightweight and flexible digital displays replacing paper note books.


  1. 3. 3D Printing: With this technology, students will have access to 3D models of different elements covered in their subjects. A 3D view helps them to have a deeper level understanding of certain lessons which they otherwise have only limited access when referring just text book pictures. Some working mini-models of certain applications can be set up in class to better learn about some principles. This technology erases the limitations of experimenting options for students. Without giving much emphasis to time and costs, they can freely experiment their preferred designs. The complex concept models can be reconstructed to easily convey tough subjects.


  1. 4. Online Social Networking: An online platform within a classroom will be an added advantage for students to socialize with their classmates and teachers. Teachers can act as moderators and students can utilize this platform to share their ideas freely with friends. Such opportunities for students can help them to identify their role in taking up learning as a personal responsibility. This can also act as a source for interactive learning where they can discuss their home works and projects and make learning more productive. The social networking tools can play crucial roles in improving engagement, interaction and team building activities in the classroom.


  1. 5. Big Data: Data generation within classrooms are on the rise every year which includes assignments, attendance, projects and weekly tests. Monitoring all these data in a regular manner is necessary to get an assessment of student’s performance which is a tough job. Big data is an efficient tool that helps to manage this monitoring pretty easily by analyzing significant patterns and trends. With this technology, data can be utilized in an efficient manner by saving a lot of time.


  1. 6. Student Response System: Teachers can receive instant feedback about their classes with such response systems. The modern tools such as Google Forms and Socrative are making the job really easy after every class which helps teachers to develop better strategies in the next class if needed. They can make necessary changes based on the understanding level of the students. This is also a good way to make in-class quizzes or polls at the time of decision making with regard to any event.


  1. 7. Tablets: With its portable nature and endless possibilities, this minicomputer like gadget is becoming a popular element in today’s classroom. With easy to store capabilities and internet connectivity, these are now replacing heavy text books. With possibilities of internet browsing, word processing and digital textbooks, the tablet is turning out to be the most popular classroom tool of the era. Whether it is Google Nexus, iPads, or Amazon Kindle, there are models built with students needs in mind. Adding to the overall convenience, new brands are offering paper-thin smartphones which is highly portable and easy to store.


  1. 8. Cloud Computing: This kind of advanced technology avoids the burden of students to carry their home works, heavy text books and assignments. They can just log in to their device to access their work saved at home system from their class. They can access the reading materials from digital library whenever they have an internet connection. Students can work on the projects anytime with the convenience of their device. The cloud technology also opens a world of virtual classroom learning experience when they can log in from their systems even at the comfort of their home.


  1. 9. Document Cameras: The advanced document cameras are now replacing the old era projectors for displaying learning content in the classroom for a wider audience. With precise display of text in big screen, students can get a visual treat of interesting lessons. The advanced models can easily capture movies with audio in addition to images. This technology provides ease of convenience in teaching with possibilities of even displaying content from SD cards.


  1. 10. Augmented Reality (AR): Engaging students in a classroom is the key to gain their interest for learning and this is possible up to a great extent with augmented reality (AR). The technology provides students an indirect vision of a real-world setting. They get an experience of getting physical with elements which are bettered with sensory inputs and graphics. With improved engagement and interaction, learning can be all fun for students. The endless possibilities of this technology help students to think out of the box and excel in the learning.


  1. 11. Communication Apps: These are becoming a must-have tool in today’s classroom. Whether it is Teacher Kit or Remind 101, communication between teachers, students and parents are a lot easy than before. The child’s activities in school can be monitored by parents with a virtual presence. They can also be intimated about any upcoming events or happenings in school. Students will get reminders from teachers regarding project deadlines and homework assignments which make the job a lot easy for teachers.


  1. 12. Virtual Field Trips: With limited time to go out of classrooms and explore different places and subjects, the virtual field trips are proving really beneficial for modern classrooms. With the endless possibilities of World Wide Web, the students can experience a guided exploration. This online learning experience can be customized depending on the subjects to be covered. Teachers also add tools for visualization, modelling and simulation along with this digital trip to enable them to think critically. They can engage in data collection and analysis, scaffolding and discussion to get the better out of this experience. Virtual studios are also slowly becoming an important tool in today’s classroom.


  1. 13. Artificial Intelligence: As each student prefer a varied learning style, the regular teaching methods may not be feasible for everyone. Their different progress rates and pace in learning can be better handled with artificial intelligence. With this technology, they would be able to pick up lessons in their preferred pace. The machine learning and artificial intelligence can play a key role in improving the weak areas of different students with customised learning.


  1. 14. Biometrics: Even when this technology is dominant in security industry, its possibilities are opening a new phase in the education sector. The eye tracking are finding its use for teachers to learn how the students understand and absorb the lessons. In libraries, the iris patterns can be used to know the identity of the students who are borrowing books which avoids the manual labour and saves time. The facial recognition and fingerprints are also helpful in easing off the class attendance.


