13 Benefits Of Using A Time Table Management Software

If you are a school authority, you can understand what a tedious task school time-table management is. The introduction of software to the education management field has changed this situation completely. A school management system involves everything that is required for the efficient working of a school. 

Managing timetables, routing and planning of school buses, allotting classes to teachers, calculating each employee’s leave, preparing pay scale, thus goes the list. 

Creating timetables are one of the biggest headaches for teachers. It can be confusing and time-consuming when done manually. Timetable management software is the best solution in such situations. 

Apart from generating efficient timetables, timetable management system software can also help you in the overall academic and administrative management of a school. The e-timetable by Edsys is one such software, which can help you in effective timetable and school management.

Here are a few ways time table management software can benefit you:

1. No more Paperwork

No more paperwork - Time Table Management Software

The toughest thing about manual school management is the endless list of paperwork. Time table management software, with its simple and user- friendly interface helps users with effective school management. With its introduction, school related operations became paperless and confusion-free.

2. No more Confusion

No more confusion - Time Table Management Software

Creating timetables manually is a headache for teachers. With timetable software, it is possible for you to automatically generate timetables effectively, sticking by the requirements. Timetable management software generates timetables considering the limitations such as availability of teachers, special rooms, classes etc. 

3. Automatic Timetable Generation

Automatic timetable generation - Time Table Management Software

If you are using timetable management software, you no longer have to spend hours figuring out the timetable for each class. You just need to enter your criteria and within no time, you will get your timetable generated without any hassle. 

4. It is Error-Free

It is error-free - Time Table Management Software

When you manually prepare a timetable, you tend to make errors. You may end up with allotting   two  teachers for a single Shop @ TrackSchoolBusclass at a time or vice versa, or you may miss the allotment of certain periods. Timetable management software helps you to avoid such errors. In case, there is an error in the data you entered, timetable management software detects them and provide alternatives, thus helping you create an accurate timetable possible.  

5. Substitution Management made Easy

Substitution management made easy - Time Table Management Software

You come to school and you get to know that a teacher is absent. You will surely panic because you have to revise the day’s timetable as soon as possible. You’ll have to check if the  leave has been marked by any other teachers and allot the classes to the teachers already present, within a short period of time. Timetable management software can help you avoid such chaos. Timetable management software looks into leave taken by teachers and allot substitutions accordingly.

 6. Generate records easily

Generate records easily - Time Table Management Software

Generating records on leave taken and other details of individual employees of a school is another hurdle you may come across while manual school management. With the help of a timetable management software, you can generate reports on a monthly basis, which include:

  • Substitutions made on a daily basis
  • Informed and uninformed leaves taken by teachersgivenday or 
  • Working hours of each employee

7. Access to every employee’s details

Access to every employee’s details - Time Table Management Software

When you create records on every employee of a school, you can end up making errors, or you may miss out some details. May be, you will have to search the whole school in case you need some details regarding an employee in the future. Timetable management software can come handy in such situations. It stores every employee details and you can easily access them in case you need to refer it in future. 

 8. Number of working days does not matter

Number of working days does not matter - Time Table Management Software

Number of working days of each school differs, so does the effort taken for effective school management. But it does not affect you at all, if you are using a timetable management software. You can easily create efficient timetables for schools with any number of working days. 

9. Preparation of pay scales made easy

Preparation of pay scales made easy - Time Table Management Software

Preparation of pay scales is another painstaking job in terms of effective school management. You have to go through leave taken by each employee to prepare pay scales. Since, timetable management software generates reports on leave taken by employees, preparation of pay scales is no more a tough task. 

10. Timetables for Whole School

Timetables For Whole School - Time Table Management Software

Preparing timetable for a class itself is a laborious task, forget whole school. Time table management software is there for your help. It not only creates timetable for the entire school, but also helps you in saving energy, time and money. If you are still depending on manual school management system, it’s time you switch to a timetable management software. Available at an affordable price, it is cost-effective and helps you save plenty of time and it also helps you in preparing the best timetables possible for your school.

11. Increased Security And Confidentiality

Increased Security And Confidentiality - Time Table Management Software

No outsider is permitted to change the timetable, which is already stored in the system. There will be restricted access for users. Modifications can be made only by the relevant authorities in the school. Hence, the timetable generated will be secure and confidential.

12. Easy Integration

Easy Integration - Time Table Management Software

The timetable of a school can be easily integrated with calendar applications. And, you will be able to receive notifications via email, SMS alerts, and reminders whenever the timetable gets modified or generated.

13. Efficient Resource Allocation

Efficient Resource Allocation - Time Table Management Software

With the help of a time table management software, you can assign teachers and classrooms, and improve the task of resource allocation in other staff in the best possible manner.


By analysing today's scenario, usage of time table management software is advantageous than preparing timetable manually. It helps in reducing risk as well as  headache of school authorities, especially the teachers who are responsible for creating timetable. Thus, it is better to take the aid of software for better management of schools.

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