Abu Dhabi Education Council never hesitates to make necessary reformations to promote world-class quality in education. Irtiqa is the latest initiative of ADEC.

This time ADEC aims at ensuring highest international performance standards with Irtiqa. All students all schools deserve the best when it’s about education. The “Irtiqa’a” program is introduced across schools of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi for the same.

What is Irtiqa?

“Guaranteed Quality in Education”

ADEC intends to provide world-class comprehensive educational assessment framework to schools through Irtiqa. It will support schools to achieve the goal by creating a competitive environment, increasing awareness among educators about the importance of quality performance, providing inspection tools and established standards. The programme examines school performance to identify their quality level.

Read Also: The Role of Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC)

About Irtiqua

“Mission is Perfection in Education”

Comprehensive evaluation of schools helps to identify the shortcomings of the institution. The vision of the new programme is to pave way for improvement till perfection is achieved in education.

Irtiqua is a smart step of ADEC. Promoting quality and excellence in education by introducing strategic goals is what Irtiqua does. Continues improvement with the co-operation and partnership of teaching staff and management can bring positive change in any school.

Objectives of Irtiqua

  • Analyse the performance level of the schools within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
  • Provide recommendations for improvement
  • Policy-making
  • Encouraging and sharing the best practices in education

How does Irtiqa work?

“Change is vital, improvement the logical form of change.”

James Cash Penney

Team of international experts inspects majority of schools once every two years. They evaluate eight areas or ‘Performance Standards’ during inspection:

  • Standard of the school and its progress
  • Personal development of the school
  • Teaching quality
  • Meeting students through appropriate curriculum
  • Providing support, care, guidance and protection for the students
  • School Premises and building quality
  • Leadership and management in the schools

The target is crystal clear, overall school improvement. The inspection team generates two reports on the light of inspection.

All about the reports

Two reports are generated by the inspectors:

  1. A Summary Report: It is a concise document describing the most significant strengths and weaknesses of the school. Summary report also includes what the school needs to do for further improvement.
  2. A Technical Report: The detailed assessment and grades for each Performance Standard is furnished on the technical report.

The ultimate focus is on education standard, from better to best then to outstanding. The invaluable guidance is a treasure for schools.

Read Also: The Good, Bad and the Ugly of Taking up a Teaching Job at ADEC

How does inspection influence school standards?

For educators: Inspection is a motivation for principals and teaching staffs of any school to raise their standards and deliver progress towards excellence. It helps them to undertake a professional approach to the whole concept of education. The inspection makes it clear that the teaching methods used are in line with the best practices.

 For Students: Students well-being is the ultimate cornerstone of inspections. The change will eventually boost up their confidence.  Giving a scope for their talents to flourish is really important.

For parents: Parents can remain calm about the quality of education their children receives.  Inspection guarantees that the time children spend on school is happy, productive and safe.

*Inspections for efficiency

Abu Dhabi Education Council helps in contributing better learning environment for students. Teachers at ADEC play a vital role in managing and executing the purpose. The teaching job at ADEC is quite lucrative. If you have got an opportunity and is interested, you might want to know more. Here we discuss both the good side and bad side to the job.

Pros and cons of getting into teaching jobs at ADEC:

Advantages of Taking up Teaching Job at ADEC 

1. Better Salary

No teaching jobs in emirates or Gulf, in general, can beat the salary package of ADEC. Abu Dhabi never hesitates to spend on education.

  • The housing allowance provided by ADEC grants suitable luxurious apartment for stay
  • Salary is tax-free
  • The base salary is up to $52,000 a year

With a better salary, you can live a better life. Say adieu to financial constraints with a teaching job at ADEC. You can compare the salary provided by ADEC to the country’s university positions. It’s impossible to find a similar salary providing private schools in the Gulf. Bonus is also allowed even after termination.

Savings and more savings!

Teaching jobs in ADEC have got both financial security and lighter workload. Upgrade your life with this golden opportunity.

2. Never Hectic

Working hours are light in ADEC. No need to invest your weekend for the sake of job. Employees are often discouraged from working on weekends. No one expects you to stay late. “Your time is your time” is the attitude of the job and no one will interfere with your job.

Exams follow at the end of each trimester. Before exams, there is one or two week un-official, non-teaching time. During that time, no teaching or learning is required. Adding both, you get to enjoy almost 6 weeks of non-teaching time. During exam time, teachers have to work only for half-days.

