easter activities for kids

Yet another Easter is approaching us in a few days and it is the time for another day of fun, energy and happiness. Games and interesting activities are inevitable elements for the occasion and enthusiasts have shared many new ideas to spice up the celebration.

Here we share a few of the most interesting Easter activities for kids to make the get together with cousins and friends memorable.

1. The Egg Drop:

This is one of the really exciting activities you can include for the day to spice things up. After all, such active games can turn on the mood of an entire circle of people and fill up with laughter.

In this activity, you are supposed to drop the egg from a particular height to the floor and one who manages to keep the egg unbroken wins.

Does it sound weird? Are you thinking how can an egg survive a fall? But you don’t need to worry as you can cushion it to prevent a break on fall. You will be given a range of items like tapes, cotton, old containers, cardboard, newspaper etc.

Your job is to use the materials wisely to build good cushion support for the egg to keep it unbroken on falling.

2. Easter Egg Bowling

This activity can actually give an Easter twist for the teens who have a love for bowling. The activity needs a bunch of hard-boiled eggs which should be arranged first and keep aside to cool.

Once it is done, the group of teens can be allowed to paint these eggs to bring out their artistic touch too.

A large chocolate egg can then be placed on a particular spot on the activity floor. Now the teen groups can take the painted eggs and try bowling towards this chocolate egg.

It would be pretty hard to reach the exact spot. So the teen who manages to reach the closest to the chocolate egg can be announced as the winner.

3. DIY Easter Crafts

This is another awesome activity that demands some creative thinking to come up with some really mind-blowing crafts. Unlike common games, ask the teens to contribute some sparkling ideas for DIY crafts.

You can even have a small competition, a guesswork game or dare to do rounds to make the session more fun. Have a look at some of the stunning ideas you can try for the DIY Easter crafts:

>>Make paint-filled eggs on canvas

>>Design jelly bean candles

>>An Easter basket out of candies

>>Craft stick Easter puzzles

>>Make jelly bean bracelets

>>Easter egg bath bombs

4. Cook Easter Dinner Together

Other than games, teens would love to make some serious contribution to Easter dinner. Parents can sit with them to set up the menu that would be ideal for the entire family and for guests.

Maybe you can start off with small items such as starters like fries, soups, salads or dessert this time and gain the confidence for a full-fledged meal for the next season.

The contribution of Easter dinner can even include setting up the dinner table and decorating the table and surrounding area for the occasion and serving the guests.

5. Map Hunt

Teens would find it easy to read a map now. This activity is usually done in a group where each of the members will be given a map which would be marked with some treasure points. The catch is to locate the treasures in the least possible time and return to starting point.

However, make sure that they carry enough water and snacks in case they fall tired in between. Also see that they have cell phones with emergency numbers in case they lose their way.

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6. Goal the Egg

This traditional English Easter activity is still one of the most popular activities during Easter. Take a bunch of hard-boiled eggs and allow them to cool. Now teens can get ready for an egg race where their role is to roll the egg down from a slope.

Two small goal posts can be arranged at a specific distance in the play area. The teens have to aim to let the egg roll in between these posts. The game can be made interesting by giving them turns to do the activity and by setting a limited number of chances overall.

The teen with the highest score wins the game. The distance between the posts can be rearranged and go for a retake in case of a tie.

7. Make a Bunny Cake

It won’t be a surprise to know that it is a festival of cakes too. Making cakes can be an interesting activity which can be tried by teens. You need not to go for a triple delight or designer cake but go for some interesting but simple options such as bunny cakes.

Parents can give a little supervision for the first time and can help them with the ingredients needed to make the cake. You can even have a trial session before the special day. Join with your friends and cousins to have a competition of making the most beautiful cake and let the guests rate you.

8. Toss The Egg

This is another interesting Easter activity played with eggs. First a few hard boiled or raw eggs can be taken and let the teens colour it. Once they are done, ask them to stand on the play area by keeping some equal distance between one another.

When the game starts, the teens have to toss the egg to the other person and then to others and so on.

The person who drops the egg will be out and this activity can be made more challenging by increasing the gap between the teens. The teen who remain last in the circle without dropping even a single egg wins.

9. The Fox and the Eggs

This is a fun activity which can be played in groups. One randomly selected teen will be the ‘fox’ and others will be ‘eggs’. Each ‘egg’ can decide a colour for them which should be kept as secret.

The egg has to then face the fox while the fox has to guess the colour of the egg. If the fox is wrong with the guess, the egg is safe and can go back to the ‘home basket’.

If the fox guesses it right, then the egg is in danger and has to run towards the home basket while fox runs to chase them. If they manage to reach home basket before fox touches them, they are safe. In case fox catches them, he will be the new fox.

10. Historical Hunt

This is a really interesting easter activity for teens where their job is to find out the historical monuments in their area. In this digital era, such activities are a good choice to let the teens connect with such historical pieces in a rather fun mode. The list can include heritage places and statues in a particular area.

The activity can even be organized in the form of teamwork where different teams set out for the task. You can give enough clues to let them know about what exactly are the types of historical pieces you are looking for. Giving a stipulated time frame can gear up the activity and improve the team spirit to come up with strategies to finish out first.

11. Easter Egg Rolling Race

This is, in fact, a fun race between teens where the eggs have to ‘run’ on behalf of them. Mark the race lines, the starting point and finishing line at first. Get ready on the starting point by keeping the egg on the start point. Each of the teens will be given a wooden spoon.

When the whistle blows for the race, the teens have to use the spoons to roll the egg towards the finish line. The teen who manages to reach the spot first wins the activity.

These are some of the randomly picked easter activities that can be tried out during this Easter day. After all, it is the day of get-togetherness and sharing with lots of fun.

The joy of these Easter activities are not limited to just kids or teens but adults can have a little matured versions of these games to have fun, as well.

If parents are looking for ways to make the teens fall in love with Easter, then don’t hesitate to share these activities with them. You can even restructure some of these games to family activities if you are planning to celebrate it abroad or some other place without the company of relatives or friends.

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