  1. 15. Education Apps: These are now becoming integral elements of a new era classroom. With the dominance of mobiles, education apps are now a strong but flexible tool to teach and assess students in a smarter way. Being handy, students are finding it really convenient to maximise the possibilities of classroom experience. When Class Dojo gamifies the classroom, Nearpod aids to develop interactive lessons and students’ understanding level can be assessed easily with Plickers app.

Easy information access is the key to a successful learning phase and these future technologies are designed to bridge the online and offline gaps. With the use of modern technology in classrooms, students are getting all freedom to express their voice and creativity while learning new concepts in a different way. A sense of pleasure and the opportunities to explore new technology helps students to approach the world of learning in a positive mode. The modern classroom experience has really changed the way students perceive education and they love this phase of life than ever before. With more and more technologies to be introduced in the near future, tomorrow’s classrooms would be a better place for students.

Bringing the concept of the age-old radio programs back into the 21st-century, podcasts have lots to cheer for. All thanks to the use of technology in churning out audio presentations of any topic under the sun, a podcast which comes in the form of episodes is a simple and easy-to-use educational tool. Alongside offering invaluable information to listeners, podcasts have gone ahead and become instructional tools in classrooms as well.

If you are curious to know how podcasts can be a good learning tool, here they come.

  1. The Emerging Popularity of Podcasts Helps Learners and Teachers

The innovative use of technology makes podcasts an indispensable tool for education. Tagged as the latest medium of learning, podcasts have,in the recent past become popular tools promising an impactful push to both students and teachers. Simplifying the job of the teaching staff, podcasts come as a stress-free option to engage students with quality audio content. Students can learn about topics while on the go once they subscribe to a podcast feed. Another primal benefit of podcasts is that these audio presentations can be used for students of different ages; right from schools all the way to universities.

  1. Portability and Convenience of Learning

Podcasts can be downloaded in your mobiles and can become your tutors in class. Portability and convenience are the two striking advantages of podcasts as with this students can enjoy flexibility in learning. You also have a round-the-clock access to information that is at your fingertips. Given a situation when your faculty is on leave, you can simply bank on this teaching resource and make the most of your free-hour to educate yourself about any topic of interest.

  1. Auditory Learning – An Impactful Educational Tool Compared to Watching or Reading

While listening to podcasts is one way of learning, recording podcasts also helps students in more ways than one. Students can record podcasts of topic synopses and submit as a group assignment while interviewing their peers about what they understood about a particular topic. Collating all the audio-based information and editing the same will lead to the emergence of a comprehensive educational podcast. Not allowing students to get distracted, podcasts come in as blessings to auditory learners who will start assimilating information by listening attentively.

  1. Lots of “Behind the Scenes” Activities

A podcast brings out the best in students by mirroring a number of their skills. Along with researching skills, students who record a podcast will also learn how to test it. Once the content is tested, it should be edited before it is finally recorded and ready to be published or promoted. Students who stir up podcasts will be taught the tone of storytelling when they begin to follow a flow of narration. You as a student will be prompted to record a podcast with a strict pattern of an introduction, followed by the explanation, eventually leading to a conclusion. While you are recording a podcast, you are simultaneously honing your communication skills, without the anxiety caused by stage fright. Upon recording multiple podcasts, you can slowly and steadily master the art of public speaking and engage your audience through quality audio content.

  1. Subject No Bar

If you are of the opinion that podcasts have to be made only in English or any other medium of instruction, think twice. You can churn out a Math podcast by reciting equations loud and clear, so that you can help your students who got struck over a tricky problem. You can share your podcast amongst your friends who are finding it hard to understand scientific concepts and theories. Given the numerous ways in which podcasts help master subjects, teachers also encourage their wards to listen to popular podcasts under various disciplines.

  1. Student Created Content – The Star Attraction of Podcasts

It is all about having a free hand while learning. Podcasts come in as valuable and interesting learning tools for students through the concept of “Student Created Content”. Allowing you to create your own podcast, you have the luxury of posing questions along with the inclusion of discussions that will help you complete your academic projects and presentations.All in all, podcasts come in as informal educational tools that favor the idea of collective learning.

  1. Record Your Lectures and Learn At Your Own Pace

Undoubtedly, technology presents innumerable options to all those who wish to think outside the box. Prompting you to record your classroom lectures, a podcast can serve as an “anytime”, “go to” educational material. Tagged as helpful study aids, podcasts help students to prepare better for their exams alongside hand-holding them to grasp a difficult concept that was lectured in the classroom. You simply listen to the recorded podcast, pause when needed and go on to the next topic; at your own pace. Podcasts coming with the options to pause, rewind and replay will come as a blessing to students with learning disabilities.