                     Better Working Environment

There are no special dress codes that prevent you from wearing what you like. People from around the world will be working with you at ADEC.

3. Fully Loaded Schools

ADEC is opening new schools every year with all the latest facilities. The latest generation students are also eager to learn. If you are coming from another part of the world, their respect might surprise you. Students clean board, carry books and bring free food for teachers. It will be amazing to work with them. Schools are divided into Arts and Sciences. Children do not mix and they stay in a single classroom. You will have a good relation with your children. After leaving the job, you will miss them for sure.

Read: ​ Why Abu Dhabi Education Council’s (ADEC) Licenced Teacher Program is Special

Disadvantages of Taking up Teaching Job at ADEC 

1. Administration

There can be people against reforms. You can get irritated with that. Their job is to create employment. They observe the class only because they are told to do so.  They won’t show up at time. No one from ADEC is going to stop them and their arrogant behaviour. Afraid of losing their job, they tend to blame you for no special reason.

2. Finding Solutions for Your Problem

ADEC advisors won’t indulge in your problems with any teacher, student or administrator. They are least bothered about your issues with others. Only one person can help you, your local administrator. If he is the problem then it’s better to give up. There is nothing you can do about it. You might get depressed with the situation.

3. You Cannot go Against the Flow

No one will notice your struggle at ADEC. Parents have got no idea what’s going inside. Newspapers are least bothered about the practices. Even if you notice anything irregular, you are helpless.

Administration team consists of a principal, two vice president and two other social workers. Their responsibilities change every day. You are not supposed to question them.

Ugly Side of Taking Up ADEC Teaching Jobs

1. Possibilities of Attack

There are incidents when people got attacked by others. A cleaner got attacked by some girls for taking their photo. She was brutally beaten in front of the crowd. Administration and police later confirmed that the cleaner deserves to take the photo. No one got punished after the incident, ADEC remained silent as well. There were attack incidents against teachers also. Brutal incidents happen, yet no one will punish the culprits.

2. Embassy Can’t Protect You

You are devoid of the right of speech, freedom for expression and association.  Everything changes around you. The only thing you can do is to adjust with the current scenario. Some teachers got fired for revolting against an HR in the ADEC’s head office. You can only praise ADEC to newspapers. You can lose your job if you do the opposite. They allow transfers only after one year of service. Some parents expect their child to pass even after being absent for class. They will accuse the teachers for the failure of their children.

3. No Support at All

Discussing the problems online cannot help you.  Anything affecting the reputation of the rulers or government is a criminal offence. Online discussion is a crime.

Without much control on students, they tend to change to be savages. Neglecting their small and petty crimes can be dangerous. Some children harass the teachers using their native language, Arabic. You cannot respond to their insults. Admin will blame you for not knowing Arabic.

Read:   Everything You Need to Know About ADEC in a Nutshell

Despite these, if things do work out well for you, there wouldn’t be a better place for you to work as a teacher. That’s the allure, isn’t it?

#whatever be the situation, teaching is a noble profession. “A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops” – Henry Adams

While parents evaluate schools depending on the rating of institutions like KHDA and ADEC, are they giving adequate importance to the mentality of children?

The answer is a plain NO. Even though you come across the mood fluctuations of children, you never take it seriously. To survive in the modern world, surpassing education is not enough; priority goes to the attitude.

One among the most prominent attitude problem in children is the feeling of being a victim – the victim mentality.

What is victim mentality?

Victim mentality is a rotten attitude where your child assumes that he/she is always the victim. That’s far beyond childish. And as a responsible parent, you must not ignore such instincts in your child.

Never ignore, listen!

“It’s not fair!”, “that’s not my fault”, you won’t understand”. These might be some among the countless yelling your child makes when upset. Normally you ignore it or just console them saying that things will be fine. But that’s not enough. The problem is with the mentality of the children. If he thinks himself to be a victim he will begin to feel like one.

But the good news is that you can change your child’s attitude.

Simple steps to set things on track!

