A signage for schools…

Featured to set up a pre-scheduled TV channel in schools!

A School TV can be placed in

School Reception






How can SchoolTVs be used?

In school reception to showcase the achievements and developments of the school.

In classrooms to show up a kind of live class for students with just a click.

In libraries to talk about books

In laboratories to display new experiments and scientists

“A seamless TV Channel module along with customizable features”

How can School TV benefit you?

Manage multiple large screens through a single window

Set your own channel with ‘Logo’. (Just like a news channel)

Classroom teaching can be made easier.

Notifications can be published with least efforts

How it Works?

Our Features

Easily customizable

100% responsive page

Can try almost 15 different layouts for your channel

Preview the content before publishing

Use any kind of content (PDF, videos, PPT, text message, files)

Pre-schedule data, time and date

Add more than 30 contents at once

How simply can you create “Your Own Channel”?

Click here to know how our channel would really look like
when set up in a school reception