  1. A Boon to Students with Mental and Visual Disorders

“Learning through listening” can be the tagline of podcasting. Podcasts can be the best means of education especially for students battling visual and mental disorders. Such kids who are not comfortable with reading can opt for podcasts. Students fighting mental conditions like Dyslexia and ADHD can make the most of modern podcasts as a potent option to do away with the traditional methods of learning.

  1. A Perfect Option for Absenteeism

There can be a bad day in the life of a student who is unable to attend his/her college or school. In such a case, you can make up for your missed classes by downloading the recordings of the lectures. In this manner, you will be able to plug the gaps that have emerged on account of your non-attendance to school for a day or two. Teachers can record their lectures and hand over the recorded material for the absentees to catch up with the rest of the class.

  1. Guarantees A Uniform Learning Experience Across Sections

Given the fact that a teacher delivers lectures of the same topic to different classes, podcasts come in as teacher-friendly tools. Allowing the teacher to ensure that every student lays hands on the same explanation that was given by him/her in a particular class, podcasts help deliver “lecture consistency”. Students of different sections who listen to the lectures recorded by their teacher will be on par with each other with the same information being given out.

Wrapping It Up

All in an attempt to help you make the most of your learning experiences, you as a knowledge-seeker are at an advantage to master various subjects through listening. And if you are a teacher ordained to shape the lives of your students, you can bank on podcasts as the best tools that can help them learn effectively, without missing out a thing. To sum it all, podcasts come in as invaluable modern educational tools that can help the teacher and student fraternity in a number of creative ways.

Smart schools are trying out different teaching strategies to give a better learning experience for students.

Despite the quality of the teaching you give, keeping them engaged throughout a classroom session is always challenging.

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The attention span of kids is very low than you can expect and so it is important to put in some serious effort to grab their attention.

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The classroom sessions can be made interactive and interesting with a mix of learning and some gamification.

Here are a few tips that might help you to keep the students engaged in your classroom that helps you have a quality teaching time:

1. Warm up sessions:

A good start can impact the way students grasp the lessons. It would be good to start it off with a warm up session.

One of the commonly followed activities is writing some points related to what was taught in the previous class on the board. Students can actively find out the mistakes in it in a collaborative way.

2. Light movements

In order to improve their focus and attention, make them involve in light movements either in the beginning or in the middle of the lesson if you find them sleepy.

The activities can be varied according to the class you are handling. It can be hand-clapping, rhythmic finger snapping, cross crawls or light march.

3. Quick writes

When you finish a particular topic, you can ask them to give a quick write of what you taught them.

It can include important points covered in the topic and their judgement or conclusion regarding some tricky areas. This is a good way to keep students engaged with the lessons. This makes them focus more during the next classes.

4. Encourage to and fro questions

 Teachers should develop a habit of asking questions in between their lessons. And also give students an open platform to raise some questions or doubts regarding what was taught.

This makes the classroom sessions more interactive. This also helps them to understand the lessons better. By framing questions and receiving answers, students can get a deeper view of the subject.

5. Mix teaching styles

Following the same teaching style in every class creates boredom among students and they slowly start losing the interest. So it is better to mix the teaching styles often and students would have a better learning experience.

Approach different subjects in a different way and consider the interests of the students too.

6. Gamification

This is one of the best ways to teach kids as they would always love to have ‘learn with fun’ experience. Games such as education bingo and bleep can be included to enhance their memory.

Their vocabulary can be improved with vocabulary games such as ‘sentence race’. Teachers can also bring in creativity games, team work activities and competition games to raise their spirit for learning.

7. Group works

Group learning is equally important as self learning as students can be trained to think in groups and improve their group decision making.

Group assignments can be given once in a while when they can share their ideas and work out a project. They can bring out their exclusive ideas while accepting or considering others’ ideas too. This is another way to keep students engaged in the classroom.

8. Video sessions

Video sessions are a good option to grab student’s attention and focus. The visual elements are processed faster by brain and this can make remarkable impact on their understanding of the topic.

Variety can be made in this strategy too by including video presentations with beautiful slides or giving them video tutorials. Considering its importance, smart board options are gaining more importance in today’s classrooms.

9. Connect with real life:

Students would find it interesting if teachers can connect the subject that is being taught to incidents in real life. This also helps them to relate the subject better and gain a better understanding.

10. Activity learning

Making the students to sit stagnantly throughout the classroom sessions can be really boring for them.

Teachers can utilize the classroom space and engage them in some activity learning to regain their interest. Jumping the line, mime or sports gallery can be tried once in a while to make students active and engaging.

This is the best way to make the afternoon learning sessions more productive.

11. Quizzes and polls

Once a topic is covered, quizzes can be conducted by dividing class into groups.

This activity is not only engaging but also one of the spontaneous ways to assess their understanding.