“The problem that we have with a victim mentality is that we forget to see the blessings of the day. Because of this, our spirit is poisoned instead of nourished.” – Steve Maraboli

  1. Be Clear: 

From their victim behaviour, it is clear that they are unaware about the difference between fair and unfair. With love and care, make them understand that life can be unfair sometimes but not always. Sharing with them your personal experiences of failure is also effective.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • “Life can be biased sometimes, but that doesn’t mean it will be like this forever”

X “There is nothing like fair and unfair, it’s your fault”

2. Solve It

If your child faces any problem that makes him/her the victim, ask them how they are going to deal with it. To run away or to blame about problems is not the right way of dealing it. Encourage your children to keep trying until they succeed.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • “It’s just part of life, how you handle it is important.”

X “You cannot succeed, I knew it”

3. Don’t argue

If you realise that the child is being treated unfairly, never argue with them for the opposite. If his/her teacher is treating your child badly then don’t ignore. Listen to them and talk to them about the problems and make them believe that, you are there for them.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • “It’s not your fault but theirs. Don’t worry about anything. I am here for you”

X   “That teacher always treats you badly. I don’t think she likes you”

4. Responsibilities

Taking care of your child every time your child feels a victim is good. But you must never ignore that you should teach them to take responsibilities of their actions as well. It can be chaos at first but later this will fetch confidence and courage in your child.

Dos and Don'ts while communicating with children

  • Be yourself and that’s not tough

X If you want me to do anything, obey me

#Always remember

Change doesn’t happen overnight. You should bring it and it might take time, but never be disheartened. The core function of our plan is to make our children responsible individuals with a positive outlook towards life.

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” – Helen Keller

“A child who is allowed to be disrespectful to his parents will not have true respect for anyone” -Billy Graham

Parents always choose the best for their children.  When it’s about selecting the school, they often depend on institutions like KHDA and ADEC. Choosing the best school is not enough for the betterment of your child. Helping your child to become a better human being must be the top most priority.

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Most parents are tired of the disrespectful attitude of their children. They believe that there is no way out of it and the only remedy is to ignore. Guess what? You can have control over your child’s behaviour without much effort.

Behaviour that cultivates disrespect in children and ways to tackle them:

  1. Over-react

Children get angry when parents express their frustration in different ways. They find it really annoying when you connect their kiddish behaviour personally or to the next level. Every time your child talks to you and spend time with you, never over-react for the little things you find annoying.

What the child feels: Its better not to communicate with parents, as they won’t understand us.

What you can do instead: Understand their problems. Be a friend to them. You won’t take the jokes and mistakes of your friend personally, right? That’s what works here too. Children might run out of track may be because of their frustration with studies or any other reason. Promote maximum interaction with children. What they need is your time.

  1. Dealing with other people

We understand that you might be tangled with the problems from the boss, loud neighbours and irritating family members. Your possibilities of having a bad day are far higher than your kids. That doesn’t mean you can showcase your problems before your children.

Kids are watching you. Never show your bad behaviour to anyone in front of them. And if you do, don’t be surprised when your kids do the same.

What the child feels: They never feel anything, they just imitate you!

What you can do instead:  Be what you want your kids to be. First be a good human being, then a good parent. That’s not hard.

  1. My child can never go wrong

“I will take the side of my child no matter what”, you think your child will love when you do this. Yes, of course but what you are doing to your children is not less than a crime.

For instance, if your children talks disrespectfully about their teachers for giving them tiring homework, never take their side. Even if you know that the home work is hectic, never join with your kid and complain about the teacher.  When you take the side of your child, you are showing them that it’s ok to be disrespectful to someone you are angry with.

What the child feels: Its ok to rude to someone you are anger with.

What to do instead: You don’t need to agree with someone in order to respect them. Regardless of how they feel, they should always respect their elders. Teach your child to deal with disagreements appropriately and calmly.

  1. Ignoring the good things

Notice the good things in your child’s behaviour. Appreciate them for their brighter side. Constantly reminding them about their mistakes and flaws can only make things worse. Appreciate them for what they are and not what you want them to be.

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What the child feels: It’s impossible to impress parents. No need to be good all the time because it’s the flaws that always gets noticed.

What you should do instead: Kids respond positively to praise. They feel motivated to be better.

  1. Demanding respect

Demanding respect never works. It’s a misconception of parents that by the authority they can make their children do anything.  Ultimately respect is a feeling and you cannot force your child to feel something for you.

What the child feels: It’s just a rule to respect parents.

What to do instead:  Make them understand the importance of respect but don’t force them to do so. Let them realise that you are there for them.