Polls can also be conducted to get their feedback on the lessons, which is another option to pass the dead time.

12. Education apps

Bringing in some technology to the classroom can take away the boredom and make the students engaging.

With the wide use of mobiles, education apps are now becoming an inevitable tool in today’s classroom. With puzzle, you can engage them with video sessions and Motion Math app lets you teach difficult mathematical problems through games.

13 Story telling

 An interesting way to introduce a new subject is to start it with a story. Some teachers also bring stories in the middle of lessons helping students to relate some facts in a better way.

Kids would always love to hear stories and they crave for more. This is another way to engage them when handling tough subjects.

14. Autonomy Support

Including students in the learning process is really important to gain their interest for the subject.

Students should be given a platform to express their ideas or opinions during the activity.

They should be given ample time to understand a particular subject and don’t rush to the next lesson.

15. Flipped classroom

This is a credible learning technique which is being adopted in many smart classrooms.

Students are asked to prepare the lessons in advance by referring some video tutorials.

So when teacher discusses the lesson in the class, students would find the subject more engaging and interesting.

16. Teacher-student relations

Maintaining good relation with students is important for a teacher to make the classes more positive.

Students will have that freedom to express themselves whenever needed which gives them a sense of peace and happiness. Keeping up a pleasant classroom environment can impact the way they grasp the lessons.

17. Take small breaks

 Instead of having an hour long teaching sessions, take some small breaks in between to refresh the minds of students. You can talk or share something out of the syllabus and have a chit chat time with the students.

18. Response cards

Students can be given response cards with options such as agree and disagree, multiple choices, yes/no or even emoticons.

During the class period, teacher can ask questions and students have to give response with these cards. This activity can make the classes interactive and engaging which kills the boredom of one way lectures.

19. Dictation

For elementary classes, simple activities such as dictation can do the trick to pass the dead time.

Once you cover a class, just give a simple dictation test to stimulate their memory and to make them comfortable with words and spelling.

It can be a mix of listen, repeat, read and write experience for kids.

20. A to Z class summary

You may conclude a learning session with this activity to help them memorize or revise what they have learnt in the class.

Students can write a summary of the class in sentences starting with all alphabets from A to Z. This activity can be done in groups or as singles. Teacher can evaluate to give a feedback and correct them if their understanding went wrong somewhere.

These are some of the commonly used ideas in smart classrooms to have a quality learning session.

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Teachers can wisely apply the teaching tips according to the age or the level of classroom that is being handled. Know their boundaries when deciding on a new teaching strategy.

It is important to maintain eye contact with the students and always give a space for them to come up with suggestions. Similarly praising and rewarding their works can really motivate them.

Using contemporary materials whenever possible and differentiation can actually work wonders in enhancing the student’s liking and interest for learning.

Conventional lecture methods would not be very productive when the students are tired or sleepy, especially in the afternoon sessions. Having some fun classroom activities can make students active after lunch hour.

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Some teachers would make it plainly fun games while some others use it as a strategy to revise what is learned in the previous classes. In the morning sessions also, some teachers would take a short gap in between the strenuous learning to bring in some fun.

Are you looking for some interesting fun classroom activities to make your learning session interesting and engaging? Here are a few among the most played cool classroom activities for students of diverse class levels:

1. Educational Bingo

fun classroom activities

This awesome game can be played in groups. It is a lot of fun while helping to revise what is learnt in the class.

Teacher can ask a question that was taught in the previous class and the answer would be hidden in the bingo puzzle. It is widely used to learn mathematics with fun. The bingo card can contain numbers in columns and they have to solve maths puzzles to find out the answers in the list.

For example, teacher can call out “all numbers that are divisible by 4 in a row”.

2. Bleep

fun classroom activities

Bleep is an interesting memory game in which students are restricted to use certain words during reading comprehension.

A list of banned words is first provided to the participating students. This can also be word categories such as colors, names, animals, food and more.

Teacher would then give a reading comprehension material containing the relevant words. Each student is asked to read a sentence or paragraph by omitting these words.

They have to bleep once they come over a banned word to succeed in the game.

3. Pink Tac Toe

fun classroom activities

This is a really funny game that can be played with any number of students by grouping them into teams. Teacher would call out a body part followed by a colour.

A student from a team is assigned the task of finding an object in the classroom with that particular colour. He/she then needs to touch it with the mentioned body part.

If teacher calls out pink toe, he/she has to find out an object with pink colour and touch it with his toe.

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4. Sports Gallery

fun classroom activities

This is an energizer game that raises the acting spirit in students.

Teacher will have a list of sports activities with him/her numbered from 1 to 10 or so. He would then randomly call out a student and asks to say a number.

Teacher now call out the sports activity that is linked to the particular number in his/her list.

The student has to enact the activity for at least 10 seconds.

The list can include items such as shooting a jump shot, batting a baseball, serving a tennis ball, juggling a soccer ball and more.