Tired of fighting with your problematic child? Both teachers and parents feel the urge to be angry at them, but that’s not the way out. We have better solutions for your problem.

While the quality of education, infrastructure and other facilities in schools are monitored by institutions such as KHDA and ADEC around the world, there is no official body to look at children’s character formation. Follow some simple steps to bring children under your control.

The Magic Is Here:

It’s not that tough to be buddies with your children. All you have to do is to follow these simple steps. Get hold of your children without them realising it.

Here We Go…!

Rule #1 Patience All The Way

“Patience is not simply the ability to wait – it’s how we behave while we’re waiting.” Joyce Meyer

The first compulsory step is to be patient with your children. It can be bitter but believe us; the fruit is worth the wait. This means that you need to have control over your temperament. Make yourself ready for their problematic behaviour. Do a makeover to your perspective.

Rule # 2 Find the Purpose

“When solving problems, dig at the roots instead of just hacking at the leaves.” Anthony J. D’Angelo

The question, why is a child misbehaving is of great importance. There might be some reason for their problematic behaviour. Understand them but never force them to reveal anything. The sooner you know, the better it is. Stay calm and love them for what they are. They must have a sense of belief in you. After gaining that the ball in your court, they will confide in you, making it easy to solve their issues.

Rule #3 No More Bossy Approaches

“Our attitude towards life determines life’s attitude towards us”John N Mitchell

Yes! That’s right. Do not be bossy over your child; it can ruin your relationship with him or her. Bossing can make children seek revenge. Ask yourself, do you like being bossed by anyone? You don’t. Neither do children. They need love and care. Look forward to maintain a strong and friendly relationship with your children. Don’t treat them as if they are your slaves.

Rule # 4 Shoulders in thick and thin

“To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there.”- Barbara Bush

When children don’t feel a sense of belonging, they tend to exhibit unacceptable behaviour. Make sure that your children possess a sense of belonging. Never scold a child for unwanted reasons. They should get a natural feeling that they belong to you. Make them feel, how special they are. Rather than just making them guilty for their mistakes, make them realise.

Rule #5 Be the opposite of what they expect

“The moments that you were there for someone in their time of need are the moments that they will hopefully remember most.” -Senora Roy

Normally after doing mistakes, children anticipate your reaction. Afraid about the outcome, most of the times they attempt to hide their mistakes. If you want to restrict them from doing something, then talk in a positive manner. Don’t impose your opinion on your children; let them do the right thing on their own.

Rule #6 Focus on Good

“You can’t depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”Mark Twain

There is something good in everything. Instead of focussing on the flaws of your children, focus on their bright side. This gives them confidence. Always being worried about your child can instil in them a feeling that there is something within them to be worried about. The more you worry, the more they will get frustrated.


Researches show that the most important factor in child behaviour is child-parent relationship.

What a child expects form parents

  • Love, respect and care
  • Listen to their feelings
  • Never yell or shout
  • Always being positive
  • Always in a good mood
  • Never compare with other kids

It’s not that tough to control your child. Follow these simple strategies and let us know what you think in the comment section below.

More or less, it’s the responsibility of teachers to ensure better progress of students. At a time when innovative syllabuses such as EYFS and quality control institutions such as KHDA and ADEC are present, a teacher’s job can be challenging.

The effort required to maintain all aspects of education smoothly is quite high. Hence, teachers might not be able to carefully monitor assignments completed by their students. Some children would complete their work by copying it from internet or other source with minimal effort.

No need to worry about tracking the copied stuff. There are sites out there that can help you with this.

5 Awesome tools for Teachers to Check Plagiarism

Be sure about your needs before choosing any plagiarism sites. It’s your responsibility as a teacher to ensure that the assignments allotted to them are carried out effectively.


TurnItIn is a popular plagiarism detection product. The software can be used to analyse against a database with billions of web pages, student papers, and academic articles.

Site Facts:

  • The service can be used in both computer and tablet as it is cloud-based
  • Educational institutions can avail purchase plans
  • 15,000 institutions round the globe uses TurnItIn
  • The site shows teachers the percentage of unoriginal content, high lightens the lines in question and  serves the source of the original content

It is reported that some followers encountered the problem of showing false plagiarism. This can be resolved by checking the source of plagiarism samples. TurnItIn can only be used by teachers if the school subscribes.


The usage of PlagiarismChecker.com is free and simple. Hence, it is one among the favourite plagiarism checking sites for teachers. It has been made keeping in mind the needs of teachers.

Site Facts

  • PlagiarismChecker.com is free
  • The site searches phrases rather than whole paper

PlagiarismChecker.com is the best resource to depend if you are looking for a simple reliable plagiarism detector for free. This one will miss plagiarism if children are cribbing their work from resources not freely available online.

  1. Plagtracker

Plagtracker is an effective online plagiarism detection service. The site scans content from more than 20 million academic works. After the scan teachers can obtain a detailed report about the work.

Site Facts:

There are some special features especially for teachers in the site:

  • Student Management and Tracking System
  • Custom Filter Setup
  • Grading System
  • Live Document View
  • Bibliography Check
  • Document Cross-Check

Plagtracker is an effective helping hand for teachers.


PlagScan allows teachers to copy paste or upload assignments of students. The web-based plagiarism detector will scan the content.

Site Facts

  • PlagScan offers the best security for the documents uploaded
  • The submitted document is compared with a database consisting of billions of other documents
  • The site allots information about the original source
  • The search index is regularly updated

PlagScan works on monthly subscription model. Institutions can buy accordingly.

5.The Plagiarism Checker

Plagiarism Checker was developed by a college student and he forgot about the site, then he realised that the site was getting attention among users. The site functions with simple copy-paste method.

Site Facts

  • The site is free
  • Plagiarism Checker allows the user to check long posts
  • Premium users can upload files  along with copy-paste option

The site is free and simple, long tests can be checked without error. 


Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) aims at providing quality education to students, thus contributing to the development of UAE. To fulfil the demands of a highly efficient education system, ADEC is looking forward to hire qualified, talented and multi-skilled employees. ADEC has joined hands with various recruiting agencies to recruit skilled teachers as part of the ADEC Licenced Teacher Program, who are passionate about bringing a difference in education.

The ADEC Licenced Teacher Program provides excellent self development opportunities to teachers. Continuous training will be provided to the teachers as part of workforce development activities by ADEC. Also, the hired employees will receive salary free of any taxes, with additional benefits and pension schemes for UAE Nationals.

The ADEC New School Model

It was proposed as part of the ADEC Licenced Teacher Program. There are 296 schools where ADEC plans to implement the ADEC Licenced Teacher Program.

According to the ADEC New School Model, the hired teachers will be placed in one of the three areas, which include Abu Dhabi city, Al Ain or Al Gharbia (the Western Region). Majority of the students will be local Emirati children whom the teachers will teach along with other Western teachers, Emirati teachers and Arab expatriate teachers.

The schools are divided into:

Kindergarten level (Early Years)

Cycle 1 (primary)

Cycle 2 (Middle School)

Cycle 3 (Secondary/High School)

Some campuses have Kindergarten and Cycle 1 schools together while other schools have their own campuses, depending on the size and location of the schools.

Generally, a class will have 15 to 30 students.

Teaching levels

Subjects taught by teachers hired using ADEC Licenced Teacher Program and the responsibility of a classroom differs at each level of school.

Kindergarten level– Teachers hired using ADEC Licenced Teacher Program will teach English, Maths and Science along with other essential subjects. They will be co-teaching with a local Arabic teacher.

Cycle 1– Teachers hired using ADEC Licenced Teacher Program will teach English, Maths and Science. They will be in charge of their own classroom.

Cycle 2- Teachers hired using ADEC Licenced Teacher Program will be teaching English, Maths or Science and they will be in charge of their own classroom.

Cycle 3– Teachers hired using ADEC Licenced Teacher Program will teach only English. They will be in charge of their own classroom.

Pay scale and other benefits

The salary scale of teachers, fixed by ADEC, depends on the qualifications of the teachers and their teaching experience. The salary amount ranges from 12,300AED – 20,400AED per month.

The teachers will also be provided with the following benefits:

  • Air fare– ADEC covers yearly air fare for teachers, their spouses and up to 3 dependents
  • Health Insurance-for teacher, spouse and up to 3 dependents
  • Accommodation-ADEC provides accommodation to the teachers and it will vary depending on family status, with an additional 20,000AED for furniture. Extra allowance will be provided if it is unfurnished.

The teachers will have to work from Sunday to Thursday, with 35-40 working hours per week. The summer break will be from mid-July to late August. There will also be a break in December, April and for national holidays. The duration of contract will be two years.