5. Blind Artist

fun classroom activities

This amazing classroom activity can invoke creativity among students. Students are first paired and are placed in a position such that they don’t face each other.

A student will be given a picture and the other student will be given a plain paper and pencil. The student with the picture has to describe what is in the picture without actually telling what it is.

The other person has to bring in some creativity and imagination to draw a picture according to his description.

6. Crazy Train

fun classroom activities

This is a funny game which can be played with elementary level students. Students can be grouped into 10 or 12. They are asked to line up and connect among themselves to represent a train.

Teacher says start when the train slowly moves forward. He would then give commands during the journey such as fast, slow, move backward, turn left and more. Kids would listen to these commands and make changes in their move.

7. Four Corners

fun classroom activities

Teacher would randomly choose a student ‘X’ and ask him/her to stand outside the classroom after his/her eyes are tied up.

Rest of the class would be divided into four and asked to stand at four corners of the class, say A, B, C and D. Then X will call out an alphabet and those students staying at that corner will be out of the game.

The rest of the three groups are again divided into four and asked to stand at four corners. X will again call out an alphabet and that group gets out. This elimination is continued until four students are at four corners and the luckiest student will be the last one standing.

8. Sentence Race

fun classroom activities

This is a vocabulary review game that can be played among high school students.

The teacher would write up vocabulary words in pieces of paper and folds it and keeps in a box. The class would be divided into two groups and the blackboard would also be partitioned into two, each side for a team.

A member from a team would come up and picks a piece of paper. He needs to write a meaningful sentence that includes the word specified on the paper on blackboard. Teacher would finally evaluate the sentences and the side with most meaningful sentences will win.

9. Chain Spelling

fun classroom activities

This is an amazing game in which students need to connect two unrelated words by looking at their spelling.

Teacher first writes a word on the board. First student is asked to take the last three or four letters of the word and form another word.

The next student has to repeat the same and this is continued until a student fails to form a word or misspells it. The game can be made tighter by restricting them to certain category of words.

10. Blindfold Conversation

fun classroom activities

This is a team building activity for a new classroom. First teacher asks everybody to introduce themselves in a few sentences.

Once it is done, class would be divided into two teams. A student from a team is called up and his eyes would be tied. A student from the other team is then called and asked to say something.

The student who is blinded has to recognize him/her from his voice. If he/she failed to do so, he/she may also ask certain questions related to what was discussed in the introduction to identify the person.

11. Jumping the Line

fun classroom activities

This is an energizer game that would be apt to play at the end of a class which can be used as a revision too.

A line is drawn on the class floor and one side of the line will be marked ‘true’ and the other as ‘false’. The students are asked to stand on the line.

Teacher would pick a student and says a statement based on what is taught in the class. If the student thinks that it is true, he/she has to jump to the true side or else the false side.

If the student’s assessment is wrong, he/she has to go back to his desk.

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Teacher would continue the game and the last student standing in the line with the most right assessments will be the winner for the day.

12. Missing Cards

This is a memory game for any level students that improve their attention to detail. The class is first divided into two. Teacher has a set of cards which denotes different categories.

A student from the first team is asked to come up and teacher shows him/her 5 cards for 10 seconds. He/she then shuffles the card and shows only 4 cards next time.

The student has to recall his/her memory and identify the missing card. The team with the most number of correct card recalls win.

13. Mime

This is a very popular game in which action words or verbs are revised in a funny manner.

The class is first divided into teams. Teacher writes action words such as running, gardening, singing etc in pieces of paper. It is then folded and placed in a bag or box.

A student from a team comes and picks a paper and enacts the word. The other team has to guess the word correctly to win a point.

14. Buzz

This is a great game that stimulates concentration and attention to detail in students while still having fun.

The teacher can first choose a list such as a number 1 to 100, a series of words, prime numbers and more according to the knowledge level of the students.

The participants will be first informed about the buzzwords or numbers in the list, say every odd number, prime number, vowels or so. They have to read the items in the list while replacing the particular number or alphabet as ‘buzz’.

These are just a few among the many popular fun classroom activities for students. A board race, scavenger hunts, spin the wheel, and the jigsaw is among other commonly chosen fun classroom activities to let students enjoy the beautiful feeling of learning with fun.

15. Thanking for the Compliment

This is an ice-breaking classroom activity, which can boost the confidence and encourage students to complement each other’s.

The teacher can give a sheet of paper to each student in the class which has to be pinned on their backs then she has to ask every student to think of a compliment to write for their friends. When the whole class is done with it, ask them to read it aloud.

16. “All about me”

This would be a fun-filled interesting classroom activity for kids, which can be performed in the beginning as well as at the end of the academic year.