The candidates applying for a job under ADEC Licenced Teacher Program will have to fulfil the following criteria:

  • Fluency in English
  • At least a Bachelor’s Degree/PGCE or the equivalent
  • Teaching Qualifications (should be licenced/certified to teach in home state/country)
  • At least 2 years of teaching experience

ADEC strive to develop education and educational institutions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

Established in 2005 by the UAE President, His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces and the Ruler of Abu Dhabi, Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) is recognized as a driver of superior education system. The council aims at meeting the development goals of the emirate by managing, guiding and implementing various educational development strategies and initiatives in Abu Dhabi. 

This council manages the education system by dividing it into three – Public Schools ranging from kindergarten to adult education centers, around 185 Private Schools, and around 18 Higher Education institutions. From January 2008, the council became the supervising body of the Abu Dhabi Educational Zone (ADEZ). The council’s future vision is to make the Abu Dhabi education system world class with support for all learners in reaching their full potential to compete in the global market.

Role of this educational framework is to

  • Deliver technical assistance for developing education and education institutions in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
  • Plan education strategies in synchronization with the Ministry of Education within the framework of the UAE’s general education policy
  • Improve the capabilities of education institutions and employees by conducting studies and making suggestions to develop education and vocational training
  • Offer technical and solid assistance to educational institutions
  • Support relations between educational institutions and the private sector
  • Provide training for graduates and expose them to wide range of employment opportunities, thus raising the standard of education and vocational training.
  • Enable educational institutions to implement the education plans of the Emirate by providing them with assistance, counseling and technical services.
  • Create an educational database for the Emirate of Abu Dhabi
  • Inspire the private sector to provide quality education services, based on existing laws.

ADEC is responsible for dealing, guiding, adopting and implementing various educational development strategies and initiatives in Abu Dhabi. Along with the core activities, the council has also implemented a number of key initiatives to ensure world class education in Abu Dhabi. Initiatives include-

  • Irtiqa’a Program, a comprehensive school inspection system to monitor and benchmark performance quality education in our schools. The council’s school inspections are similar to the Dubai school inspections conducted by the DSIB division of the KHDA (Knowledge& Human Development Authority).
  • School master plan to ensure high quality education for all school-aged children
  • Library upgrade project to transform traditional libraries to 21st century  Learning Resource Centers
  • P-12 education system to organize education from Kindergarten through to Grade 12

ADEC also shows special concern for students with special education needs. Special education is offered for students with disabilities categorized as autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, hearing impairment, speech and language disorder, and multiple disabilities. Most schools in Abu Dhabi provide a broad curriculum within the framework outlined by both the UK Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and Abu Dhabi Education Council guidelines.

Being an educator under the council provides an extremely rewarding as well as exciting opportunity to practice your teaching expertise. It also offers some of the best salary and benefits packages worldwide. The council's “Teacher Guidebook” helps teachers understand the key philosophies, values, and guiding principles of ADEC’s New School Model. It also promotes training program to assist teachers in professional development.

The role of the council’s professional development for educators and school leaders is to help them achieve the ADEC Professional Standards. This also supports school leaders to lead their schools more efficiently. With higher education as the major concern of the Emirate, they have 18 HE institutions, offering a superb range of courses and facilities.

Abu Dhabi Education Council or ADEC was introduced in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi as per law no. 24 of 2005, issued by His Highness Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al- Nahiyan. The sole aim of the body was to develop education and educational institutions in Abu Dhabi. For this purpose the organization has implemented innovative educational policies, plans and programs throughout all private schools in Abu Dhabi.

It also gives support to educational institutions and its staffs to achieve the objective of national development in accordance to international standards. This ensures delivery of services which covers all sections of a society.

ADEC is a group of highly talented, qualified and multi-skilled people who aims to fulfill the need of educational reforms.

ADEC Vision

Public satisfaction is what decides the rise or fall of any institution and it is no different with ADEC. They have realized its importance and have ensured the very best of its services to the public. Moreover, they consider it their responsibility to ensure these services and their ability to meet the demands of the public is what makes them stand out.   

They have also made it sure that their services are distinguished. ADEC firmly believes that customers don’t depend on them, but they depend on the customers and hence they are entitled to provide the best services possible.

Efforts Taken

  • By 2008, all private schools in Abu Dhabi were registered under ADEC for the purpose of inspection. This helped them to evaluate the quality of education across these schools.
  • The availability of a proper database has allowed ADEC to ensure the schools can maintain their strength and tackle their weaknesses.
  • Schools have found that an external intervention for evaluations have helped them to improve exponentially.
  • ADEC also gives opportunity for schools to evaluate themselves and make the necessary changes to improve education.
  • ADEC launched a Library Upgrade Project that was aimed at developing and transforming school libraries into 21st century learning resource centers.
  • The movement started during 2006-2007 and has been one of most successful initiatives by ADEC.
  • As part of this, schools are visited and the existing facilities are accessed to better understand the extent of upgrade required.
  • The efforts of the organization has led to the introduction of high quality education systems that operate from a safe and attractive facilities that are appropriate for learning and at the same time environment friendly.
  • They also look to develop a curriculum that is relevant and tailored to meet the needs of students in Abu Dhabi.
  • ADEC is also responsible for ensure that the information that they have collected from their inspections be available to the public.
  • Introduced the idea of Parents Satisfaction Reports with the aim of giving schools an opinion from the point of parents and teachers.
  • Surveys are based on features like the school reputation, extracurricular activities, catering service, medical services, and administrative staff.
  • In 2008 ADEC embarked on a journey to build 100 new schools throughout Abu Dhabi by the year 2020.
  • ADEC has an EHS Section to facilitate, monitor and maintain a sustainable, healthy and safe education environments for staff, students, educators and administrators.

A modern classroom is defined by technology these days. There is constant pressure on teachers and administrators to implement technology in classes. Though there are several advantages of making use of technology in teaching, the question remains – can technology replace teachers in Future Classrooms? Well, the answer is clearly no. Though beneficial, technologies can never replace a teacher.

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Here’s the Reason Why

No matter how advanced or smart a computer program or a product is, it can never come close to the knowledge and life experience a teacher brings. Several researches have been conducted and it has been proven time and again that teachers bring about a change which no technology can. A teacher simply does not impart knowledge or information. And teaching is definitely not about facts and figures. A teacher leads, guides, facilitates and mentors a student. They are role models who set an example to students and drive them towards a brighter future. A good teacher encourages independent thoughts and independent learning. He/she can be a positive influence, can be an inspiration to set and achieve goals. The trust and bond between a teacher and student creates the perfect learning environment; which can never be achieved through virtual learning.

Having Said that,

In today’s age the old school method of books and notes will not work. Teachers have to stay updated with today’s trends and equip themselves with the latest in technology. They have to implement these technological innovations in their curriculum, without losing their control over the classroom. For example, there are several school apps and smart apps for preschoolers available that make the process of learning and teaching really simple. The future of education is clearly going to be personalized-tech infused learning.

The generation today loves technology.  To connect with students and help them understand better, a teacher will have to come out of the comfort zone and explore new ways to engage them. And, technology will certainly play an important role in achieving just that. Technology has immense potential to upgrade today’s educational system. There are several students’ apps and smart apps for preschoolers that help teachers improvise and enrich the overall teaching experience. New educational technologies will not only energize the students, but teachers as well. Which means, even in a technology-infused learning environment, the role of the teacher will remain ever-important.  Yes, it will become less traditional, but important nonetheless!

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So, where do we stand in this debate of teachers versus technology? Well, the answer will have to be the middle ground of the two. While classrooms cannot function without a teacher, the fact the remains that in the near future it will be the other way around too. Facilitating learning through technology presents tremendous opportunity for both the student and the teacher to deepen their knowledge and empower themselves. The teacher will have to become a facilitator of parting trustworthy information from electronic sources to the students. Teachers versus technology is an ongoing battle.

Technology plays a supporting role, but it’s the teacher who brings it all together. Technology is certainly changing the way students learn, but it cannot be termed as a replacement for teachers. High-quality teachers create a classroom culture that motivates students and leads them on the path of success. Technology cannot inspire, help them through their struggles, help them fight back and stand up. Yes! Technology can only be a helping factor to learn, but it cannot replace the knowledge and experience that come with a teacher. So, the future of education as believed by several institutes, including Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) and Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) will not be teachers versus technology, but it will be teachers plus technology. And as long as the balance is maintained we can expect an education system that not only promotes learning, but also opens doors to creative freedom and expression.

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