Here the teacher is supposed to prepare a worksheet with certain set of questions like:

  • My name is………….
  • I want to become a …………………. When I grow up.
  • My hobbies are……………
  • My favourite colour …………
  • I want to go to …………………………
  • My best friend is …………………………….

They would simply live to fill this out. It would be more fun to do this activity twice an year, for them to compare.

17. Collect the Candies

‘Collect the candies’ is a school-activity which would be very effective in classroom.

In this the teacher has to hide candies in different corners of the class. Now, the students have to collect and find the candies. Initially, it would sound like a treasure hunt.

Now ask the students to show the number of candies they have collected and along with this they have describe about their favourite actor, teacher, colour, fruit etc. The number of things to be said will depend on the number of candies they have collected.

18. “Lean Laniya”

These interesting fun classroom activities will let the students to think and learn new words.

The game goes like, every student has to think of an adjective to describe themselves. But with the condition that the adjective must start with the first letter of the respective student’s name. For instance, Funny Francila, Smart Steeve, Tall Tom etc.

Teachers can choose the activity wisely depending on the level of students they are handling. Some of these classroom activities are not only evoke fun but also stimulates their creativity, thought process and teamwork.

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Some of these school activities can also be used as part of strategic plans to teach difficult topics. However, it needs a lot of planning and preparation from teachers to execute such Classroom activities successfully rather than making it a distraction from serious learning.

A good classroom environment should always have the right mix of learning and fun.

You will agree with the fact that education should provide you with skills that will help you prepare for and face the challenges life throws at us. Gone are the days of traditional educational systems where students learnt lessons by rote. Not allowing them to think out-of-the-box, it was the age when teachers too were not equipped with skills that they could ignite the creativity in students.

With modernization, this drawback paved the way to include classroom activities aimed at improving the creativity of students. Teaching creativity as one of the subjects of study was made possible through a model of giving instructions to students with an intention to hone their creativity; a natural ability to thrive in a fast-paced and highly-competitive environment.

Here are such creativities that fosters education:

  1. Teachers to come up with awards and rewards for creativity

Motivation is the first trick that can be followed by teachers. The onus is on the faculty to create a learning environment that not only recognizes creativity but also appreciates it. The school administration can declare awards to showcase the creative talents of students.

Every classroom which has students who provide creative solutions to real-world situations can be recognized and praised. This recognition will fuel the creative side of other students to follow suit. Here, you can create notice boards with the names and abilities of students who have come up with great school work and sing words of praise.

  1. A Blend of Cognitive and Emotional Programs

What are the effective ways to teach creativity so that teachers can impart quality education to students? All in an attempt to provide holistic education to knowledge-seekers, it is through an amalgamation of emotional and cognitive functions that teachers can handhold students to tread the path of a creative lifestyle. Other abilities of students like mastering a musical instrument, developing a spatial awareness and bodily kinesthetic development can lay the foundation of a creative means to a comprehensive educational program.

  1. Introduce a Host of Programs that can Develop the Creative Skills of a Class

Thinkquest and Odyssey of the Mind are some of the classroom programs that can be conducted by teachers who are inclined towards honing the creative talents of students. Becoming a platform to compete with the global fraternity of creative learners, it is through these well-designed programs that students from different parts of the globe can learn from the experiences of creative thinkers and learners.

  1. Encouragement to Hands-On Learning

Quote unquote the famous maxim from Benjamin Franklin says: “Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.” The underlying concept behind this thought is that students who are encouraged to tread the path of experimental learning can connect better with the subject when compared to simply lecturing from a text book.

If you are an English teacher, you can involve a group reading session. And every time you want to conduct such a session, you can pick one  different reader who will read out the contents of the text to the entire class.

Media and Designing students are at an advantage when they can skip theory and involve themselves with hands-on learning. If you are teaching a class about fundamentals of web designing, you can encourage your wards to use  websites like Wix and Squarespace. These are free website building tools that students can use  to develop their own websites revolving around a topic of their choice.

Math can be taught the innovative way by implementing practical ideas teamed with working models.. Infusing a sense of excitement to learning will make students  learn to solve problems related to speed and distance. This way, you as a teacher will be able to provide an innovative way to solve math problems through real-life examples.

  1. The Use of Unconventional Learning Materials

Textbooks teamed with writing boards come in as traditional teaching tools. However, with technology impacting into every sphere of human life, you can promote the out-of-the-box thinking of your students by introducing them to innovative educational tools. Empowering students with TED Talks, Podcasts and Design Software, you can teach your kids to learn through audio-visual presentations.

When students listen to the TED talks delivered by role models and global leaders, they will connect with them better. Getting inspired by their life-stories, students who have TED talks as part of their educational curriculum will begin to enjoy the benefits of creative development.

Educational podcasts are handy tools that can be played in classrooms. You name a subject and you will find a matching podcast. Visual communication comes as another educational tool which makes use of design software to churn out innovative lesson plans for students. Through software-enabled visual communications, students can strengthen their fundamentals about a particular topic.

  1. Class Discussions – A Practice With Many Benefits

Unnecessary chatter can be distracting not only to the teacher but also to a group of focused students who are all eyes and ears with the subject under study. Encouraging the entire class to become part of a meaningful discussion is definitely a challenge to every teacher. If your teaching strategy relies on such meaningful subject-oriented discussions, then it will be a favor to your students in the following ways:

  • A discussion initiated by you will get your students to apply their reasoning skills and enables the entire class to think about the topic
  • Effective listening skills are encouraged when the rest of the class is made to pay attention to a group of students who are coming up with ideas and suggestions about the topic
  • Paving the way for a healthy competition, students will go extra mile in challenging their peers by outsmarting them with an innovative presentation of creative ideas
  1. Multi-Format Assignments – A Proven Means to Keep Monotony at Bay

Sticking to hard and fast rules can be very stressful to students who wish to demonstrate their innovative minds to the rest of the class. Teachers who encourage multi-format assignments fuel the creative steak in kids, alongside allowing them to come up with creative ideas to showcase their knowledge. It need not be a monotonous essay writing assignment that can become the yardstick of their intelligence. You can encourage your class to submit their assignments in the form of presentations, speeches and documentaries.

  1. Stress Busting Techniques Become Light-Hearted Learning Mechanisms

Topping the chart of options to create a positive learning environment, teachers who encourage  good sense of humor in classrooms are doing the right thing. that They can tackle stressful situations better only when students are encouraged to laugh and share relevant jokes in class

  1. A Video Diary Allows Students to Peep Into Their Inner Selves

It’s all about the “three things” concept. Teachers, by the end of every term can encourage students to introspect the three things that went well, the three major challenges that they faced and the three things that call for attention and hard work. And these inferences can be presented in the form of an interesting video presentation for the entire class to watch, learn and enjoy. This simple yet effective exercise will permit students to take their learning journey seriously so that they can make the most of the education imparted in classrooms.

  1. Education through Goal-Setting

Achievable and measureable goals are the biggest motivators in the learning curve of students. Teachers can encourage their wards to come up with a set of project or term based goals and write them down for everyone to see. A classroom notice board which displays the goals of every student will in turn serve as an empowering tool for others to tighten their belts. Once students are made to extend their efforts in the direction of reaching their goals, they will scout for creative means to finally arrive at the finish line.

  1. Motivation Through Posters

A picture is worth a thousand words. In line with this famous adage, teachers who pin up motivational quotes on the soft boards of classrooms will be dealing with a bunch of students who constantly look up to such quotes. Inspiring them to perform better by the day, these motivational quotes will go a long way in shaping their creative instincts.

  1. Team Building Strategies

Two brains are better than one. So true to this phrase, a class which thrives on the principle of team building can pave the way for creative thinking teamed with a strong sense of collaboration and communication. Allowing students to constantly interact with each other in pursuit of a common assignment or project work, they will experience a multitude of feelings. Alongside enjoying the thrill of success, they will also try to deal with failure in a better way. All these help them master the subject with a belief that they can bank on the combined efforts of their classmates.


A classroom which ranks high on creativity can make all the educational dreams of students a reality. All the above classroom activities can ensure that your students can hone their creative skills in the best possible manner. However, the onus is on the faculty to go the extra mile to encourage students to stretch their imagination through the above mentioned creative classroom strategies.

A good classroom environment always has some elements of creativity which makes the lessons more interesting and interactive. The right mix of creativity along with curriculum helps students to be innovative and also encourages them to learn new things. Students can grow up as good communicators in addition to improving their emotional and social skills. Creative classrooms can really transform the way students acquire education and how they apply it in their real life. In fact, creative expression plays a key role in a student’s emotional development.

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Let us have a look at how important is the role of creativity in today’s classroom and its benefits.

1. Learn with fun

Creative classrooms give an opportunity for students to learn with fun. The teaching activities such as storytelling and skits help them to learn without the pressure of learning.

Students are always fun loving and including creative activities along with curriculum gains their interest for learning.

Teachers should encourage this quality in students from the lower classes itself and inspire them to believe in one’s own creativity.

Fun team building activities can be organized so as to promote creative thinking in groups and helping them to learn about accepting others’ ideas.

2. Freedom of Expression

Unlike the conventional teaching methods, the creative classrooms give them the opportunity to express themselves.

Whether it is debate or classroom discussions or field trips, students have the chance to come out of their shelves and become a part of it. This freedom of expression gives them a sense of goodness and happiness.

Making some contributions in the learning sessions gives them a sense of satisfaction too.

A creative approach to learning makes them more open with the puzzles that come their way and gives them a feeling of accomplishment and pride.

3. Emotional Development

Creative expression is important for a kid to trigger up their emotional development. Importantly, this has to happen at their lower classes itself so that they grow up by responding well to the happenings around them.

Creativity gives them that freedom to explore the surroundings and learn new things from them.

Students would always love a classroom setting that helps them to explore freely without setting them any boundaries.

When they can show off their true emotions in a creative manner in their classrooms, they can build up good confidence level.

4. Enhances Thinking Capability

Creativity can stimulate imaginative thinking capability in students. That is why teachers promote activities such as open-ended questions, creative team building activities, brainstorming sessions and debates amidst busy curriculum schedules.

Some teachers tactfully use these techniques to teach tough lessons to make children learn with fun and ease.

Activities such as puppet shows will keep the students feel interested in the learning sessions and the flow of images in their mind gives them the pleasure of creativity.

The open-ended questions will open them a world of imaginative thinking and they can come up with creative responses.

5. Reduced Stress and Anxiety

When some time is set aside for creativity in between all the strenuous study times, it takes a lot of stress away from students.

This sense of joy keeps them relaxed and reduces their anxiety which in turn helps them to prepare well for exams and excel in it.

Integrating more hands-on learning and making room for visual reflection is really going to make a positive impact.

Encouraging productive discussions as well as making the classroom layout more flexible all matters a lot in gearing up a creative classroom atmosphere.

6. Boosts Problem Solving Skills

The brainstorming activities involving puzzles can stimulate the skills of problem-solving in children.

Creativity can really alter the way students approach a problem and it can be impressively optimistic once they go through creative teaching sessions.

Creative problem solving can be encouraged in classrooms that help students to think out of the box and be more imaginative and innovative.

With this way, the problems or opportunities are redefined by the students and the solutions or responses would be more innovative.

7. Improves Focus and Attention

The average attention or concentration span of a lower class kid is just a few minutes.

The conventional teaching methods would be boring for them and they may lose their focus in the midway.

Including creative teaching strategies such as storytelling and skits are sure to improve their focus and attention and the study time would be more productive.

Playing memory games, taking regular breaks and intervals to bring in some creativity and setting a flexible classroom environment can make a lot of improvement in their attention span.

8. Better Communicators

A classroom environment that promotes creativity opens them a world of communication. Students can make better conversation and stimulate innovative thinking and talking sessions in their free time.

This also triggers group problem solving and shared learning that gives them a feeling of togetherness.

Classroom debates not only help them to think creatively but also understand and welcome others’ views. This kind of shared creative experience helps them to open up to one another and grow up as better communicators.

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9. Follow Passions

Working out the passions in addition to excelling in academics is important for a student to come up successful in life.

A good classroom environment should give space for students to follow their passions whether it is music, dance, poetry, drawing or other art forms.

This gives students a sense of happiness which in turn helps them to approach academics with a free mind.

Setting aside time for such activities is really going to help them develop their creative talents in addition to academic brilliance. Students who rightly use these opportunities can come out of the school with flying colors.

10. Future Opportunities

A stimulating classroom can have charts that visualize the goals with timelines that help students to have a look on the go.

The classrooms are the place where students get the basement for how successful they can be when they grow up.

The skills and the confidence they gain throughout their school days are really going to make an impact in the way they prosper the career.

In fact, creative persons have an upper hand in triggering future opportunities than those with a mere academic skill set.

They can express freely during knock out rounds and the way they present themselves really matters in this competitive phase.

11. Innovative Mindset

Open-ended questions and classroom discussions are two popular creative teaching strategies that help students to develop an innovative mindset.

Students get opportunity to think more critically about the question or subject and come up with innovative ideas.

The friendly classroom discussions also aid them to think decisively about others’ ideas and contributions while thinking critically to produce something innovative.

A stimulating classroom setting which is colorful rather than black and white can do the trick to lower class students and teachers can make some effort to bring in some humor between the lessons.

12. Drive Lifelong Learning

A person with a creative mindset always has that craving to learn new things every time and this helps them to have that amazing feeling of lifelong learning.

This would really keep them engaged and active throughout which in turn helps them to stay young always.

A curious mind always loves to learn more and the creative classrooms can build up a curious mindset in children through unconventional ways.

The education apps are on the rise with the growing mobile market and there are some awesome apps such as Doodle Buddy, 123D Sculpt, Audacity and GarageBand that gear up creativity.

However, it is the role of a good teacher to bring in the right mix of creativity in classrooms and bring out the best in the students.

The pleasure of creativity also contributes a lot to improved health and this helps them to have a continued growth in academics as well as world of creativity.

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During a TED talk, Sir Ken Robinson raised the utmost significance of creativity in today’s education when he told “Creativity now is as important in education as literacy, and we should treat it with the same status.”

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Every child has some inbuilt creativity in them and proper guidance from the teacher coaxes and cultivates it to help them grow up as creative individuals.